Commit 1f61f6ce by Carlos Andrés Rocha

Merge pull request #1409 from MITx/feature/valera/video_alpha

Feature/valera/video alpha
parents 5134c99d 237e6ff6
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ setup(
"timelimit = xmodule.timelimit_module:TimeLimitDescriptor",
"vertical = xmodule.vertical_module:VerticalDescriptor",
"video = xmodule.video_module:VideoDescriptor",
"videoalpha = xmodule.videoalpha_module:VideoAlphaDescriptor",
"videodev = xmodule.backcompat_module:TranslateCustomTagDescriptor",
"videosequence = xmodule.seq_module:SequenceDescriptor",
"discussion = xmodule.discussion_module:DiscussionDescriptor",
# Please do not ignore *.js files. Some xmodules are written in JS.
class @VideoAlpha
constructor: (element) ->
@el = $(element).find('.video')
@id = @el.attr('id').replace(/video_/, '')
@start ='start')
@end ='end')
@caption_data_dir ='caption-data-dir')
@caption_asset_path ='caption-asset-path')
@show_captions ='show-captions').toString() == "true"
@el = $("#video_#{@id}")
if @parseYoutubeId("streams")) is true
@videoType = "youtube"
@videoType = "html5"
@speeds = ['0.75', '1.0', '1.25', '1.50']
sub ='sub')
if (typeof sub isnt "string") or (sub.length is 0)
sub = ""
@show_captions = false
@videos =
"0.75": sub
"1.0": sub
"1.25": sub
"1.5": sub
@setSpeed $.cookie('video_speed')
$("#video_#{@id}").data('video', this).addClass('video-load-complete')
if @show_captions is true
@hide_captions = $.cookie('hide_captions') == 'true'
@hide_captions = true
$.cookie('hide_captions', @hide_captions, expires: 3650, path: '/')
@el.addClass 'closed'
if ((@videoType is "youtube") and (YT.Player)) or ((@videoType is "html5") and (HTML5Video.Player))
if @videoType is "youtube"
window.onYouTubePlayerAPIReady = =>
else if @videoType is "html5"
window.onHTML5PlayerAPIReady = =>
youtubeId: (speed)->
@videos[speed || @speed]
parseYoutubeId: (videos)->
return false if (typeof videos isnt "string") or (videos.length is 0)
@videos = {}
$.each videos.split(/,/), (index, video) =>
speed = undefined
video = video.split(/:/)
speed = parseFloat(video[0]).toFixed(2).replace(/\.00$/, ".0")
@videos[speed] = video[1]
parseHtml5Sources: (mp4Source, webmSource, oggSource)->
@html5Sources =
mp4: null
webm: null
ogg: null
@html5Sources.mp4 = mp4Source if (typeof mp4Source is "string") and (mp4Source.length > 0)
@html5Sources.webm = webmSource if (typeof webmSource is "string") and (webmSource.length > 0)
@html5Sources.ogg = oggSource if (typeof oggSource is "string") and (oggSource.length > 0)
parseSpeed: ->
@speeds = ($.map @videos, (url, speed) -> speed).sort()
@setSpeed $.cookie('video_speed')
setSpeed: (newSpeed, updateCookie)->
if @speeds.indexOf(newSpeed) isnt -1
@speed = newSpeed
if updateCookie isnt false
$.cookie "video_speed", "" + newSpeed,
expires: 3650
path: "/"
@speed = "1.0"
embed: ->
@player = new VideoPlayerAlpha video: this
fetchMetadata: (url) ->
@metadata = {}
$.each @videos, (speed, url) =>
$.get "{url}?v=2&alt=jsonc", ((data) => @metadata[] = , 'jsonp'
getDuration: ->
log: (eventName)->
logInfo =
id: @id
code: @youtubeId()
currentTime: @player.currentTime
speed: @speed
if @videoType is "youtube"
logInfo.code = @youtubeId()
else logInfo.code = "html5" if @videoType is "html5"
Logger.log eventName, logInfo
class @SubviewAlpha
constructor: (options) ->
$.each options, (key, value) =>
@[key] = value
$: (selector) ->
$(selector, @el)
initialize: ->
render: ->
bind: ->
class @VideoCaptionAlpha extends SubviewAlpha
initialize: ->
@loaded = false
bind: ->
$(window).bind('resize', @resize)
@$('.hide-subtitles').click @toggle
.mousemove(@onMovement).bind('mousewheel', @onMovement)
.bind('DOMMouseScroll', @onMovement)
