Commit 1f221133 by Vik Paruchuri

Remove skin tone check

parent ee4888b5
......@@ -83,7 +83,8 @@ class ImageProperties(object):
Does all available checks on an image to ensure that it is okay (size, skin ratio, colors)
@return: Boolean indicating whether or not image passes all checks
image_is_okay = self.count_colors() and self.get_skin_ratio() and not self.image_too_large
#image_is_okay = self.count_colors() and self.get_skin_ratio() and not self.image_too_large
image_is_okay = self.count_colors() and not self.image_too_large
log.debug("Image too large: {0}".format(self.image_too_large))
log.debug("Image Okay: {0}".format(image_is_okay))
return image_is_okay
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