Commit 1b861b9d by Muhammad Shoaib Committed by Chris Dodge


passed the display string to the underscore template so that the word "proctored" is not hard coded in the underscore file.

updated the git tag for proctoring repo
parent 3ac27a5d
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
.replace(/>/g, '>')
<%= interpolate_text('You are taking "{exam_link}" as a proctored exam. The timer on the right shows the time remaining in the exam.', {exam_link: "<a href='" + exam_url_path + "'>"+gtLtEscape(exam_display_name)+"</a>"}) %>
<%= interpolate_text('You are taking "{exam_link}" as a {exam_type} exam. The timer on the right shows the time remaining in the exam.', {exam_link: "<a href='" + exam_url_path + "'>"+gtLtEscape(exam_display_name)+"</a>", exam_type: (!_.isUndefined(arguments[0].exam_type)) ? exam_type : gettext('timed')}) %>
<span id="turn_in_exam_id" class="pull-right">
<span id="turn_in_exam_id">
<% if(attempt_status !== 'ready_to_submit') {%>
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