Commit 1c07fae5 by David Ormsbee

Merge pull request #1408 from MITx/feature/ichuang/instructor-dashboard-datadump

add instructor dashboard feature to download profile & problem state
parents b947b884 bf17341f
......@@ -386,6 +386,46 @@ def instructor_dashboard(request, course_id):
track.views.server_track(request, 'remove-instructor {0}'.format(user), {}, page='idashboard')
# DataDump
elif 'Download CSV of all student profile data' in action:
enrolled_students = User.objects.filter(courseenrollment__course_id=course_id).order_by('username').select_related("profile")
profkeys = ['name', 'language', 'location', 'year_of_birth', 'gender', 'level_of_education',
'mailing_address', 'goals']
datatable = {'header': ['username', 'email'] + profkeys}
def getdat(u):
p = u.profile
return [u.username,] + [getattr(p,x,'') for x in profkeys]
datatable['data'] = [getdat(u) for u in enrolled_students]
datatable['title'] = 'Student profile data for course %s' % course_id
return return_csv('profiledata_%s.csv' % course_id, datatable)
elif 'Download CSV of all responses to problem' in action:
problem_to_dump = request.POST.get('problem_to_dump','')
if problem_to_dump[-4:]==".xml":
(org, course_name, run)=course_id.split("/")
smdat = StudentModule.objects.filter(course_id=course_id,
smdat = smdat.order_by('student')
msg+="Found module to reset. "
except Exception as err:
msg+="<font color='red'>Couldn't find module with that urlname. </font>"
msg += "<pre>%s</pre>" % escape(err)
smdat = []
if smdat:
datatable = {'header': ['username', 'state']}
datatable['data'] = [ [x.student.username, x.state] for x in smdat ]
datatable['title'] = 'Student state for problem %s' % problem_to_dump
return return_csv('student_state_from_%s.csv' % problem_to_dump, datatable)
# Group management
elif 'List beta testers' in action:
......@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ function goto( mode)
<a href="#" onclick="goto('Admin');" class="${modeflag.get('Admin')}">Admin</a> |
<a href="#" onclick="goto('Forum Admin');" class="${modeflag.get('Forum Admin')}">Forum Admin</a> |
<a href="#" onclick="goto('Enrollment');" class="${modeflag.get('Enrollment')}">Enrollment</a> |
<a href="#" onclick="goto('Data');" class="${modeflag.get('Data')}">DataDump</a> |
<a href="#" onclick="goto('Manage Groups');" class="${modeflag.get('Manage Groups')}">Manage Groups</a> ]
......@@ -269,6 +270,20 @@ function goto( mode)
%if modeflag.get('Data'):
<hr width="40%" style="align:left">
<input type="submit" name="action" value="Download CSV of all student profile data">
<p> Problem urlname:
<input type="text" name="problem_to_dump" size="40">
<input type="submit" name="action" value="Download CSV of all responses to problem">
<hr width="40%" style="align:left">
%if modeflag.get('Manage Groups'):
%if instructor_access:
<hr width="40%" style="align:left">
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