Commit 1ad08cc3 by John Eskew

Change contracts to allow user_id with type long(). Add tests.

parent 8f6cb60c
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ new_contract('AssetKey', AssetKey)
new_contract('CourseKey', CourseKey)
new_contract('datetime', datetime)
new_contract('basestring', basestring)
new_contract('long', long)
new_contract('AssetElement', lambda x: isinstance(x, etree._Element) and x.tag == "asset") # pylint: disable=protected-access, no-member
new_contract('AssetsElement', lambda x: isinstance(x, etree._Element) and x.tag == "assets") # pylint: disable=protected-access, no-member
......@@ -54,8 +55,8 @@ class AssetMetadata(object):
locked='bool|None', contenttype='basestring|None',
thumbnail='basestring|None', fields='dict|None',
curr_version='basestring|None', prev_version='basestring|None',
created_by='int|None', created_by_email='basestring|None', created_on='datetime|None',
edited_by='int|None', edited_by_email='basestring|None', edited_on='datetime|None')
created_by='int|long|None', created_by_email='basestring|None', created_on='datetime|None',
edited_by='int|long|None', edited_by_email='basestring|None', edited_on='datetime|None')
def __init__(self, asset_id,
pathname=None, internal_name=None,
locked=None, contenttype=None,
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ new_contract('CourseKey', CourseKey)
new_contract('AssetKey', AssetKey)
new_contract('AssetMetadata', AssetMetadata)
new_contract('LibraryLocator', LibraryLocator)
new_contract('long', long)
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -351,14 +352,14 @@ class MixedModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
store = self._get_modulestore_for_courseid(course_key)
return store.delete_course(course_key, user_id)
@contract(asset_metadata='AssetMetadata', user_id=int, import_only=bool)
@contract(asset_metadata='AssetMetadata', user_id='int|long', import_only=bool)
def save_asset_metadata(self, asset_metadata, user_id, import_only=False):
Saves the asset metadata for a particular course's asset.
asset_metadata (AssetMetadata): data about the course asset data
user_id (int): user ID saving the asset metadata
user_id (int|long): user ID saving the asset metadata
import_only (bool): True if importing without editing, False if editing
......@@ -367,7 +368,7 @@ class MixedModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
store = self._get_modulestore_for_courseid(asset_metadata.asset_id.course_key)
return store.save_asset_metadata(asset_metadata, user_id, import_only)
@contract(asset_metadata_list='list(AssetMetadata)', user_id=int, import_only=bool)
@contract(asset_metadata_list='list(AssetMetadata)', user_id='int|long', import_only=bool)
def save_asset_metadata_list(self, asset_metadata_list, user_id, import_only=False):
Saves the asset metadata for each asset in a list of asset metadata.
......@@ -375,7 +376,7 @@ class MixedModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
asset_metadata_list (list(AssetMetadata)): list of data about several course assets
user_id (int): user ID saving the asset metadata
user_id (int|long): user ID saving the asset metadata
import_only (bool): True if importing without editing, False if editing
......@@ -424,13 +425,14 @@ class MixedModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
store = self._get_modulestore_for_courseid(course_key)
return store.get_all_asset_metadata(course_key, asset_type, start, maxresults, sort, **kwargs)
@contract(asset_key='AssetKey', user_id='int|long')
def delete_asset_metadata(self, asset_key, user_id):
Deletes a single asset's metadata.
asset_id (AssetKey): locator containing original asset filename
user_id (int_long): user deleting the metadata
Number of asset metadata entries deleted (0 or 1)
......@@ -438,7 +440,7 @@ class MixedModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
store = self._get_modulestore_for_courseid(asset_key.course_key)
return store.delete_asset_metadata(asset_key, user_id)
@contract(source_course_key='CourseKey', dest_course_key='CourseKey')
@contract(source_course_key='CourseKey', dest_course_key='CourseKey', user_id='int|long')
def copy_all_asset_metadata(self, source_course_key, dest_course_key, user_id):
Copy all the course assets from source_course_key to dest_course_key.
......@@ -446,6 +448,7 @@ class MixedModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
source_course_key (CourseKey): identifier of course to copy from
dest_course_key (CourseKey): identifier of course to copy to
user_id (int|long): user copying the asset metadata
source_store = self._get_modulestore_for_courseid(source_course_key)
dest_store = self._get_modulestore_for_courseid(dest_course_key)
......@@ -463,7 +466,7 @@ class MixedModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
# Courses in the same modulestore can be handled by the modulestore itself.
source_store.copy_all_asset_metadata(source_course_key, dest_course_key, user_id)
@contract(asset_key='AssetKey', attr=str)
@contract(asset_key='AssetKey', attr=str, user_id='int|long')
def set_asset_metadata_attr(self, asset_key, attr, value, user_id):
Add/set the given attr on the asset at the given location. Value can be any type which pymongo accepts.
......@@ -472,6 +475,7 @@ class MixedModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
asset_key (AssetKey): asset identifier
attr (str): which attribute to set
value: the value to set it to (any type pymongo accepts such as datetime, number, string)
user_id: (int|long): user setting the attribute
NotFoundError if no such item exists
......@@ -480,7 +484,7 @@ class MixedModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
store = self._get_modulestore_for_courseid(asset_key.course_key)
return store.set_asset_metadata_attrs(asset_key, {attr: value}, user_id)
@contract(asset_key='AssetKey', attr_dict=dict)
@contract(asset_key='AssetKey', attr_dict=dict, user_id='int|long')
def set_asset_metadata_attrs(self, asset_key, attr_dict, user_id):
Add/set the given dict of attrs on the asset at the given location. Value can be any type which pymongo accepts.
