Commit 21ba5019 by Calen Pennington

Revert "Make import work via mako again, to unblock others while I work on…

Revert "Make import work via mako again, to unblock others while I work on making the LMS work using XModuleDescriptors"

This reverts commit 6fdf44fe.
parent 3c60d1a9
......@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ from keystore.django import keystore
from raw_module import RawDescriptor
from lxml import etree
from fs.osfs import OSFS
from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup
from path import path
from x_module import XModuleDescriptor, XMLParsingSystem
......@@ -28,32 +27,30 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
org, course, data_dir = args
data_dir = path(data_dir)
class ImportSystem(XMLParsingSystem):
def __init__(self):
self.load_item = keystore().get_item
self.fs = OSFS(data_dir)
def process_xml(self, xml):
xml_data = etree.fromstring(xml)
raise CommandError("Unable to parse xml: " + xml)
if not xml_data.get('name'):
global unnamed_modules
unnamed_modules += 1
xml_data.set('name', '{tag}_{count}'.format(tag=xml_data.tag, count=unnamed_modules))
module = XModuleDescriptor.load_from_xml(etree.tostring(xml_data), self, org, course, RawDescriptor)
if 'data' in module.definition:
keystore().update_item(module.url, module.definition['data'])
if 'children' in module.definition:
keystore().update_children(module.url, module.definition['children'])
return module
lookup = TemplateLookup(directories=[data_dir])
template = lookup.get_template("course.xml")
course_string = template.render(groups=[])
with open(data_dir / "course.xml") as course_file:
class ImportSystem(XMLParsingSystem):
def __init__(self):
self.load_item = keystore().get_item
self.fs = OSFS(data_dir)
def process_xml(self, xml):
xml_data = etree.fromstring(xml)
raise CommandError("Unable to parse xml: " + xml)
if not xml_data.get('name'):
global unnamed_modules
unnamed_modules += 1
xml_data.set('name', '{tag}_{count}'.format(tag=xml_data.tag, count=unnamed_modules))
module = XModuleDescriptor.load_from_xml(etree.tostring(xml_data), self, org, course, RawDescriptor)
if 'data' in module.definition:
keystore().update_item(module.url, module.definition['data'])
if 'children' in module.definition:
keystore().update_children(module.url, module.definition['children'])
return module
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