Commit 19c873e4 by Toddi Norum Committed by David Baumgold

Working HTML docs

parent 716e0e27
Add a Syllabus, StaticPage, Update, or Course Handouts
Add a Static Page
**Static Pages** takes you to a list of the important pages for your course that
you want students to be able to access easily. Static pages usually apply to the
whole course rather than a particular sequence. For example, your static pages
might include your syllabus or information about your grading policy.
.. image:: images/image155.png
When you create a static page, the name of that page appears in your course's
navigation bar at the top of the page, along with **Courseware**, **Course
Info**, and other tabs. For example, the following navigation bar includes a
**Syllabus** static page and a **Projects** static page.
.. image:: images/image157.png
To add a static page:
1. On the navigation bar, click **Course Content**, and then click **Static
.. image:: images/image159.png
2. In the top right corner, click **New Page**. The following entry appears.
.. image:: images/image161.png
3. On the right side of the box, click **Edit**. The following dialog box opens.
.. image:: images/image163.png
4. In the **display_name** box, type the name that you want to appear in the
navigation bar for your course.
5. Replace the placeholder text with your content.
6. Click **Save**.
Add a Schedule
To create a schedule for your course, you can create a Google calendar that
students can incorporate into their personal Google calendars, or you can use
HTML to create a dynamic schedule with links that students can click. You can
also include both types of calendar in your course.
Google Calendar
Your Google calendar should include all release dates and due dates. You can
link to it in your course. Your calendar may look like the following calendar
for BerkeleyX's CS 169.2x course. To see this calendar live,
.. image:: images/image165.png
To create a Google calendar, access your Google account, and then click
**Calendar** at the top of the page. You can then enter your schedule
information. You can also create a link to this calendar anywhere in your
Dynamic HTML Schedule
You can create a dynamic HTML schedule page that you update manually as the
course progresses. The template below was adapted from a version created by
Professors Dan Klein and Pieter Abbeel.
Below is a sample course schedule that shows the way the schedule would look
during week 3 of the course. As you can see, there are no links for material
after week 3, since that information has not yet been released.
This course uses the following release schedule:
1. All lessons are released on Mondays. 2. All homework assignments are released
on Wednesdays, and are due on Sunday of the following week. 3. All quizzes are
released on Fridays and due on Sunday of the following week (9 days later).
.. image:: images/image285.png
To create a dynamic HTML schedule:
1. On the navigation bar, click **Course Content**, and then click **Static
.. image:: images/image159.png
2. In the top right corner, click **New Page**. The following entry appears.
.. image:: images/image161.png
3. On the right side of the box, click **Edit**. The following dialog box opens.
4. In the editor that opens, type **Schedule **in the **display_name** box.
5. Click the **HTML** tab.
.. image:: images/image163.png
6. Go to `Appendix B <appendices/b.html>`_ and copy the code for the dynamic
schedule template.
7. In the editor in Studio, replace the placeholder code on the HTML tab with
the code for the dynamic schedule template.
Course Handouts
Your course handouts are available on Edge from the **Course Handouts** sidebar
on the **Course Info** page. To add these items, you must create a file and
upload the file to the **>Files & Uploads** page. When you do this, a URL is
created for that file. You then use this URL to create a link to the file on the
**Handouts** sidebar. You create this link on the **Course Updates** page.
*Note: You cannot upload videos to the Files & Uploads page.
Upload a File to the Files & Uploads page
The **Files & Uploads** page lists handouts, images, and other content that you
want to integrate into your course.
.. image:: images/image160.png
For example, if you want to include a cartoon in one of your weekly updates, you
upload the image to **Files & Uploads**. When you do this, the file receives its
own URL, and you then use that URL to create a link to the image in the body of
the course. Likewise, if you want to include a handout in the **Course
Handouts** section of the **Course Info** page or in a lesson, you upload the
handout here, and then create a link to the handout under **Course Handouts** or
in the lesson.
You can also use the **Files & Uploads** page to keep all of the content for
your course in one place. Content is only visible to students if you create a
link to it. You can thus keep older versions of your content.
For example, if you create a Word file to use in your class, and you then create
a PDF copy of that Word file, you can link to the PDF file but keep the Word
file on the **Files Uploads** page. If you later delete the file from your
personal computer, or if a colleague asks you if they can run a version of your
course but change the dates in your handout, you can easily find the Word file
on the **Files Uploads** page.
Note that you should be careful when you name files that you add to the **>Files
& Uploads** page. Because the file name becomes part of the URL, students can
see the name of the file when they open it. Avoid using file names such as
**Warning** Uploading a file with the same name as a file that is already
uploaded will cause the original file to be overwritten. There is not currently
a warning when you try to upload a file that has the same name.
