Commit 1eacd5e3 by Don Mitchell

Fix infinite loop in videosourceSample. Had fixed same one in

parse_videosource but neglected to fix this one.
parent e2918c2d
......@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ CMS.Models.Settings.CourseDetails = Backbone.Model.extend({
_videoprefix : /\s*<video\s*youtube="/g,
// the below is lax to enable validation
_videospeedparse : /[^:]*/g, // /\d+\.?\d*(?=:)/g,
_videokeyparse : /([^,\/]+)/g,
_videonosuffix : /[^\"\/\>]+/g,
_videokeyparse : /([^,\/>]+)/g,
_videonosuffix : /[^"\/>]+/g,
_getNextMatch : function (regex, string, cursor) {
regex.lastIndex = cursor;
var result = regex.exec(string);
......@@ -113,13 +113,15 @@ CMS.Models.Settings.CourseDetails = Backbone.Model.extend({
cursor = this._videokeyparse.lastIndex + 1;
while (cursor < videostring.length && bestspeed != 1.0) {
parsedspeed = this._getNextMatch(this._videospeedparse, videostring, cursor);
cursor = this._videospeedparse.lastIndex + 1;
if (parsedspeed) cursor = this._videospeedparse.lastIndex + 1;
else break;
if (Math.abs(Number(parsedspeed) - 1.0) < Math.abs(bestspeed - 1.0)) {
bestspeed = Number(parsedspeed);
bestkey = this._getNextMatch(this._videokeyparse, videostring, cursor);
else this._getNextMatch(this._videokeyparse, videostring, cursor);
cursor = this._videokeyparse.lastIndex + 1;
if (this._videokeyparse.lastIndex > cursor) cursor = this._videokeyparse.lastIndex + 1;
else cursor++;
else {
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