Commit 1cc776ff by Will Daly

Remove V2 of the footer

parent 2e9759ee
......@@ -10,9 +10,6 @@
var _fn = {
header: '',
// TODO (ECOM-1339): Remove this once the V3 footer is enabled permanently
footer: '.edx-footer-new',
resultsUrl: 'course-search',
init: function() {
......@@ -30,7 +27,6 @@
classes: function() {
// Add any RWD-specific classes
_fn.$footer.addClass('rwd'); // TODO (ECOM-1339): remove once the V3 footer is enabled permanently
elements: function() {
......@@ -29,13 +29,6 @@ log = logging.getLogger("edx.footer")
def is_enabled():
"""Check whether the branding API is enabled. """
# TODO (ECOM-1339): Remove this comment
# Currently, the branding API configuration controls two things:
# 1) whether we're using the new version of the footer
# 2) whether we're exposing footer information through the API.
# Once we've enabled the new footer, the feature flag will control
# only (2), but not (1).
return BrandingApiConfig.current().enabled
"""Context processors for Django templates. """
from branding import api as branding_api
# TODO (ECOM-1339): Remove this module once we permanently enable the V3 footer.
def branding_context_processor(request): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""Add the feature flag to Django template context. """
return {
"ENABLE_BRANDING_API": branding_api.is_enabled()
......@@ -43,10 +43,7 @@ class TestFooter(TestCase):
with patch.dict('django.conf.settings.FEATURES', {"IS_EDX_DOMAIN": True}):
resp = self.client.get('/')
self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
# assert that footer template has been properly overridden on homepage
# test the top-level element class; which is less likely to change than copy.
self.assertContains(resp, 'edx-footer')
self.assertContains(resp, 'footer-edx-v3')
def test_openedx_footer(self):
......@@ -56,10 +53,7 @@ class TestFooter(TestCase):
with patch.dict('django.conf.settings.FEATURES', {"IS_EDX_DOMAIN": False}):
resp = self.client.get('/')
self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
# assert that footer template has been properly overridden on homepage
# test the top-level element class; which is less likely to change than copy.
self.assertContains(resp, 'wrapper-footer')
self.assertContains(resp, 'footer-openedx')
@patch.dict(settings.FEATURES, {'IS_EDX_DOMAIN': True})
......@@ -515,11 +515,6 @@ TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = (
# Allows the open edX footer to be leveraged in Django Templates.
# TODO (ECOM-1339): Remove once the V3 version of the footer is enabled permanently
# This allows us to pass the appropriate feature flag to the main Django template
# that contains the footer.
# Shoppingcart processor (detects if request.user has a cart)
......@@ -285,231 +285,3 @@ $edx-footer-bg-color: rgb(252,252,252);
// TODO (ECOM-1339): Remove the "new" (v2) footer once the v3 footer
// is permanently enabled.
.edx-footer-new {
background: $edx-footer-bg-color;
@media print {
@include padding(10px, 10px, 0, 10px);
// NOTE: resetting older footer styles - can be removed once not needed
box-shadow: none;
padding: ($baseline*2) $baseline;
// about
// --------------------
.footer-about {
@extend %edx-footer-reset;
@extend %edx-footer-section;
width: flex-grid(6,12);
@media print {
@include margin-right(0);
@include padding-right(0);
width: flex-grid(12,12);
border: none;
min-height: 0;
.footer-about-title {
@extend %edx-footer-title;
@extend %ui-print-excluded;
.footer-about-logo, .footer-about-openedx {
margin-bottom: $edx-footer-spacing;
img {
height: 47px;
a {
display: block;
&:hover {
border-bottom: 0;
.footer-about-logo {
@include float(left);
@extend %ui-print-excluded;
.footer-about-openedx-logo {
@include float(right);
@media print {
@include float(left);
.footer-about-copy {
@extend %t-copy-sub1;
@extend %ui-print-excluded;
margin-bottom: $edx-footer-spacing;
color: rgb(61, 62, 63);
