Commit 1cd73c76 by Chris Rodriguez

Matching label to inputs

parent cff41273
......@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ ${block_content}
<form id="${element_id}_xqa_form" class="xqa_form">
<label for="${element_id}_xqa_entry">${_("Comment")}</label>
<input id="${element_id}_xqa_entry" type="text" placeholder="${_('comment')}">
<label for="${element_id}_xqa_tag">${_("Tag")}</label>
<span style="color:black;vertical-align: -10pt">${_('Optional tag (eg "done" or "broken"):') + '&nbsp; '} </span>
<input id="${element_id}_xqa_tag" type="text" placeholder="${_('tag')}" style="width:80px;display:inline">
<div class="submit">
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