Commit 20df6dec by Feanil Patel

Default to unicode for sass compilation.

If no default is provided, sass falls back to the system
default. This fails when the system default is not unicode because
various sass files have unicode characters in them.
parent fd4d8168
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ def sass_cmd(watch=false, debug=false)
"sass #{debug ? '--debug-info' : '--style compressed'} " +
"--load-path #{sass_load_paths.join(' ')} " +
"--require ./common/static/sass/bourbon/lib/bourbon.rb " +
"#{watch ? '--watch' : '--update'} #{sass_watch_paths.join(' ')}"
"#{watch ? '--watch' : '--update'} -E utf-8 #{sass_watch_paths.join(' ')}"
desc "Compile all assets"
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