To upload a file to the **Files & Uploads** page:
1. On the navigation bar, click **Course Content**, and then click **Files &
2. On the **>Files & Uploads ** page, click **Upload New File**.
.. image:: images/image162.png
3. In the **Upload New File** dialog box, click **Choose File**.
4. In the **Open **dialog box, locate the file that you want, and then click
To add another file, click **Load Another File**. To close the dialog box, click
the **x** in the top right corner. When you close the dialog box, the file
appears on the **Files & Uploads** page.
5. Determine the URL of your newly uploaded file. To do this, on the **Files &
Uploads** page, locate the file in the list. In the **URL** column on the right,
you can see the URL you will need to use to display an image or create a
.. image:: images/image164.png
*Note: Currently, you cannot delete a file after you upload it to the **Files &
Uploads** page. You can replace a file by uploading another file with the same
name, but you cannot delete the file.
Add Items to the Handouts Sidebar
1. On the navigation bar, click **Course Content**, and then click **Updates**.
image:: images/image166.png
2. Locate the **Course Handouts** sidebar on the right, and then click **Edit**.
.. image:: images/image168.png
3. In the XML box that appears, create links to your files.
o To create a link to a document, enter the following syntax, where URL OF FILE
is the URL that you noted in step 5 of **Upload a File** on the **Files &
Uploads Page** and LINK TEXT is the text that you want to appear in the
**Handouts** sidebar.
.. code-block:: html
<p><a href="[URL OF FILE]">[LINK TEXT]</a></p>
o To create a link to an image that you've uploaded, enter the following syntax,
where URL OF FILE is the URL that you noted in step 5 of **Upload a File to
Your Assets Tab**.
.. code-block:: html
<p><img src="[URL OF FILE]"/></p>
4. Click **Save**. Your files appear under **Course Handouts**.
Add an Announcement or Update
You can add announcements or updates to welcome students to the class,
remind students of exams, notify students of changes in the course schedule,
and call out important steps students need to keep in mind. These updates
appear on the **Course Info **tab on edX or Edge. Because your course
automatically opens to the **Course Info **page, students will see the
update as soon as they sign in.
1. On the **Course Content** menu, click **Updates**. The **Course Updates**
page opens.
.. image:: images/image185.png
2. Click **New Update**. The following dialog box opens.
.. image:: images/image187.png
The content for this box must be formatted in HTML. For a template that you
can use that includes placeholders, see `Appendix A <appendices/a.html>`_.
3. Enter your update formatted as HTML, and then click **Save**.
\ No newline at end of file
Checking Student Progress and Issuing Certificates
As will be discussed more in later sections, the grading policy and stored
problem scores are used to record progress through the course, determine
final grades, and issue certificates at the end. This unit will give you
some advance information about how the grading policy will be visible to the
students during the run of the course and what you will need to do at the
end of the course to give out grades.
Checking Progress as a Student
During the run of a course, students can check their progress by clicking on
the Progress tab of the course on Edge. (This is the same page they would go
to to view subsection problem scores, as described in Viewing Scores.) The
student's progress through the graded part of the course is displayed at the
top of this page, above the subsection scores, as a chart with entries for
all the assignments, total percentage earned in the course so far and
percent needed for each grade cutoff. Here is an example of a student's
progress through edX101.
.. image:: images/image245.png
The student will be able to see from this page that, at the time this
screenshot was taken, edX101 was graded as a Pass/Fail course with a cutoff
of 34% and that the grading rubric contained one assignment type, called
Learning Sequence, consisting of 11 assignments total. Furthermore, this
picture says that this particular student has only submitted correct
responses to two assignments, and that their current total percent grade in
the course is 6%. By hovering over each progress bar, the student would be
able to get further statistics of how much each assignment was counted as.
As was mentioned in the unit on Viewing Scores, further down on the Progress
page is a list of all the subsections in the course, with the scores
recorded for the student for all problems in the course. Here is a scrolled
down view of the example Progress page for the student in the example above:
.. image:: images/image247.png
Again, note that point scores from graded sections are called "Problem
Scores", while point scores from ungraded sections are called "Practice
Checking Progress of Students as an Instructor
To check the progress of the student through the course, visit the
Instructor dashboard of your course in instructor view on Edge and click on
the Grades page. The Instructor dashboard for courses sometimes changes as
more course-specific tools get added. Here is the current view of the top of
the Grades page of the Instructor dashboard for edX101:
.. image:: images/image249.png
Here you see several options for viewing or downloading student grades,
viewing individual progress through a course or resetting problem attempts.
