Commit 1b06f51f by ichuang

fix customresponse be consistent with "no answer entered" behavior

parent 9b7dd919
......@@ -868,7 +868,10 @@ def sympy_check2():
# if there is only one box, and it's empty, then don't evaluate
if len(idset) == 1 and not submission[0]:
return CorrectMap(idset[0], 'incorrect', msg='<font color="red">No answer entered!</font>')
# default to no error message on empty answer (to be consistent with other responsetypes)
# but allow author to still have the old behavior by setting empty_answer_err attribute
msg = '<font color="red">No answer entered!</font>' if self.xml.get('empty_answer_err') else ''
return CorrectMap(idset[0], 'incorrect', msg=msg)
correct = ['unknown'] * len(idset)
messages = [''] * len(idset)
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