captionURL: ->
render: ->
# TODO: make it so you can have a video with no captions.
#@$('.video-wrapper').after """
# <ol class="subtitles"><li>Attempting to load captions...</li></ol>
# """
@$('.video-wrapper').after """
<ol class="subtitles"></ol>
@$('.video-controls .secondary-controls').append """
<a href="#" class="hide-subtitles" title="Turn off captions">Captions</a>
@$('.subtitles').css maxHeight: @$('.video-wrapper').height() - 5
fetchCaption: ->
$.getWithPrefix @captionURL(), (captions) =>
@captions = captions.text
@start = captions.start
@loaded = true
if onTouchBasedDevice()
$('.subtitles li').html "Caption will be displayed when you start playing the video."
renderCaption: ->
container = $('<ol>')
$.each @captions, (index, text) =>
container.append $('<li>').html(text).attr
'data-index': index
'data-start': @start[index]
@$('.subtitles li[data-index]').click @seekPlayer
# prepend and append an empty <li> for cosmetic reason
@$('.subtitles').prepend($('<li class="spacing">').height(@topSpacingHeight()))
.append($('<li class="spacing">').height(@bottomSpacingHeight()))
@rendered = true
search: (time) ->
if @loaded
min = 0
max = @start.length - 1
while min < max
index = Math.ceil((max + min) / 2)
if time < @start[index]
max = index - 1
if time >= @start[index]
min = index
return min
play: ->
if @loaded
@renderCaption() unless @rendered
@playing = true
pause: ->
if @loaded
@playing = false
updatePlayTime: (time) ->
if @loaded
# This 250ms offset is required to match the video speed
time = Math.round(Time.convert(time, @currentSpeed, '1.0') * 1000 + 250)
newIndex = @search time
if newIndex != undefined && @currentIndex != newIndex
if @currentIndex
@$(".subtitles li.current").removeClass('current')
@$(".subtitles li[data-index='#{newIndex}']").addClass('current')
@currentIndex = newIndex
resize: =>
@$('.subtitles').css maxHeight: @captionHeight()
@$('.subtitles .spacing:first').height(@topSpacingHeight())
@$('.subtitles .spacing:last').height(@bottomSpacingHeight())
onMouseEnter: =>
clearTimeout @frozen if @frozen
@frozen = setTimeout @onMouseLeave, 10000
onMovement: =>
onMouseLeave: =>
clearTimeout @frozen if @frozen
@frozen = null
@scrollCaption() if @playing
scrollCaption: ->
if !@frozen && @$('.subtitles .current:first').length
@$('.subtitles').scrollTo @$('.subtitles .current:first'),
offset: - @calculateOffset(@$('.subtitles .current:first'))
seekPlayer: (event) =>
time = Math.round(Time.convert($('start'), '1.0', @currentSpeed) / 1000)
$(@).trigger('seek', time)
calculateOffset: (element) ->
@captionHeight() / 2 - element.height() / 2
topSpacingHeight: ->
@calculateOffset(@$('.subtitles li:not(.spacing):first'))
bottomSpacingHeight: ->
@calculateOffset(@$('.subtitles li:not(.spacing):last'))
toggle: (event) =>
if @el.hasClass('closed') # Captions are "closed" e.g. turned off
else # Captions are on
hideCaptions: (hide_captions) =>
if hide_captions
@$('.hide-subtitles').attr('title', 'Turn on captions')
@$('.hide-subtitles').attr('title', 'Turn off captions')
$.cookie('hide_captions', hide_captions, expires: 3650, path: '/')
captionHeight: ->
if @el.hasClass('fullscreen')
$(window).height() - @$('.video-controls').height()
class @VideoControlAlpha extends SubviewAlpha
bind: ->
@$('.video_control').click @togglePlayback
render: ->
@el.append """
<div class="slider"></div>
<ul class="vcr">
<li><a class="video_control" href="#"></a></li>
<div class="vidtime">0:00 / 0:00</div>
<div class="secondary-controls">
