Commit 1f71a67a by Don Mitchell

Deleting a child of a unit should convert the unit to draft

if the unit is draftable but isn't yet draft.
parent 1bc48af7
......@@ -409,6 +409,14 @@ class DraftModuleStore(MongoModuleStore):
# remove subtree from its parent
parent_locations = self._get_raw_parent_locations(location, key_revision=parent_revision)
# if no parents, then we're trying to delete something which we should convert to draft
if not parent_locations:
# find the published parent, convert it to draft, then manipulate the draft
parent_locations = self._get_raw_parent_locations(location, key_revision=MongoRevisionKey.published)
# parent_locations will still be empty if the object was an orphan
if parent_locations:
draft_parent = self.convert_to_draft(parent_locations[0], user_id)
parent_locations = [draft_parent.location]
# there could be 2 parents if
# Case 1: the draft item moved from one parent to another
# Case 2: revision==ModuleStoreEnum.RevisionOption.all and the single parent has 2 versions: draft and published
......@@ -561,7 +569,7 @@ class DraftModuleStore(MongoModuleStore):
if published_parent == item_location:
# Case 1: child was deleted in draft parent item
# So, delete published version of the child now that we're publishing the draft parent
self._delete_subtree(item_location, [as_published])
self._delete_subtree(orig_child, [as_published])
# Case 2: child was moved to a new draft parent item
# So, do not delete the child. It will be published when the new parent is published.
......@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ class TestPublish(SplitWMongoCourseBoostrapper):
To reproduce a bug (STUD-811) publish a vertical, convert to draft, delete a child, move a child, publish.
See if deleted and moved children still is connected or exists in db (bug was disconnected but existed)
location = self.old_course_key.make_usage_key('vertical', name='Vert1')
item = self.draft_mongo.get_item(location, 2)
vert_location = self.old_course_key.make_usage_key('vertical', name='Vert1')
item = self.draft_mongo.get_item(vert_location, 2)
# Vert1 has 3 children; so, publishes 4 nodes which may mean 4 inserts & 1 bulk remove
# 25-June-2014 find calls are 19. Probably due to inheritance recomputation?
# 02-July-2014 send calls are 7. 5 from above, plus 2 for updating subtree edit info for Chapter1 and course
......@@ -73,24 +73,16 @@ class TestPublish(SplitWMongoCourseBoostrapper):
self.draft_mongo.publish(item.location, self.userid)
# verify status
item = self.draft_mongo.get_item(location, 0)
item = self.draft_mongo.get_item(vert_location, 0)
self.assertFalse(getattr(item, 'is_draft', False), "Item was published. Draft should not exist")
# however, children are still draft, but I'm not sure that's by design
# convert back to draft
self.draft_mongo.convert_to_draft(location, self.userid)
# both draft and published should exist
draft_vert = self.draft_mongo.get_item(location, 0)
self.assertTrue(getattr(draft_vert, 'is_draft', False), "Item was converted to draft but doesn't say so")
item = self.old_mongo.get_item(location, 0)
self.assertFalse(getattr(item, 'is_draft', False), "Published item doesn't say so")
# delete the draft version of the discussion
location = self.old_course_key.make_usage_key('discussion', name='Discussion1')
self.draft_mongo.delete_item(location, self.userid)
draft_vert = self.draft_mongo.get_item(draft_vert.location, 0)
# remove pointer from draft vertical (still there b/c not refetching vert)
draft_vert = self.draft_mongo.get_item(vert_location, 0)
self.assertTrue(getattr(draft_vert, 'is_draft', False), "Deletion didn't convert parent to draft")
self.assertNotIn(location, draft_vert.children)
# move the other child
other_child_loc = self.old_course_key.make_usage_key('html', name='Html2')
......@@ -100,8 +92,8 @@ class TestPublish(SplitWMongoCourseBoostrapper):
self.draft_mongo.update_item(draft_vert, self.userid)
self.draft_mongo.update_item(other_vert, self.userid)
# publish
self.draft_mongo.publish(draft_vert.location, self.userid)
item = self.old_mongo.get_item(draft_vert.location, 0)
self.draft_mongo.publish(vert_location, self.userid)
item = self.old_mongo.get_item(vert_location, 0)
self.assertNotIn(location, item.children)
with self.assertRaises(ItemNotFoundError):
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