(Note: only the top part of the Grades page is shown. The page continues
with some more information about course statistics.) The link to the
student's progress page should give you a view of exactly what the student
would see, including scores for graded and ungraded assignments.
*Note: The stored scores visible to you on the Instructor tab and to
the students from the Progress tab in the course on Edge are a snapshot of the
current state of the problem score database. They may be slightly out of
sync with actual problem scores. (Asynchronicities may happen if, for example,
the weight of a live problem was changed during an assignment, and not
everyone has yet resubmitted their answers for that problem.) Scores and grades
are usually recomputed at the end of the semester before determining final
grades and issuing Certificates.*
Assigning Final Grades and Issuing Certificates
The final grades of a student in the course and the grading
rubric you have set are used to determine whether the student has earned a
Certificate of Mastery for the course. The process for issuing Certificates
has to be started manually by you or by the edX support team at the end of the
course run. For more information about issuing Certificates, see TBD.
******************* *******************
Create a Discussion Create a Discussion
******************* *******************
To create a discussion in your course, you create a question and Discussion component in Studio. You To create a discussion in your course, you create a question and Discussion
can then encourage the students to respond by seeding the discussion space on edX or Edge. component in Studio. You can then encourage the students to respond by seeding
the discussion space on edX or Edge.
Create a Discussion Component Create a Discussion Component
***************************** *****************************
Keep in mind the following best practices when you create a Discussion component. Keep in mind the following best practices when you create a Discussion
• Be very sure that you want to add the Discussion component. Discussion categories are • Be very sure that you want to add the Discussion component. Discussion
immediately visible in your forum (on the Discussion tab for your course) when you create them, • categories are immediately visible in your forum (on the Discussion tab for
even if the unit that contains the Discussion component is set to Private. • your course) when you create them, even if the unit that contains the
• Discussion component is set to Private
• When you create an ID for the Discussion component, be very careful—especially if you are • When you create an ID for the Discussion component, be very careful—especially
adding the Discussion component to a running course. Follow the format in step 10 below to make • if you are adding the Discussion component to a running course. Follow the
sure that the ID is unique across all courses on edX. • format in step 10 below to make sure that the ID is unique across all courses
• on edX.
• Edit only the fields at the top of the Discussion component edit box. Do not change the XML in • Edit only the fields at the top of the Discussion component edit box. Do not
the large box. • change the XML in the large box.
To add a Discussion component: To add a Discussion component:
1. Open Studio. 1. Open Studio.
2. Make a note of the **Display Name** of the Subsection you are in and the **Display Name** of the Unit
you are in.
3. At the location in the Unit where you want to start your discussion, create an HTML component 2. Make a note of the **Display Name** of the Subsection you are in and the
that contains the question that you want students to discuss. **Display Name** of the Unit you are in.
4. Directly under this new HTML component, click **Discussion** under **Add New Component.** 3. At the location in the Unit where you want to start your discussion :doc:`create_html_component`
that contains the question you want students to discuss.
.. image:: images/image057.png 4. Directly under this new HTML component, click **Discussion** under **Add New
5. When the following box appears, click **Discussion Tag.** .. image:: images/image057.png
.. image:: images/image059.png 5. When the following box appears, click **Discussion Tag.**
6. When the following box appears, click **Edit.** .. image:: images/image059.png
.. image:: images/image061.png 6. When the following box appears, click **Edit.**
The following editing box opens. You will change the values in the small boxes, but you will not .. image:: images/image061.png
change the text in the large box.
.. image:: images/image063.png The following editing box opens. You will change the values in the small boxes,
:width: 800 but you will not change the text in the large box.
*Note In the future, these boxes may be filled in for you with a default value.* .. image:: images/image063.png
7. In the **discussion_category** box, type the name of the category that you want to create for the *Note: In the future, these boxes may be filled in for you with a default value.*
discussion. You can include spaces.
8. In the **discussion_target** box, type the name of the subcategory that you want to create for the 7. In the **discussion_category** box, type the name of the category that you
discussion. You can include spaces. want to create for the discussion. You can include spaces.
*Note The category and subcategory names only appear in the discussion forum for your course. They do 8. In the **discussion_target** box, type the name of the subcategory that you
not appear in the discussion space inside the Unit.* want to create for the discussion. You can include spaces.