<a href="#" class="add-fullscreen" title="Fill browser">Fill Browser</a>
unless onTouchBasedDevice()
play: ->
pause: ->
togglePlayback: (event) =>
if @$('.video_control').hasClass('play')
else if @$('.video_control').hasClass('pause')
class @VideoProgressSliderAlpha extends SubviewAlpha
initialize: ->
@buildSlider() unless onTouchBasedDevice()
buildSlider: ->
@slider = @el.slider
range: 'min'
change: @onChange
slide: @onSlide
stop: @onStop
buildHandle: ->
@handle = @$('.slider .ui-slider-handle')
content: "#{Time.format(@slider.slider('value'))}"
my: 'bottom center'
at: 'top center'
container: @handle
delay: 700
classes: 'ui-tooltip-slider'
widget: true
play: =>
@buildSlider() unless @slider
updatePlayTime: (currentTime, duration) ->
if @slider && !@frozen
@slider.slider('option', 'max', duration)
@slider.slider('value', currentTime)
onSlide: (event, ui) =>
@frozen = true
$(@).trigger('seek', ui.value)
onChange: (event, ui) =>
onStop: (event, ui) =>
@frozen = true
$(@).trigger('seek', ui.value)
setTimeout (=> @frozen = false), 200
updateTooltip: (value)->
@handle.qtip('option', 'content.text', "#{Time.format(value)}")
class @VideoQualityControlAlpha extends SubviewAlpha
initialize: ->
@quality = null;
bind: ->
@$('.quality_control').click @toggleQuality
render: ->
@el.append """
<a href="#" class="quality_control" title="HD">HD</a>
onQualityChange: (value) ->
@quality = value
if @quality in ['hd720', 'hd1080', 'highres']
toggleQuality: (event) =>
if @quality in ['hd720', 'hd1080', 'highres']
newQuality = 'large'
newQuality = 'hd720'
$(@).trigger('changeQuality', newQuality)
\ No newline at end of file
class @VideoSpeedControlAlpha extends SubviewAlpha
bind: ->
@$('.video_speeds a').click @changeVideoSpeed
if onTouchBasedDevice()
@$('.speeds').click (event) ->
@$('.speeds').mouseenter ->
@$('.speeds').mouseleave ->
@$('.speeds').click (event) ->
render: ->
@el.prepend """
<div class="speeds">
<a href="#">
<p class="active"></p>
<ol class="video_speeds"></ol>
$.each @speeds, (index, speed) =>
link = $('<a>').attr(href: "#").html("#{speed}x")
@$('.video_speeds').prepend($('<li>').attr('data-speed', speed).html(link))
@setSpeed @currentSpeed
reRender: (newSpeeds, currentSpeed) ->
@$('.video_speeds li').removeClass('active')
@speeds = newSpeeds
$.each @speeds, (index, speed) =>
link = $('<a>').attr(href: "#").html("#{speed}x")
listItem = $('<li>').attr('data-speed', speed).html(link);
listItem.addClass('active') if speed is currentSpeed
@$('.video_speeds').prepend listItem
@$('.video_speeds a').click @changeVideoSpeed
changeVideoSpeed: (event) =>
unless $('active')
@currentSpeed = $('speed')
$(@).trigger 'speedChange', $('speed')
@setSpeed(parseFloat(@currentSpeed).toFixed(2).replace /\.00$/, '.0')
setSpeed: (speed) ->
@$('.video_speeds li').removeClass('active')
@$(".video_speeds li[data-speed='#{speed}']").addClass('active')
class @VideoVolumeControlAlpha extends SubviewAlpha
initialize: ->
@currentVolume = 100
bind: ->
@$('.volume').mouseenter ->
@$('.volume').mouseleave ->
render: ->
@el.prepend """
<div class="volume">
<a href="#"></a>
<div class="volume-slider-container">
<div class="volume-slider"></div>
@slider = @$('.volume-slider').slider
orientation: "vertical"
range: "min"
min: 0
max: 100
value: 100
change: @onChange
slide: @onChange
onChange: (event, ui) =>
@currentVolume = ui.value
$(@).trigger 'volumeChange', @currentVolume
@$('.volume').toggleClass 'muted', @currentVolume == 0
toggleMute: =>
if @currentVolume > 0
@previousVolume = @currentVolume
