Commit 214ccaab by JonahStanley

Fixed notification and code mirror for firefox

parent 7056c803
......@@ -70,8 +70,10 @@ def press_the_notification_button(_step, name):
confirmation_dismissed = world.is_css_not_present('.is-shown.wrapper-notification-warning')
error_showing = world.is_css_present('.is-shown.wrapper-notification-error')
return confirmation_dismissed or error_showing
world.css_click(css, success_condition=button_clicked), '%s button not clicked after 5 attempts.' % name
if world.browser.driver_name == 'Firefox':
world.css_click(css, success_condition=button_clicked), '%s button not clicked after 5 attempts.' % name
@step('I change the "(.*)" field to "(.*)"$')
......@@ -272,7 +274,7 @@ def i_am_shown_a_notification(step, notification_type):
def type_in_codemirror(index, text):
world.css_click(".CodeMirror", index=index)
world.css_click("div.CodeMirror-lines", index=index)
world.browser.execute_script("$('div.CodeMirror.CodeMirror-focused > div').css('overflow', '')")
g = world.css_find("div.CodeMirror.CodeMirror-focused > div > textarea")
if world.is_mac():
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