Commit 1f238b95 by Valera Rozuvan

Fixed test for height of player when CC is disabled.

It turned out that we were reading the heights of the contols and other elements
before we initialized the heights.
parent 326d9587
(function() {
xdescribe('VideoCaptionAlpha', function() {
describe('VideoCaptionAlpha', function() {
var state, videoPlayer, videoCaption, videoSpeedControl, oldOTBD;
function initialize() {
......@@ -369,14 +369,21 @@
it('when CC button is disabled ', function() {
var realHeight = parseInt($('.subtitles').css('maxHeight'), 10),
videoWrapperHeight = $('.video-wrapper').height(),
progressSliderHeight = videoControl.sliderEl.height(),
shouldBeHeight = videoWrapperHeight - 0.5 * progressSliderHeight;
var realHeight, videoWrapperHeight, progressSliderHeight,
controlHeight, shouldBeHeight;
state.captionsHidden = true;
expect(realHeight).toBeCloseTo(shouldBeHeight, 2);
realHeight = parseInt($('.subtitles').css('maxHeight'), 10);
videoWrapperHeight = $('.video-wrapper').height();
progressSliderHeight = videoControl.sliderEl.height();
controlHeight = videoControl.el.height();
shouldBeHeight = videoWrapperHeight -
0.5 * progressSliderHeight -
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