For example, if you set **discussion_category** to be “The Discussion Component” and you set *Note: The category and subcategory names only appear in the discussion forum for
**discussion_target** to be “Online Instruction Methods,” the category and subcategory appear as follows *your course. They do not appear in the discussion space inside the Unit.*
in the category list in the discussion forum:
.. image:: images/image065.png For example, if you set **discussion_category** to be “The Discussion Component”
:width: 400 and you set **discussion_target** to be “Online Instruction Methods,” the
category and subcategory appear as follow in the category list in the discussion
.. image:: images/image065.png
9. In the **display_name** box, type a name for the discussion. The display name appears when a student hovers the mouse over the ribbon. 9. In the **display_name** box, type a name for the discussion. The display name
appears when a student hovers the mouse over the ribbon.
10. Click **Save.** 10. Click **Save.**
Seed a Discussion Space in Your Course Seed a Discussion Space in Your Course
************************************** **************************************
When you create a discussion, many students may feel hesitant to be the first to post an answer to When you create a discussion, many students may feel hesitant to be the first to
your question. You can get the discussion started by posting your own answer—preferably anonymously post an answer to your question. You can get the discussion started by posting
or as a student, so that students will be more comfortable replying if they disagree with your post. your own answer—preferably anonymously or as a student, so that students will be
more comfortable replying if they disagree with your post.
To post as a student, follow the steps below. If you later want to reply as yourself, log back into To post as a student, follow the steps below. If you later want to reply as
your usual account and omit steps 1 and 2. yourself, log back into your usual account and omit steps 1 and 2.
1. Set up a test account on edX or Edge with an e-mail address that is not associated with your 1. Set up a test account on edX or Edge with an e-mail address that is not
Course Team. associated with your Course Team.
2. Go to your course URL and register for your course. 2. Go to your course URL and register for your course.
3. On edX or Edge, locate the Unit that contains the Discussion component. 3. On edX or Edge, locate the Unit that contains the Discussion component.
4. In the Unit, locate the discussion space. 4. In the Unit, locate the discussion space.
5. Click **New post.** 5. Click **New post.**
6. Type a title for your post in the Title box, and then enter text for your post. 6. Type a title for your post in the Title box, and then enter text for your
7. If you want to, select the **post anonymously** check box or the **follow this post** check box. 7. If you want to, select the **post anonymously** check box or the **follow
this post** check box.
8. When you are satisfied with your post, click **Add Post.** 8. When you are satisfied with your post, click **Add Post.**
Your new post appears at the top of list in the unit. Posts are listed in reverse chronological Your new post appears at the top of list in the unit. Posts are listed in
order. reverse chronological order.
...@@ -5,95 +5,108 @@ Create a Lesson in Studio ...@@ -5,95 +5,108 @@ Create a Lesson in Studio
Once you have created a course, you are ready to create content for that course. Once you have created a course, you are ready to create content for that course.
**CAUTION** **CAUTION** *The alpha version of Studio does not have versioning or automatic
*The alpha version of Studio does not have versioning or automatic updating of your browser between updating of your browser between refreshes. Versioning is planned for future
refreshes. Versioning is planned for future releases, but, in the meantime, only one author should releases, but, in the meantime, only one author should edit a unit, in one
edit a unit, in one browser, on only one tab.  If a unit is open for editing in multiple browser browser, on only one tab.  If a unit is open for editing in multiple browser
sessions, the session that saves last will overwrite any previously saved content without displaying sessions, the session that saves last will overwrite any previously saved
a warning. Also, older browser sessions can overwrite more recent content, so refresh your browser content without displaying a warning. Also, older browser sessions can overwrite
before you start working every time you work with a private unit or edit a draft of a public unit.* more recent content, so refresh your browser before you start working every time
you work with a private unit or edit a draft of a public unit.*
Introduction Introduction
************ ************
Just as in an offline course, content in an online course is broken down into smaller pieces. In Just as in an offline course, content in an online course is broken down into
Studio, these pieces are categories called **sections, subsections, and units** Units, in turn, are smaller pieces. In Studio, these pieces are categories called **sections,
made up of **components** that contain the actual content of your course. subsections, and units** Units, in turn, are made up of **components** that
contain the actual content of your course.
Sections, for example, may correspond to weeks in your course, while subsections often correspond to Sections, for example, may correspond to weeks in your course, while subsections
lessons, homework assignments, or exams. A lesson is an interwoven selection of units of different often correspond to lessons, homework assignments, or exams. A lesson is an
types, such as videos, text, images, discussions, and problems. It is an interactive representation interwoven selection of units of different types, such as videos, text, images,
of the material that you would cover in a typical class period. discussions, and problems. It is an interactive representation of the material
that you would cover in a typical class period.
On the **Course Outline** page, you can see all the sections, subsections, and units in your course at a On the **Course Outline** page, you can see all the sections, subsections, and
glance, as well as whether the subsections are public or private. units in your course at a glance, as well as whether the subsections are public
or private.
