Commit 1d851713 by Arjun Singh

Compiling coffee files in course data directories on startup.

parent 34a32ce1
......@@ -429,6 +429,22 @@ PIPELINE_JS = {
if os.path.isdir(DATA_DIR):
for course_dir in os.listdir(DATA_DIR):
js_dir = DATA_DIR / course_dir / "js"
if not os.path.isdir(js_dir):
for filename in os.listdir(js_dir):
if filename.endswith('coffee'):
new_filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + ".js"
if os.path.exists(js_dir / new_filename):
coffee_timestamp = os.stat(js_dir / filename).st_mtime
js_timestamp = os.stat(js_dir / new_filename).st_mtime
if coffee_timestamp <= js_timestamp:
os.system("coffee -c %s" % (js_dir / filename))
print "coffee -c %s" % (js_dir / filename)
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