Commit 21af0493 by Will Daly

Added unit tests for capa_module reset_problem()

parent 9743f6be
......@@ -703,7 +703,12 @@ class CapaModule(XModule):
''' Changes problem state to unfinished -- removes student answers,
and causes problem to rerender itself.
Returns problem html as { 'html' : html-string }.
Returns a dictionary of the form:
{'success': True/False,
'html': Problem HTML string }
If an error occurs, the dictionary will also have an
'error' key containing an error message.
event_info = dict()
event_info['old_state'] = self.lcp.get_state()
......@@ -734,7 +739,8 @@ class CapaModule(XModule):
event_info['new_state'] = self.lcp.get_state()
self.system.track_function('reset_problem', event_info)
return {'html': self.get_problem_html(encapsulate=False)}
return { 'success': True,
'html': self.get_problem_html(encapsulate=False)}
class CapaDescriptor(RawDescriptor):
import datetime
import json
from mock import Mock, patch
from mock import Mock, MagicMock, patch
from pprint import pprint
import unittest
......@@ -465,3 +465,60 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Expect that the number of attempts is NOT incremented
self.assertEqual(module.attempts, 1)
def test_reset_problem(self):
module = CapaFactory.create()
# Mock the module's capa problem
# to simulate that the problem is done
mock_problem = MagicMock(capa.capa_problem.LoncapaProblem)
mock_problem.done = True
module.lcp = mock_problem
# Stub out HTML rendering
with patch('xmodule.capa_module.CapaModule.get_problem_html') as mock_html:
mock_html.return_value = "<div>Test HTML</div>"
# Reset the problem
get_request_dict = {}
result = module.reset_problem(get_request_dict)
# Expect that the request was successful
self.assertTrue('success' in result and result['success'])
# Expect that the problem HTML is retrieved
self.assertTrue('html' in result)
self.assertEqual(result['html'], "<div>Test HTML</div>")
# Expect that the problem was reset
def test_reset_problem_closed(self):
module = CapaFactory.create()
# Simulate that the problem is closed
with patch('xmodule.capa_module.CapaModule.closed') as mock_closed:
mock_closed.return_value = True
# Try to reset the problem
get_request_dict = {}
result = module.reset_problem(get_request_dict)
# Expect that the problem was NOT reset
self.assertTrue('success' in result and not result['success'])
def test_reset_problem_not_done(self):
module = CapaFactory.create()
# Simulate that the problem is NOT done
module.lcp.done = False
# Try to reset the problem
get_request_dict = {}
result = module.reset_problem(get_request_dict)
# Expect that the problem was NOT reset
self.assertTrue('success' in result and not result['success'])
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