.. image:: images/image029.png .. image:: images/image029.png
:width: 800 :width: 800
.. image:: images/image031.png
:width: 800
Section Section
******* *******
A section is the topmost category that you use to organize your course. Many instructors name A section is the topmost category that you use to organize your course. Many
sections according to the number of weeks in the course—for example, section 1 is named Week 1, instructors name sections according to the number of weeks in the course—for
section 2 is named Week 2, and so on. Sections contain subsections, which in turn contain units. example, section 1 is named Week 1, section 2 is named Week 2, and so on.
Sections contain subsections, which in turn contain units.
You can set an individual release date for each section in your course. None of the content in the You can set an individual release date for each section in your course. None of
section is visible until its release date has passed. the content in the section is visible until its release date has passed.
For more information about how to create a section, see `Create A Section and SubSection <Create__Section_Sub_Section.html>`_.
For more information about how to create a section, see
Subsection Subsection
********** **********
A subsection is a subcategory of a section. Many instructors name subsections according to the A subsection is a subcategory of a section. Many instructors name subsections
topics in their courses. Subsection names appear along with section names in the left pane when you according to the topics in their courses. Subsection names appear along with
view your course on Edge. section names in the left pane when you view your course on Edge.
.. image:: images/image033.png .. image:: images/image033.png
You can set subsections to be one of the assignment types that you created when you set up grading. You can set subsections to be one of the assignment types that you created when
You can then include assignments in the body of that subsection. For more information, see :ref:`Create Subsections that Contain Graded Assignments<Create-Subsections-Containing-Graded-Assignments>`. you set up grading. You can then include assignments in the body of that
You can set an individual release date for each subsection in your course. None of the content in You can set an individual release date for each subsection in your course. None
the subsection is visible until its release date has passed. If you do not set a release date, the of the content in the subsection is visible until its release date has passed.
subsection has the same release date as its section. If you do not set a release date, the subsection has the same release date as
its section.
For more information about how to create a subsection, see :doc:`create_section_sub_section`. For more information about how to create a subsection, see
Unit Unit
**** ****
A unit is a further category that helps you organize your course materials. Units contain A unit is a further category that helps you organize your course materials.
components, which are the building blocks of lessons. Units do not appear in the left pane with Units contain components, which are the building blocks of lessons. Units do not
section and subsection headings. Instead, each unit appears as a part of the course accordion at the appear in the left pane with section and subsection headings. Instead, each unit
top of the page when you view your course on Edge. The following page shows a subsection that has appears as a part of the course accordion at the top of the page when you view
two Units. your course on Edge. The following page shows a subsection that has two Units.
.. image:: images/image035.png .. image:: images/image035.png
Note that by default, all units are set to **Private.** To make a unit visible to students, you have to Note that by default, all units are set to **Private.** To make a unit visible
explicitly change the unit’s visibility to **Public.** For more information see :ref:`Set Content Release Dates and Visibility<Set_Content_Release_Dates_And_Visibility>`. to students, you have to explicitly change the unit’s visibility to **Public.**
For more information see :doc:`set_content_releasedates` .
Component Component
********* *********
A component is the part of a unit that contains your actual course content. The names of all A component is the part of a unit that contains your actual course content. The
components in a unit appear when you hover over the unit in the course accordion at the top of the names of all components in a unit appear when you hover over the unit in the
page. course accordion at the top of the page.
.. image:: images/image037.png
:width: 800
.. image:: images/image037.png There are four types of components: Discussion components, HTML components,
:width: 800 Problem components, and Video components. For more information,
see :doc:`create_discussion`, :doc:`create_html_component`, :doc:`create_problem`, and :doc:`create_video` .
There are four types of components: Discussion components, HTML components, Problem components, and
Video components. For more information, see Create a Discussion, Create an HTML Component, Create a
Problem Component, and Create a Video.
...@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ Create a Section and Subsection ...@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ Create a Section and Subsection
3. In the **New Section** Name box, type a section name, and then click 3. In the **New Section** Name box, type a section name, and then click
**Save**. **Save**.
*Note: In most courses, the name of the first section is Week 1. The section *Note: In most courses, the name of the first section is Week 1.
that you have created appears on the **Course Outline** page. The section that you have created appears on the **Course Outline** page.
