Commit 19db7b31 by Bridger Maxwell

Removed copyright page, until it can be updated for edX.

parent 31c69fbf
......@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@
<section class="bottom">
<section class="copyright">
<p>&copy; 2012 edX, <a href="${reverse('copyright')}">some rights reserved.</a></p>
## <p>&copy; 2012 edX, <a href="${reverse('copyright')}">some rights reserved.</a></p> # TODO: (bridger) Update the copyright for edX, then re-enable the link.
<p>&copy; 2012 edX, some rights reserved.</p>
<section class="secondary">
......@@ -70,8 +70,9 @@ urlpatterns = ('',
{'template': 'tos.html'}, name="tos"),
url(r'^privacy$', 'static_template_view.views.render',
{'template': 'privacy.html'}, name="privacy_edx"),
url(r'^copyright$', 'static_template_view.views.render',
{'template': 'copyright.html'}, name="copyright"),
# TODO: (bridger) The copyright has been removed until it is updated for edX
# url(r'^copyright$', 'static_template_view.views.render',
# {'template': 'copyright.html'}, name="copyright"),
url(r'^honor$', 'static_template_view.views.render',
{'template': 'honor.html'}, name="honor"),
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