Commit 1a0220c7 by Arthur Barrett

added a validation check on the input choice attribute

parent 44a68e69
......@@ -974,6 +974,7 @@ class AnnotationInput(InputTypeBase):
xml = self.xml
self.debug = False # set to True to display extra debug info with input
self.return_to_annotation = True # return only works in conjunction with annotatable xmodule
self.title = xml.findtext('./title', 'Annotation Exercise')
self.text = xml.findtext('./text')
......@@ -981,13 +982,14 @@ class AnnotationInput(InputTypeBase):
self.comment_prompt = xml.findtext('./comment_prompt', 'Type a commentary below:')
self.tag_prompt = xml.findtext('./tag_prompt', 'Select one or more tags:')
self.options = self._find_options()
self.return_to_annotation = True # return only works in conjunction with annotatable xmodule
# Need to provide a value that JSON can parse if there is no
# student-supplied value yet.
if self.value == '':
self.value = 'null'
def _find_options(self):
''' Returns an array of dicts where each dict represents an option. '''
elements = self.xml.findall('./options/option')
......@@ -997,6 +999,16 @@ class AnnotationInput(InputTypeBase):
'choice': option.get('choice')
} for (index, option) in enumerate(elements) ]
def _validate_options(self):
''' Raises a ValueError if the choice attribute is missing or invalid. '''
valid_choices = ('correct', 'partially-correct', 'incorrect')
for option in self.options:
choice = option['choice']
if choice is None:
raise ValueError('Missing required choice attribute.')
elif choice not in valid_choices:
raise ValueError('Invalid choice attribute: {0}. Must be one of: {1}'.format(choice, ', '.join(valid_choices)))
def _unpack(self, json_value):
''' Unpacks the json input state into a dict. '''
d = json.loads(json_value)
......@@ -1881,7 +1881,8 @@ class AnnotationResponse(LoncapaResponse):
answer_map = {}
for inputfield in self.inputfields:
correct_option = self._find_option_with_choice(inputfield, 'correct')
answer_map[inputfield.get('id')] = correct_option['description']
if correct_option is not None:
answer_map[inputfield.get('id')] = correct_option.get('description')
return answer_map
def _find_options(self, inputfield):
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