.. image:: images/image041.png .. image:: images/image041.png
:width: 800 :width: 800
Create and Seed the Wiki
Create wiki ("seed" the wiki)
\ No newline at end of file
Create and Seed the Wiki
Create wiki ("seed" the wiki)
\ No newline at end of file
Create a Welcome Announcement and E-Mail
Send e-mail (welcome and weekly) (surveys?) (TBD)
Create welcome announcement
Create landing page announcement (change "landing page" to "Course Info"
Create discussion forum
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Add Collaborators ...@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Add Collaborators
***************** *****************
Studio has support for rudimentary collaborative editing of a course. Users must have registered at, and must have activated their account via the ail link. If a user is not found, you will be notified. Studio has support for rudimentary collaborative editing of a course. Users must have registered at, and must have activated their account via the mail link. If a user is not found, you will be notified.
Before you add a new user, consider the following. Before you add a new user, consider the following.
...@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Add Collaborators ...@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Add Collaborators
.. image:: images/image117.png .. image:: images/image117.png
3. In the **email** box, type the ail address of the user, and then click **Add User**. 3. In the **email** box, type the mail address of the user, and then click **Add User**.
...@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Add Manual Policy Data ...@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Add Manual Policy Data
You should only add manual policy data if you are very familiar with valid configuration key value pairs and the ways these pairs will affect your course. You should only add manual policy data if you are very familiar with valid configuration key value pairs and the ways these pairs will affect your course.
Errors on this page can cause significant probl s with your course. Errors on this page can cause significant problems with your course.
The edX program managers can help you learn about how to apply these settings. The edX program managers can help you learn about how to apply these settings.
...@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Add Manual Policy Data ...@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Add Manual Policy Data
1. On the navigation bar, click **Course Settings**, and then click **Advanced Settings**. 1. On the navigation bar, click **Course Settings**, and then click **Advanced Settings**.
2. Click **New Manual Policy**. 2. Click **New Manual Policy** .
.. image:: images/image119.png .. image:: images/image119.png
...@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Add Course Catalog Information ...@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Add Course Catalog Information
****************************** ******************************
To add scheduling information, a description, and other information for your course, use the **Course Settings **menu. To add scheduling information, a description, and other information for your course, use the **Course Settings** menu.
.. image:: images/image121.png .. image:: images/image121.png
...@@ -88,18 +88,18 @@ Schedule and Details Page ...@@ -88,18 +88,18 @@ Schedule and Details Page
========================= =========================
1. At the top of this page, you will find a section with the **Basic Information** for your course. It is here that you can locate the title of your course and find the URL for your course, which you can ail to students to invite students to enroll in your course. 1. At the top of this page, you will find a section with the **Basic Information** for your course. It is here that you can locate the title of your course and find the URL for your course, which you can mail to students to invite students to enroll in your course.
.. image:: images/image281.png .. image:: images/image281.png
2. In the **Course Schedule** section, enter the date you want your course to start in the **Course** **Start Date **box, and then enter the time you want your course to start in the **Course** **Start Time **box. 2. In the **Course Schedule** section, enter the date you want your course to start in the **Course Start Date** box, and then enter the time you want your course to start in the **Course** **Start Time** box.
*Note: The Course Start Time on this screen will reflect the current time zone in your browser, depending on your geography. Course start times for students will show as UTC on Edge.* *Note: The Course Start Time on this screen will reflect the current time zone in your browser, depending on your geography. Course start times for students will show as UTC on Edge.*
3. In the **Course Schedule** section, enter the date you want your course to end in the **Course** **End Date ** 3. In the **Course Schedule** section, enter the date you want your course to end in the **Course** **End Date **
box, and then enter the time you want your course to end in the **Course** **End Time** box. box, and then enter the time you want your course to end in the **Course** **End Time** box.
...@@ -107,17 +107,17 @@ Add Enrollment Information ...@@ -107,17 +107,17 @@ Add Enrollment Information
========================== ==========================
1. On the navigation bar, click **Course **Settings, and then click **Schedule & Details** . 1. On the navigation bar, click **Course **Settings, and then click **Schedule & Details** .
2. In the **Course Schedule** section, enter the date you want enrollment for your course to start in the **Enrollment Start Date** box, and then enter the time you want enrollment for your course to start in the **Enrollment Start Time** box. 2. In the **Course Schedule** section, enter the date you want enrollment for your course to start in the **Enrollment Start Date** box, and then enter the time you want enrollment for your course to start in the **Enrollment Start Time** box.
3. In the **Course Schedule** section, enter the date you want enrollment for your course to end in the **Enrollment End Date ** 3. In the **Course Schedule** section, enter the date you want enrollment for your course to end in the **Enrollment End Date**
box, and then enter the time you want enrollment for your course to end in the **Enrollment End Time** box. box, and then enter the time you want enrollment for your course to end in the **Enrollment End Time** box.
