@@ -76,7 +78,7 @@ from openedx.core.djangolib.js_utils import (
<h3class="title-3">${_("Content Groups")}</h3>
<p>${_("If you have cohorts enabled in your course, you can use content groups to create cohort-specific courseware. In other words, you can customize the content that particular cohorts see in your course.")}</p>
<p>${_("Each content group that you create can be associated with one or more cohorts. In addition to course content that is intended for all students, you can designate some content as visible only to specified content groups. Only learners in the cohorts that are associated with the specified content groups see the additional content.")}</p>
<p>${_("Click {em_start}New content group{em_end} to add a new content group. To edit the name of a content group, hover over its box and click {em_start}Edit{em_end}. You can delete a content group only if it is not in use by a unit. To delete a content group, hover over its box and click the delete icon.").format(em_start="<strong>", em_end="</strong>")}</p>
<p>${Text(_("Click {em_start}New content group{em_end} to add a new content group. To edit the name of a content group, hover over its box and click {em_start}Edit{em_end}. You can delete a content group only if it is not in use by a unit. To delete a content group, hover over its box and click the delete icon.")).format(em_start=HTML("<strong>"), em_end=HTML("</strong>"))}</p>
@@ -85,7 +87,7 @@ from openedx.core.djangolib.js_utils import (
<h3class="title-3">${_("Experiment Group Configurations")}</h3>
<p>${_("Use experiment group configurations if you are conducting content experiments, also known as A/B testing, in your course. Experiment group configurations define how many groups of students are in a content experiment. When you create a content experiment for a course, you select the group configuration to use.")}</p>
<p>${_("Click {em_start}New Group Configuration{em_end} to add a new configuration. To edit a configuration, hover over its box and click {em_start}Edit{em_end}. You can delete a group configuration only if it is not in use in an experiment. To delete a configuration, hover over its box and click the delete icon.").format(em_start="<strong>", em_end="</strong>")}</p>
<p>${Text(_("Click {em_start}New Group Configuration{em_end} to add a new configuration. To edit a configuration, hover over its box and click {em_start}Edit{em_end}. You can delete a group configuration only if it is not in use in an experiment. To delete a configuration, hover over its box and click the delete icon.")).format(em_start=HTML("<strong>"), em_end=HTML("</strong>"))}</p>
<div class="input-wrap field text required add-collection-name <% if(error && error.attributes && error.attributes.name) { print('error'); } %>">
<label for="group-cohort-name-<%= uniqueId %>"><%= gettext("Content Group Name") %></label><%
<label for="group-cohort-name-<%- uniqueId %>"><%- gettext("Content Group Name") %></label><%
if (!_.isUndefined(id) && !_.isEmpty(id)) {
%><span class="group-configuration-id">
<span class="group-configuration-label"><%= gettext('Content Group ID') %></span>
<span class="group-configuration-value"><%= id %></span>
<span class="group-configuration-label"><%- gettext('Content Group ID') %></span>
<span class="group-configuration-value"><%- id %></span>
<input name="group-cohort-name" id="group-cohort-name-<%= uniqueId %>" class="collection-name-input input-text" value="<%- name %>" type="text" placeholder="<%= gettext("This is the name of the group") %>">
<input name="group-cohort-name" id="group-cohort-name-<%- uniqueId %>" class="collection-name-input input-text" value="<%- name %>" type="text" placeholder="<%- gettext("This is the name of the group") %>">
<span class="group-configuration-value"><%- id %></span>
<input id="group-configuration-name-<%= uniqueId %>" class="collection-name-input input-text" name="group-configuration-name" type="text" placeholder="<%= gettext("This is the Name of the Group Configuration") %>" value="<%= name %>">
<span class="tip tip-stacked"><%= gettext("Name or short description of the configuration") %></span>
<input id="group-configuration-name-<%- uniqueId %>" class="collection-name-input input-text" name="group-configuration-name" type="text" placeholder="<%- gettext("This is the Name of the Group Configuration") %>" value="<%- name %>">
<span class="tip tip-stacked"><%- gettext("Name or short description of the configuration") %></span>
<div class="input-wrap field text add-group-configuration-description">
<textarea id="group-configuration-description-<%= uniqueId %>" class="group-configuration-description-input text input-text" name="group-configuration-description" placeholder="<%= gettext("This is the Description of the Group Configuration") %>"><%= description %></textarea>
<span class="tip tip-stacked"><%= gettext("Optional long description") %></span>
<textarea id="group-configuration-description-<%- uniqueId %>" class="group-configuration-description-input text input-text" name="group-configuration-description" placeholder="<%- gettext("This is the Description of the Group Configuration") %>"><%- description %></textarea>
<span class="tip tip-stacked"><%- gettext("Optional long description") %></span>
<span class="tip tip-stacked"><%= gettext("Name of the groups that students will be assigned to, for example, Control, Video, Problems. You must have two or more groups.") %></span>
<span class="tip tip-stacked"><%- gettext("Name of the groups that students will be assigned to, for example, Control, Video, Problems. You must have two or more groups.") %></span>
<ol class="groups list-input enum"></ol>
<button class="action action-add-group action-add-item"><i class="icon fa fa-plus"></i> <%= gettext("Add another group") %></button>
<button class="action action-add-group action-add-item"><i class="icon fa fa-plus"></i> <%- gettext("Add another group") %></button>
<%= gettext('This configuration is currently used in content experiments. If you make changes to the groups, you may need to edit those experiments.') %>
<%- gettext('This configuration is currently used in content experiments. If you make changes to the groups, you may need to edit those experiments.') %>
<i class="icon fa fa-info-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<%= interpolate(
gettext('To review student cohort assignments or see the results of uploading a CSV file, download course profile information or cohort results on %(link_start)s the Data Download page. %(link_end)s'),
gettext('To review student cohort assignments or see the results of uploading a CSV file, download course profile information or cohort results on {link_start} the Data Download page. {link_end}'),