Commit 1c26675c by Victor Shnayder

add some error handling

parent 2b0161a4
......@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ def get_static_tab_by_slug(course, tab_slug):
if course.tabs is None:
return None
for tab in course.tabs:
# if the tab is misconfigured, this will blow up. The validation code should check...
# The validation code checks that these exist.
if tab['type'] == 'static_tab' and tab['url_slug'] == tab_slug:
return tab
......@@ -258,11 +258,17 @@ def get_static_tab_contents(course, tab):
Looks in tabs/{course_url_name}/{tab_slug}.html first, then tabs/{tab_slug}.html.
slug = tab['url_slug']
paths = ['tabs/{0}/{1}.html'.format(course.url_name, slug), 'tabs/{0}.html'.format(slug)]
paths = ['tabs/{0}/{1}.html'.format(course.url_name, slug),
fs = course.system.resources_fs
for p in paths:
if fs.exists(p):
with as tabfile:
# TODO: redundant with Want to be helper methods in static_replace or something.
contents = replace_urls(, course.metadata['data_dir'])
return replace_urls(contents, staticfiles_prefix='/courses/', replace_prefix='/course/')
with as tabfile:
# TODO: redundant with Want to be helper methods in static_replace or something.
contents = replace_urls(, course.metadata['data_dir'])
return replace_urls(contents, staticfiles_prefix='/courses/', replace_prefix='/course/')
except (ResourceNotFoundError) as err:
log.warning("Couldn't load tab contents from '{0}': {1}".format(p, err))
return None
return None
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