*Note: The Enrollment dates on this screen will reflect the current time zone in your browser, depending on your geography. Enrollment times for students will show as UTC on Edge.* *Note: The Enrollment dates on this screen will reflect the current time zone in your browser, depending on your geography. Enrollment times for students will show as UTC on Edge.*
...@@ -125,78 +125,79 @@ Add a Course Overview ...@@ -125,78 +125,79 @@ Add a Course Overview
===================== =====================
1. On the navigation bar, click **Course Settings**, and then click ** Schedule &amp; Details ** . 1. On the navigation bar, click **Course Settings**, and then click ** Schedule &amp; Details ** .
2. Scroll down to the **Introducing Your Course** section, and then locate the **Course Overview** box. 2. Scroll down to the **Introducing Your Course** section, and then locate the **Course Overview** box.
.. image:: images/image123.png .. image:: images/image123.png
3. In the **Course Overview** box, enter a description of your course. 3. In the **Course Overview** box, enter a description of your course.
The content for this box must be formated in HTML. For a template that you The content for this box must be formated in HTML. For a template that you
can use that includes placeholders, see :doc:`appendices/a`. can use that includes placeholders, see :doc:`appendices/a`.
If your course has prerequisites, you can include that information in the course overview. If your course has prerequisites, you can include that information in the course overview.
*Note: There is no save button. Studio automatically saves your changes.* *Note: There is no save button. Studio automatically saves your changes.*
The following is example content for the **Course Overview** box: The following is example content for the **Course Overview** box:
.. image:: images/image125.png .. image:: images/image125.png
Add an About Video Add an About Video
================== ==================
You can create an About video that will appear on the **About** page for your course. You can create an About video that will appear on the **About** page for your course.
1. Upload the video that you want to YouTube. Make note of the code that appears between ** watch?v =** and ** &amp;feature** in the URL. This code appears in the green box below. 1. Upload the video that you want to YouTube. Make note of the code that appears between ** watch?v =** and ** &feature** in the URL. This code appears in the green box below.
.. image:: images/image127.png .. image:: images/image127.png
2. On the navigation bar, click **Course Settings**, and then click **Schedule & Details** . 2. On the navigation bar, click **Course Settings**, and then click **Schedule & Details** .
3. Scroll down to the **Introducing Your Course** section, and then locate the **Course** **Introduction Video** 3. Scroll down to the **Introducing Your Course** section, and then locate the **Course** **Introduction Video**
field. If you have not already added a video, you see a blank field above an **id** box. field. If you have not already added a video, you see a blank field above an **id** box.
.. image:: images/image129.png .. image:: images/image129.png
4. In the ** your YouTube video's ID** box, enter your video code. When you add the code, the video automatically appears in the field above the **your YouTube video's ID** box. 4. In the **your YouTube video's ID** box, enter your video code. When you add the code, the video automatically appears in the field above the **your YouTube video's ID** box.
*Note: There is no save button. Studio automatically saves your changes.* *Note: There is no save button. Studio automatically saves your changes.*
For example, your course introduction video appears as follows. For example, your course introduction video appears as follows.
.. image:: images/image131.png .. image:: images/image131.png
Add Weekly Time Requirements Information Add Weekly Time Requirements Information
======================================== ========================================
1. On the navigation bar, click **Course Settings**, and then click **Schedule & Details** . 1. On the navigation bar, click **Course Settings**, and then click **Schedule & Details** .
2. Scroll down to the **Requirments** section. 2. Scroll down to the **Requirments** section.
3. In the **Hours of Effort per Week** box, enter the number of hours you expect students to work on this course each week. 3. In the **Hours of Effort per Week** box, enter the number of hours you expect students to work on this course each week.
Export or Import a Course
Studio has an Import tool and an Export tool that allow you to import and
export courses.
Export a Course
You can export a course that has been created in Studio. You can export a
course for use by another instructor, or you can back up your course.
For example, you may create a course in Studio, and then run that course. A
friend or colleague, including a friend from another institution, may be
interested in running their own customized version of that course. You can
export the course that you have created and give it to the other instructor.
That instructor can then import the course, make any changes that are
necessary to reflect that instructor's situation, and then release the
course to students.
Or, you may export your course, and then make changes to your course in
Studio. If you later want to revert to the earlier version of your course,
you can import the version that you exported. Be careful if you do this
while you are running your course, as you could lose your students' work.
When you export your course, Studio creates a **.tar.gz** file that includes
the following course data:
1. Course structure (the order of sections and subsections)
2. Individual units
3. Individual problems
4. Additional pages
5. Files on the Files & Uploads page
The exported file does not include the following data:
1. Student or user data
2. Discussion forum data
3. Course settings
4. Certificates
5. Grading information
Import a Course
*Note: This feature should be used with caution!
