Commit 1a8b2fa0 by Christina Roberts

Merge pull request #735 from edx/fix/cdodge/pylint-violations

address some pylint violations in the mixedmodulestore build report
parents 05712da6 352e56eb
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ IMPORTANT: This modulestore only supports READONLY applications, e.g. LMS
from . import ModuleStoreBase
from django import create_modulestore_instance
from xmodule.modulestore.django import create_modulestore_instance
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ HOST = 'localhost'
PORT = 27017
DB = 'test_mongo_%s' % uuid4().hex
COLLECTION = 'modulestore'
FS_ROOT = DATA_DIR # TODO (vshnayder): will need a real fs_root for testing load_item
DEFAULT_CLASS = 'xmodule.raw_module.RawDescriptor'
RENDER_TEMPLATE = lambda t_n, d, ctx = None, nsp = 'main': ''
......@@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ class TestMixedModuleStore(object):
def setupClass(cls):
Set up the database for testing
cls.connection = pymongo.connection.Connection(HOST, PORT)
cls.fake_location = Location(['i4x', 'foo', 'bar', 'vertical', 'baz'])
......@@ -66,10 +69,16 @@ class TestMixedModuleStore(object):
def teardownClass(cls):
Clear out database after test has completed
def initdb():
Initialize the database and import one test course into it
# connect to the db
_options = {}
......@@ -92,7 +101,9 @@ class TestMixedModuleStore(object):
def destroy_db(connection):
# Destroy the test db.
Destroy the test db.
def setUp(self):
......@@ -204,6 +215,7 @@ class TestMixedModuleStore(object):
module =
assert_equals(module.location.course, 'simple')
# pylint: disable=E1101
def test_get_parent_locations(self):
parents =
Location(['i4x', self.import_org, self.import_course, 'chapter', 'Overview']),
......@@ -223,6 +235,7 @@ class TestMixedModuleStore(object):
assert_equals(Location(parents[0]).course, 'toy')
assert_equals(Location(parents[0]).name, '2012_Fall')
# pylint: disable=W0212
def test_set_modulestore_configuration(self):
config = {'foo': 'bar'}
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ This configuration is to run the MixedModuleStore on a localdev environment
# want to import all variables from base settings files
# pylint: disable=W0401, W0614
from .dev import *, DATA_DIR
from .dev import *
'default': {
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