......@@ -488,6 +492,7 @@ class MixedModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
asset_key (AssetKey): asset identifier
attr_dict (dict): attribute/value pairs to set
user_id: (int|long): user setting the attributes
NotFoundError if no such item exists
......@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
new_contract('CourseKey', CourseKey)
new_contract('AssetKey', AssetKey)
new_contract('AssetMetadata', AssetMetadata)
new_contract('long', long)
# sort order that returns DRAFT items first
SORT_REVISION_FAVOR_DRAFT = ('_id.revision', pymongo.DESCENDING)
......@@ -1517,14 +1518,14 @@ class MongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase, Mongo
return 'assets.{}'.format(asset_type)
@contract(asset_metadata_list='list(AssetMetadata)', user_id=int)
@contract(asset_metadata_list='list(AssetMetadata)', user_id='int|long')
def _save_asset_metadata_list(self, asset_metadata_list, user_id, import_only):
Internal; saves the info for a particular course's asset.
asset_metadata_list (list(AssetMetadata)): list of data about several course assets
user_id (int): user ID saving the asset metadata
user_id (int|long): user ID saving the asset metadata
import_only (bool): True if edited_on/by data should remain unchanged.
course_assets = self._find_course_assets(asset_metadata_list[0].asset_id.course_key)
......@@ -1563,14 +1564,14 @@ class MongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase, Mongo
return True
@contract(asset_metadata='AssetMetadata', user_id=int)
@contract(asset_metadata='AssetMetadata', user_id='int|long')
def save_asset_metadata(self, asset_metadata, user_id, import_only=False):
Saves the info for a particular course's asset.
asset_metadata (AssetMetadata): data about the course asset data
user_id (int): user ID saving the asset metadata
user_id (int|long): user ID saving the asset metadata
import_only (bool): True if importing without editing, False if editing
......@@ -1578,7 +1579,7 @@ class MongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase, Mongo
return self._save_asset_metadata_list([asset_metadata, ], user_id, import_only)
@contract(asset_metadata_list='list(AssetMetadata)', user_id=int)
@contract(asset_metadata_list='list(AssetMetadata)', user_id='int|long')
def save_asset_metadata_list(self, asset_metadata_list, user_id, import_only=False):
Saves the asset metadata for each asset in a list of asset metadata.
......@@ -1586,7 +1587,7 @@ class MongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase, Mongo
asset_metadata (AssetMetadata): data about the course asset data
user_id (int): user ID saving the asset metadata
user_id (int|long): user ID saving the asset metadata
import_only (bool): True if importing without editing, False if editing
......@@ -1594,7 +1595,7 @@ class MongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase, Mongo
return self._save_asset_metadata_list(asset_metadata_list, user_id, import_only)
@contract(source_course_key='CourseKey', dest_course_key='CourseKey')
@contract(source_course_key='CourseKey', dest_course_key='CourseKey', user_id='int|long')
def copy_all_asset_metadata(self, source_course_key, dest_course_key, user_id):
Copy all the course assets from source_course_key to dest_course_key.
......@@ -1613,7 +1614,7 @@ class MongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase, Mongo
# Update the document.
@contract(asset_key='AssetKey', attr_dict=dict)
@contract(asset_key='AssetKey', attr_dict=dict, user_id='int|long')
def set_asset_metadata_attrs(self, asset_key, attr_dict, user_id):
Add/set the given dict of attrs on the asset at the given location. Value can be any type which pymongo accepts.
......@@ -1644,7 +1645,7 @@ class MongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase, Mongo
{"$set": {self._make_mongo_asset_key(asset_key.asset_type): all_assets}}
@contract(asset_key='AssetKey', user_id='int|long')
def delete_asset_metadata(self, asset_key, user_id):
Internal; deletes a single asset's metadata.
......@@ -1670,7 +1671,7 @@ class MongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase, Mongo
return 1
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
@contract(course_key='CourseKey', user_id='int|long')
def delete_all_asset_metadata(self, course_key, user_id):
Delete all of the assets which use this course_key as an identifier.
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ class AssetStoreTestData(object):
now =
user_id = 144
user_id_long = long(user_id)
user_email = ""
asset_fields = (
......@@ -33,10 +34,10 @@ class AssetStoreTestData(object):
'curr_version', 'prev_version'
all_asset_data = (
('pic1.jpg', 'EKMND332DDBK', 'pix/archive', False, user_id, user_email, now, user_id, user_email, now, '14', '13'),
('pic1.jpg', 'EKMND332DDBK', 'pix/archive', False, user_id_long, user_email, now, user_id_long, user_email, now, '14', '13'),
('shout.ogg', 'KFMDONSKF39K', 'sounds', True, user_id, user_email, now, user_id, user_email, now, '1', None),
('code.tgz', 'ZZB2333YBDMW', 'exercises/14', False, user_id * 2, user_email, now, user_id * 2, user_email, now, 'AB', 'AA'),
('dog.png', 'PUPY4242X', 'pictures/animals', True, user_id * 3, user_email, now, user_id * 3, user_email, now, '5', '4'),
('dog.png', 'PUPY4242X', 'pictures/animals', True, user_id_long * 3, user_email, now, user_id_long * 3, user_email, now, '5', '4'),
('not_here.txt', 'JJJCCC747', '/dev/null', False, user_id * 4, user_email, now, user_id * 4, user_email, now, '50', '49'),
('asset.txt', 'JJJCCC747858', '/dev/null', False, user_id * 4, user_email, now, user_id * 4, user_email, now, '50', '49'),
('roman_history.pdf', 'JASDUNSADK', 'texts/italy', True, user_id * 7, user_email, now, user_id * 7, user_email, now, '1.1', '1.01'),
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