clear: both;
p {
// NOTE: needed for poor LMS span styling
color: inherit;
.footer-about-copyright {
@extend %t-copy-sub1;
margin-bottom: $edx-footer-spacing;
color: rgb(138, 140, 143);
p {
// NOTE: needed for poor LMS span styling
color: inherit;
a {
@extend %edx-footer-link;
display: inline-block;
margin-bottom: ($edx-footer-spacing/2);
@media print {
margin-bottom: 0;
.footer-about-links {
@extend %ui-print-excluded;
a {
@extend %edx-footer-link;
margin-bottom: ($edx-footer-spacing/2);
.note {
color: rgb(138, 140, 143);
// nav (learn more links)
// --------------------
.footer-nav {
@extend %edx-footer-reset;
@extend %edx-footer-section;
@extend %ui-print-excluded;
width: flex-grid(3,12);
.footer-nav-title {
@extend %edx-footer-title;
margin-top: $baseline;
.footer-nav-links {
margin-bottom: ($edx-footer-spacing*2.25);
a {
@extend %edx-footer-link;
// follow (social media)
// --------------------
.footer-follow {
@extend %edx-footer-reset;
@extend %edx-footer-section;
@extend %ui-print-excluded;
width: flex-grid(3,12);
.footer-follow-title {
@extend %edx-footer-title;
margin-top: $baseline;
.footer-follow-links {
a {
@extend %edx-footer-link;
margin-top: $baseline;
.icon, .copy {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
.icon {
@extend %t-icon3;
margin-right: ($baseline/4);
text-align: center;
min-width: ($baseline*1.5);
.copy {
// NOTE: needed for poor LMS span styling
color: inherit;
&.rwd {
@include box-sizing(border-box);
@include outer-container;
&.wrapper-footer footer {
min-width: 0;
.footer-follow {
@include span-columns(12);
@include media( $edx-bp-medium ) {
@include media( $edx-bp-large ) {
.footer-about {
@include span-columns(6);
.footer-follow {
@include span-columns(3);
// App links
// --------------------
.footer-mobile-apps {
padding-top: 20px;
.mobile-app-wrapper {
margin: 0 0 10px 0;
a {
display: inline-block;
&:hover {
border: none;
.app-store {
height: auto;
width: 129px;
.google-play {
height: auto;
width: 129px;
## mako
## TODO (ECOM-1339): Delete this template once the V3 footer is enabled
<%namespace name='static' file='static_content.html'/>
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
## WARNING: These files are specific to and are not used in installations outside of that domain. Open edX users will want to use the file "footer.html" for any changes or overrides.
<div class="wrapper wrapper-footer edx-footer edx-footer-new">
<footer id="footer-global" class="footer-global" role="contentinfo" aria-label="Footer">
<div class="footer-about">
<h2 class="sr footer-about-title">${_("About edX")}</h2>
<div class="footer-about-logo">
<img alt="edX logo" src="${static.url('images/edx-theme/edx-header-logo.png')}">
<div class="footer-about-copy">
"{EdX} offers interactive online classes and MOOCs from the world's best universities. "
"Online courses from {MITx}, {HarvardX}, {BerkeleyX}, {UTx} and many other universities. "
"Topics include biology, business, chemistry, computer science, economics, finance, "
"electronics, engineering, food and nutrition, history, humanities, law, literature, "
"math, medicine, music, philosophy, physics, science, statistics and more. {EdX} is a "
"non-profit online initiative created by founding partners {Harvard} and {MIT}."
EdX="EdX", Harvard="Harvard", MIT="MIT", HarvardX="HarvardX", MITx="MITx",
BerkeleyX="BerkeleyX", UTx="UTx"
<div class="footer-about-copyright">
## Using "edX Inc." explicitly here for copyright purposes (settings.PLATFORM_NAME is just "edX", and this footer is only used on
<p>&copy; ${settings.COPYRIGHT_YEAR} edX Inc.</p>
## Site operators: Please do not remove this paragraph! This attributes back to edX and makes your acknowledgement of edX's trademarks clear.
## Translators: 'EdX', 'edX', and 'Open edX' are trademarks of 'edX Inc.'. Please do not translate any of these trademarks and company names.
