Commit 1d9c272a by Calen Pennington Committed by Nimisha Asthagiri

LMS-11282 Paver Lettuce Acceptance support for Split; default store set to Draft.

parent 4d362765
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ __test__ = False # do not collect
("system=", "s", "System to act on"),
("default_store=", "m", "Default modulestore to use for course creation"),
("fasttest", "a", "Run without collectstatic"),
("extra_args=", "e", "adds as extra args to the test command"),
make_option("--verbose", action="store_const", const=2, dest="verbosity"),
......@@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ def test_acceptance(options):
opts = {
'fasttest': getattr(options, 'fasttest', False),
'system': getattr(options, 'system', None),
'default_store': getattr(options, 'default_store', None),
'verbosity': getattr(options, 'verbosity', 3),
'extra_args': getattr(options, 'extra_args', ''),
......@@ -42,6 +44,12 @@ def test_acceptance(options):
'No system specified, running tests for both cms and lms.'
if opts['default_store'] not in ['draft', 'split']:
msg = colorize(
'No modulestore specified, running tests for both draft and split.'
suite = AcceptanceTestSuite('{} acceptance'.format(opts['system']), **opts)
......@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ class AcceptanceTest(TestSuite):
super(AcceptanceTest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.report_dir = Env.REPORT_DIR / 'acceptance'
self.fasttest = kwargs.get('fasttest', False)
self.system = kwargs.get('system', None)
self.system = kwargs.get('system')
self.default_store = kwargs.get('default_store')
self.extra_args = kwargs.get('extra_args', '')
def __enter__(self):
......@@ -35,9 +36,10 @@ class AcceptanceTest(TestSuite):
report_file = self.report_dir / "{}.xml".format(self.system)
report_args = "--with-xunit --xunit-file {}".format(report_file)
cmd = (
"./ {system} --settings acceptance harvest --traceback "
cmd = (
"DEFAULT_STORE={default_store} ./ {system} --settings acceptance harvest --traceback "
"--debug-mode --verbosity {verbosity} {report_args} {extra_args}".format(
......@@ -65,24 +67,31 @@ class AcceptanceTestSuite(TestSuite):
self.root = 'acceptance'
self.db = Env.REPO_ROOT / 'test_root/db/test_edx.db'
self.db_cache = Env.REPO_ROOT / 'common/test/db_cache/lettuce.db'
self.system = kwargs.get('system', None)
self.fasttest = kwargs.get('fasttest', False)
if self.system:
self.subsuites = [
AcceptanceTest('{} acceptance'.format(self.system), **kwargs),
if kwargs.get('system'):
systems = [kwargs['system']]
kwargs['system'] = 'lms'
lms = AcceptanceTest('lms acceptance', **kwargs)
kwargs['system'] = 'cms'
cms = AcceptanceTest('cms acceptance', **kwargs)
self.subsuites = [lms, cms]
systems = ['lms', 'cms']
if kwargs.get('default_store'):
stores = [kwargs['default_store']]
# TODO fix Acceptance tests with Split (LMS-11300)
# stores = ['split', 'draft']
stores = ['draft']
self.subsuites = []
for system in systems:
for default_store in stores:
kwargs['system'] = system
kwargs['default_store'] = default_store
self.subsuites.append(AcceptanceTest('{} acceptance using {}'.format(system, default_store), **kwargs))
def __enter__(self):
super(AcceptanceTestSuite, self).__enter__()
if not self.fasttest:
......@@ -104,7 +113,7 @@ class AcceptanceTestSuite(TestSuite):
if self.db.isfile():
# Since we are using SQLLite, we can reset the database by deleting it on disk.
if self.db_cache.isfile():
# To speed up migrations, we check for a cached database file and start from that.
# The cached database file should be checked into the repo
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