Commit 1de17fb7 by Greg Price

Move more forum nav rendering logic to front end

The cohort selector is rendered only for a privileged user in a cohorted
course, and that logic is now in an Underscore template instead of Mako.
parent cd0ea052
......@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ describe "DiscussionThreadListView", ->
<option value="flagged">Flagged</option>
<% if (isCohorted && isPrivilegedUser) { %>
<label class="forum-nav-filter-cohort">
<span class="sr">Cohort:</span>
<select class="forum-nav-filter-cohort-control">
......@@ -83,6 +84,7 @@ describe "DiscussionThreadListView", ->
<option value="2">Cohort2</option>
<% } %>
<label class="forum-nav-sort">
<select class="forum-nav-sort-control">
<option value="date">by recent activity</option>
......@@ -123,7 +125,11 @@ describe "DiscussionThreadListView", ->
spyOn($, "ajax")
@discussion = new Discussion([])
@view = new DiscussionThreadListView({collection: @discussion, el: $("#fixture-element")})
@view = new DiscussionThreadListView(
collection: @discussion,
el: $("#fixture-element"),
courseSettings: new DiscussionCourseSettings({is_cohorted: true})
setupAjax = (callback) ->
......@@ -141,7 +147,8 @@ describe "DiscussionThreadListView", ->
makeView = (discussion) ->
return new DiscussionThreadListView(
el: $("#fixture-element"),
collection: discussion
collection: discussion,
courseSettings: new DiscussionCourseSettings({is_cohorted: true})
expectFilter = (filterVal) ->
......@@ -164,7 +171,12 @@ describe "DiscussionThreadListView", ->
describe "cohort selector", ->
it "should filter correctly", ->
it "should not be visible to students", ->
it "should allow moderators to select visibility", ->
expectedGroupId = null
setupAjax((params) => expect(
......@@ -498,6 +510,8 @@ describe "DiscussionThreadListView", ->
expect($(".forum-nav-browse-current").text()).toEqual("Posts I'm Following")
it "should show/hide the cohort selector", ->
......@@ -8,7 +8,11 @@ if Backbone?
@discussion = options['discussion']
@course_settings = options['course_settings']
@nav = new DiscussionThreadListView(collection: @discussion, el: $(".forum-nav"))
@nav = new DiscussionThreadListView(
collection: @discussion,
el: $(".forum-nav"),
courseSettings: @course_settings
@nav.on "thread:selected", @navigateToThread
@nav.on "thread:removed", @navigateToAllThreads
@nav.on "threads:rendered", @setActiveThread
......@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ if Backbone?
"change .forum-nav-filter-main-control": "chooseFilter"
"change .forum-nav-filter-cohort-control": "chooseCohort"
initialize: ->
initialize: (options) ->
@courseSettings = options.courseSettings
@displayedCollection = new Discussion(@collection.models, pages: @collection.pages)
@collection.on "change", @reloadDisplayedCollection
......@@ -121,7 +122,12 @@ if Backbone?
render: ->
@timer = 0
isCohorted: @courseSettings.get("is_cohorted"),
isPrivilegedUser: DiscussionUtil.isPrivilegedUser()
$(window).bind "load", @updateSidebar
......@@ -37,10 +37,7 @@
<option value="flagged">${_("Flagged")}</option>
%if is_course_cohorted and is_moderator:
## Lack of indentation is intentional to avoid whitespace between this and siblings
<label class="forum-nav-filter-cohort">
</label>${"<% if (isCohorted && isPrivilegedUser) { %>"}<label class="forum-nav-filter-cohort">
## Translators: This labels a cohort menu in forum navigation
<span class="sr">${_("Cohort:")}</span>
<select class="forum-nav-filter-cohort-control">
......@@ -49,10 +46,7 @@
<option value="${c['id']}">${c['name']}</option>
## Lack of indentation is intentional to avoid whitespace between this and siblings
<label class="forum-nav-sort">
</label>${"<% } %>"}<label class="forum-nav-sort">
## Translators: This labels a sort menu in forum navigation
<span class="sr">${_("Sort:")}</span>
<select class="forum-nav-sort-control">
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