@slider.slider 'option', 'value', 0
@slider.slider 'option', 'value', @previousVolume
display_name: default
data_dir: a_made_up_name
data: |
<videoalpha youtube="0.75:JMD_ifUUfsU,1.0:OEoXaMPEzfM,1.25:AKqURZnYqpk,1.50:DYpADpL7jAY"/>
children: []
......@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import logging
from lxml import etree
from pkg_resources import resource_string, resource_listdir
from django.http import Http404
from xmodule.x_module import XModule
from xmodule.raw_module import RawDescriptor
from xmodule.modulestore.xml import XMLModuleStore
......@@ -13,9 +15,6 @@ from xmodule.contentstore.content import StaticContent
import datetime
import time
import datetime
import time
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import json
import logging
from lxml import etree
from pkg_resources import resource_string, resource_listdir
from django.http import Http404
from xmodule.x_module import XModule
from xmodule.raw_module import RawDescriptor
from xmodule.modulestore.mongo import MongoModuleStore
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from xmodule.contentstore.content import StaticContent
import datetime
import time
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class VideoAlphaModule(XModule):
XML source example:
<videoalpha show_captions="true"
url_name="lecture_21_3" display_name="S19V3: Vacancies"
<source src=".../mit-3091x/M-3091X-FA12-L21-3_100.mp4"/>
<source src=".../mit-3091x/M-3091X-FA12-L21-3_100.webm"/>
<source src=".../mit-3091x/M-3091X-FA12-L21-3_100.ogv"/>
video_time = 0
icon_class = 'video'
js = {
'js': [resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/videoalpha/display/html5_video.js')],
[resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/'),
resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/videoalpha/')] +
[resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/videoalpha/display/' + filename)
for filename
in sorted(resource_listdir(__name__, 'js/src/videoalpha/display'))
if filename.endswith('.coffee')]}
css = {'scss': [resource_string(__name__, 'css/videoalpha/display.scss')]}
js_module_name = "VideoAlpha"
def __init__(self, system, location, definition, descriptor,
instance_state=None, shared_state=None, **kwargs):
XModule.__init__(self, system, location, definition, descriptor,
instance_state, shared_state, **kwargs)
xmltree = etree.fromstring(self.definition['data'])
self.youtube_streams = xmltree.get('youtube')
self.sub = xmltree.get('sub')
self.position = 0
self.show_captions = xmltree.get('show_captions', 'true')
self.sources = {
'main': self._get_source(xmltree),
'mp4': self._get_source(xmltree, ['mp4']),
'webm': self._get_source(xmltree, ['webm']),
'ogv': self._get_source(xmltree, ['ogv']),
self.track = self._get_track(xmltree)
self.start_time, self.end_time = self._get_timeframe(xmltree)
if instance_state is not None:
state = json.loads(instance_state)
if 'position' in state:
self.position = int(float(state['position']))
def _get_source(self, xmltree, exts=None):
"""Find the first valid source, which ends with one of `exts`."""
exts = ['mp4', 'ogv', 'avi', 'webm'] if exts is None else exts
condition = lambda src: any([src.endswith(ext) for ext in exts])
return self._get_first_external(xmltree, 'source', condition)
def _get_track(self, xmltree):
# find the first valid track
return self._get_first_external(xmltree, 'track')
def _get_first_external(self, xmltree, tag, condition=bool):
"""Will return the first 'valid' element of the given tag.
