Commit 2087b815 by Will Daly

Created MockXQueueServer which listens on a local port

and simulates an XQueue.
parent 39d451d9
from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
import json
import urllib
import urlparse
class MockXQueueRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
A handler for XQueue POST requests.
protocol = "HTTP/1.0"
def do_HEAD(self):
def do_POST(self):
Handle a POST request from the client, interpreted
as either a login request or a submission for grading request.
Sends back an immediate success/failure response.
If grading is required, it then POSTS back to the client
with grading results, as configured in MockXQueueServer.
# Retrieve the POST data
post_dict = self._post_dict()
# Send a response indicating success/failure
success = self._send_immediate_response(post_dict)
# If the client submitted a valid submission request,
# we need to post back to the callback url
# with the grading result
if success and self._is_grade_request():
def _send_head(self):
Send the response code and MIME headers
if self._is_login_request() or self._is_grade_request():
self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/plain')
def _post_dict(self):
Retrieve the POST parameters from the client as a dictionary
length = int(self.headers.getheader('content-length'))
post_dict = urlparse.parse_qs(
# The POST dict will contain a list of values
# for each key.
# None of our parameters are lists, however,
# so we map [val] --> val
# If the list contains multiple entries,
# we pick the first one
post_dict = dict(map(lambda (key, list_val): (key, list_val[0]),
# We return an empty dict here, on the assumption
# that when we later check that the request has
# the correct fields, it won't find them,
# and will therefore send an error response
return {}
return post_dict
def _send_immediate_response(self, post_dict):
Check the post_dict for the appropriate fields
for this request (login or grade submission)
If it finds them, inform the client of success.
Otherwise, inform the client of failure
# Allow any user to log in, as long as the POST
# dict has a username and password
if self._is_login_request():
success = 'username' in post_dict and 'password' in post_dict
elif self._is_grade_request():
success = ('lms_callback_url' in post_dict and
'lms_key' in post_dict and
'queue_name' in post_dict)
success = False
# Send the response indicating success/failure
response_str = json.dumps({'return_code': 0 if success else 1,
'content': '' if success else 'Error'})
return success
def _send_grade_response(self, postback_url, queuekey):
POST the grade response back to the client
using the response provided by the server configuration
response_dict = {'queuekey': queuekey,
'xqueue_body': self.server.grade_response}
MockXQueueRequestHandler.post_to_url(postback_url, response_dict)
def _is_login_request(self):
return 'xqueue/login' in self.path
def _is_grade_request(self):
return 'xqueue/submit' in self.path
def post_to_url(url, param_dict):
POST *param_dict* to *url*
We make this a separate function so we can easily patch
it during testing.
urllib.urlopen(url, urllib.urlencode(param_dict))
class MockXQueueServer(HTTPServer):
A mock XQueue grading server that responds
to POST requests to localhost.
def __init__(self, port_num, grade_response_dict):
Initialize the mock XQueue server instance.
*port_num* is the localhost port to listen to
*grade_response_dict* is a dictionary that will be JSON-serialized
and sent in response to XQueue grading requests.
self.grade_response = grade_response_dict
handler = MockXQueueRequestHandler
address = ('', port_num)
HTTPServer.__init__(self, address, handler)
def grade_response(self):
return self._grade_response
def grade_response(self, grade_response_dict):
self._grade_response = grade_response_dict
# ----------------------------
# Tests
import mock
import threading
import unittest
class MockXQueueServerTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
# Create the server
server_port = 8034
self.server_url = '' % server_port
self.server = MockXQueueServer(server_port,
{'correct': True, 'score': 1, 'msg': ''})
# Start the server in a separate daemon thread
server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.server.serve_forever)
server_thread.daemon = True
def tearDown(self):
# Stop the server, freeing up the port
def test_login_request(self):
# Send a login request
login_request = {'username': 'Test', 'password': 'Test'}
response_handle = urllib.urlopen(self.server_url + '/xqueue/login',
response_dict = json.loads(
self.assertEqual(response_dict['return_code'], 0)
def test_grade_request(self):
# Patch post_to_url() so we can intercept
# outgoing POST requests from the server
MockXQueueRequestHandler.post_to_url = mock.Mock()
# Send a grade request
callback_url = ''
grade_request = {'lms_callback_url': callback_url,
'lms_key': 'test_queuekey',
'queue_name': 'test_queue'}
response_handle = urllib.urlopen(self.server_url + '/xqueue/submit',
response_dict = json.loads(
# Expect that the response is success
self.assertEqual(response_dict['return_code'], 0)
# Expect that the server tries to post back the grading info
expected_callback_dict = {'queuekey': 'test_queuekey',
'xqueue_body': {'correct': True,
'score': 1, 'msg': ''}}
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