Commit 1b5e110a by srpearce

Merge pull request #2917 from edx/sylvia/documentation/BLD-888

Update video doc to reflect new LMS **Download transcript** button
parents a58f06a4 11aa95ce
......@@ -93,6 +93,10 @@ We strongly recommend that you associate a timed transcript with your video. Tra
In addition to your .srt file, you can provide other transcripts with your video. For example, you can provide downloadable transcripts in a text format such as .txt or .pdf, and you can provide transcripts in different languages. For more information, see :ref:`Additional Transcripts`.
If you provide transcripts for students to download, a **Download transcript** button appears under the video. Students can then select either **SubRip (.srt) file** or **Text (.txt) file** to download the .srt or .txt transcript.
.. image:: Images/transcript-download.png
.. note:: Some past courses have used .sjson files for video transcripts. If transcripts in your course uses this format, see :ref:`Steps for sjson files`. We don't recommend that you use .sjson files.
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