'valid' means that `condition('src' attribute) == True`
result = None
for element in xmltree.findall(tag):
src = element.get('src')
if condition(src):
result = src
return result
def _get_timeframe(self, xmltree):
""" Converts 'from' and 'to' parameters in video tag to seconds.
If there are no parameters, returns empty string. """
def parse_time(s):
"""Converts s in '12:34:45' format to seconds. If s is
None, returns empty string"""
if s is None:
return ''
x = time.strptime(s, '%H:%M:%S')
return datetime.timedelta(hours=x.tm_hour,
return parse_time(xmltree.get('from')), parse_time(xmltree.get('to'))
def handle_ajax(self, dispatch, get):
"""Handle ajax calls to this video.
TODO (vshnayder): This is not being called right now, so the
position is not being saved.
log.debug(u"GET {0}".format(get))
log.debug(u"DISPATCH {0}".format(dispatch))
if dispatch == 'goto_position':
self.position = int(float(get['position']))"NEW POSITION {0}".format(self.position))
return json.dumps({'success': True})
raise Http404()
def get_instance_state(self):
return json.dumps({'position': self.position})
def get_html(self):
if isinstance(modulestore(), MongoModuleStore):
caption_asset_path = StaticContent.get_base_url_path_for_course_assets(self.location) + '/subs_'
# VS[compat]
# cdodge: filesystem static content support.
caption_asset_path = "/static/{0}/subs/".format(self.metadata['data_dir'])
return self.system.render_template('videoalpha.html', {
'youtube_streams': self.youtube_streams,
'id': self.location.html_id(),
'sub': self.sub,
'sources': self.sources,
'track': self.track,
'display_name': self.display_name,
# TODO (cpennington): This won't work when we move to data that isn't on the filesystem
'data_dir': self.metadata['data_dir'],
'caption_asset_path': caption_asset_path,
'show_captions': self.show_captions,
'start': self.start_time,
'end': self.end_time
class VideoAlphaDescriptor(RawDescriptor):
module_class = VideoAlphaModule
stores_state = True
template_dir_name = "videoalpha"
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<!-- TODO: -->
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write('\x3Cscript type="text/javascript" src="' +
document.location.protocol + '//">\x3C/script>');
document.location.protocol + '//">\x3C/script>');
<script type="text/javascript">
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
% if timer_expiration_duration:
<script type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
var timer = {
timer_inst : null,
end_time : null,
......@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@
remaining_secs = remaining_secs % 3600;
var minutes = pretty_time_string(Math.floor(remaining_secs / 60));
remaining_secs = remaining_secs % 60;
var seconds = pretty_time_string(Math.floor(remaining_secs));
var seconds = pretty_time_string(Math.floor(remaining_secs));
var remainingTimeString = hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds;
return remainingTimeString;
......@@ -100,11 +100,11 @@
end : function(self) {
// redirect to specified URL:
window.location = "${time_expired_redirect_url}";
window.location = "${time_expired_redirect_url}";
// start timer right away:
// start timer right away:
% endif
% if display_name is not UNDEFINED and display_name is not None:
<h2> ${display_name} </h2>
% endif
<div id="stub_out_video_for_testing"></div>
${'data-sub="{}"'.format(sub) if sub else ''}
${'data-mp4-source="{}"'.format(sources.get('mp4')) if sources.get('mp4') else ''}
${'data-webm-source="{}"'.format(sources.get('webm')) if sources.get('webm') else ''}
${'data-ogg-source="{}"'.format(sources.get('ogv')) if sources.get('ogv') else ''}
<div class="tc-wrapper">
<article class="video-wrapper">
<section class="video-player">
<div id="${id}"></div>
<section class="video-controls"></section>
% if sources.get('main'):
<div class="video-sources">
<p>Download video <a href="${sources.get('main')}">here</a>.</p>
% endif
% if track:
<div class="video-tracks">
<p>Download subtitles <a href="${track}">here</a>.</p>
% endif
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