${_("EdX, Open edX, and the edX and Open edX logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of {link_start}edX Inc.{link_end}").format(
link_start=u"<a href=''><span class='copy'>",
<div class="footer-about-openedx">
<a href="" title="${_("Powered by Open edX")}">
<img alt="${_("Powered by Open edX")}" src="">
<div class="footer-about-links">
<a href="${marketing_link('TOS_AND_HONOR')}"><span class="copy">${_("Terms of Service and Honor Code")}</span></a>
<a href="${marketing_link('PRIVACY')}"><span class="copy">${_("Privacy Policy")}</span>
<span class="note">
## Translators: {date} will be an abbreviated date, indicating when the privacy policy was most recently revised.
${_("(Revised {date})").format(
## Translators: 10/22/2014 is a US-style date representing October 22, 2014. Please convert to use your local date system.
<nav class="footer-nav" role="navigation" aria-label="About edX">
<h2 class="footer-nav-title">${_("About edX")}</h2>
<div class="footer-nav-links">
<a href="${marketing_link('ABOUT')}"><span class="copy">${_("About")}</span></a>
<a href="${marketing_link('NEWS')}"><span class="copy">${_("News")}</span></a>
<a href="${marketing_link('CONTACT')}"><span class="copy">${_("Contact")}</span></a>
<a href="${marketing_link('FAQ')}"><span class="copy">${_("FAQ")}</span></a>
<a href="${marketing_link('BLOG')}"><span class="copy">${_("edX Blog")}</span></a>
<a href="${marketing_link('DONATE')}"><span class="copy">${_("Donate to edX")}</span></a>
<a href="${marketing_link('JOBS')}"><span class="copy">${_("Jobs at edX")}</span></a>
<div class="footer-follow">
<h2 class="footer-follow-title">${_("Follow Us")}</h2>
<div class="footer-follow-links">
% for social_name in settings.SOCIAL_MEDIA_FOOTER_NAMES:
<% social_url, social_title, social_icon = (
settings.SOCIAL_MEDIA_FOOTER_URLS.get(social_name, "#"),
unicode(settings.SOCIAL_MEDIA_FOOTER_DISPLAY.get(social_name, {}).get("title", "")),
settings.SOCIAL_MEDIA_FOOTER_DISPLAY.get(social_name).get("icon", "")
<a href="${social_url}" title="${social_title}" rel="noreferrer">
<i class="icon fa ${social_icon} element-invisible"></i>
<span class="copy">${social_title}</span>
% endfor
<div class="footer-mobile-apps">
<h2 class="footer-nav-title">${_("Mobile Apps")}</h2>
<div class="mobile-app-wrapper">
<a href="${settings.MOBILE_STORE_URLS.get('apple', '#')}">
<img class="app-store" alt="${_("Apple app on Apple Store")}" src="${static.url('images/app/app_store_badge_135x40.svg')}">
<div class="mobile-app-wrapper">
<a href="${settings.MOBILE_STORE_URLS.get('google', '#')}">
<img class="google-play" alt="${_("Android app on Google Play")}" src="${static.url('images/app/google_play_badge_45.png')}">
% endif
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/vendor/noreferrer.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
......@@ -149,12 +149,7 @@ from branding import api as branding_api
% if theme_enabled() and not is_microsite():
<%include file="theme-footer.html" />
% elif settings.FEATURES.get('IS_EDX_DOMAIN', False) and not is_microsite():
## TODO (ECOM-1339): Remove this check to permanently enable the V3 footer.
% if branding_api.is_enabled():
<%include file="footer-edx-v3.html" />
% else:
<%include file="footer-edx-v2.html" />
% endif
% else:
<%include file="${microsite.get_template_path('footer.html')}" />
% endif
......@@ -42,12 +42,7 @@
{# For now we don't support overriden Django templates in microsites. Leave footer blank for now which is better than saying Edx.#}
{% elif IS_EDX_DOMAIN %}
{# TODO (ECOM-1339): Remove this check once we switch to the v3 footer permanently. #}
{% include "footer-edx-v3.html" %}
{% else %}
{% include "footer-edx-v2.html" %}
{% endif %}
{% include "footer-edx-v3.html" %}
{% else %}
{% include "footer.html" %}
{% endif %}
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