Importing a new course will delete all course content currently associated with
your course and replace it with the contents of the uploaded file.
**Importing a course cannot be undone.*
You can import courses that have already been created in Studio. These can
be courses that you or someone else has created and exported.
The file that you import must be a **.tar.gz** file that contains, at a
minimum, a Course.xml file in a course data directory. The tar.gz file must
have the same name as the course data directory.
If your course uses legacy layout structures, you may not be able to edit
the course in Studio, although it will probably appear correctly on Edge. To
make sure that your course is completely editable, ensure that all of your
material is embedded in a unit.
To import a course:
1. On the navigation bar, click **Tools**, and then click **Import**.
.. image:: images/image243.png
2. Under **Course to Import**, click **Choose File**.
3. Locate the file that you want, and then click **Open**.
Export or Import a Course
Studio has an Import tool and an Export tool that allow you to import and
export courses.
Export a Course
You can export a course that has been created in Studio. You can export a
course for use by another instructor, or you can back up your course.
For example, you may create a course in Studio, and then run that course. A
friend or colleague, including a friend from another institution, may be
interested in running their own customized version of that course. You can
export the course that you have created and give it to the other instructor.
That instructor can then import the course, make any changes that are
necessary to reflect that instructor's situation, and then release the
course to students.
Or, you may export your course, and then make changes to your course in
Studio. If you later want to revert to the earlier version of your course,
you can import the version that you exported. Be careful if you do this
while you are running your course, as you could lose your students' work.
When you export your course, Studio creates a **.tar.gz** file that includes
the following course data:
1. Course structure (the order of sections and subsections)
2. Individual units
3. Individual problems
4. Additional pages
5. Files on the Files & Uploads page
The exported file does not include the following data:
1. Student or user data
2. Discussion forum data
3. Course settings
4. Certificates
5. Grading information
Import a Course
*Note: This feature should be used with caution!
Importing a new course will delete all course content currently associated with
your course and replace it with the contents of the uploaded file.
**Importing a course cannot be undone.*
You can import courses that have already been created in Studio. These can
be courses that you or someone else has created and exported.
The file that you import must be a **.tar.gz** file that contains, at a
minimum, a Course.xml file in a course data directory. The tar.gz file must
have the same name as the course data directory.
If your course uses legacy layout structures, you may not be able to edit
the course in Studio, although it will probably appear correctly on Edge. To
make sure that your course is completely editable, ensure that all of your
material is embedded in a unit.
To import a course:
1. On the navigation bar, click **Tools**, and then click **Import**.
.. image:: images/image243.png
2. Under **Course to Import**, click **Choose File**.
3. Locate the file that you want, and then click **Open**.
...@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Studio ( is our web-based course authoring tool. It i ...@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Studio ( is our web-based course authoring tool. It i
:width: 800 :width: 800
Create an Account Create an Account
***************** *****************
...@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ e. Click to select I agree to the Terms of Service. ...@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ e. Click to select I agree to the Terms of Service.
.. image:: images/image017.png .. image:: images/image017.png
:width: 800 :width: 800
Create a New Course Create a New Course
******************* *******************
...@@ -16,14 +16,24 @@ Contents ...@@ -16,14 +16,24 @@ Contents
get_started get_started
create_lesson create_lesson
create_section_sub_section create_section_sub_section
create_unit create_unit
create_discussion create_discussion
create_html_component create_html_component
create_problem create_problem
set_content_releasedates set_content_releasedates
establish_course_settings establish_course_settings
establish_grading_policy establish_grading_policy
Invite Students to Register
To invite students to register for your course on Edge through the course
registration page, direct students to the registration page, and provide
instructions for completing the registration process.
1. Determine the link to your class registration page on Edge. To do this:
a. Click the **Settings **tab of your course in Studio, and then locate the
**Course Details** section.
b. Under **Basic Information**, you will see a link to email and invite
students to enroll in your course.
c. Click "**Invite Your Students**" link. Clicking the link creates an email
.. image:: images/image286.png
d. Email this to your chosen mail list.
\ No newline at end of file
Modifying Published Content
When you set a Unit to Public, that content appears on edX or Edge when you
view the content as an instructor. If the release date has passed, the
content is also visible to students.
If you want to modify content after it has been set to Public, you must
create a draft. The draft does not appear on edX or Edge. However, the draft
does appear when you view your content in Preview mode.
To create a draft, open the Unit that you want. Note that no **Edit **button
appears on the page for that Unit, and you cannot make changes to the Unit.
.. image:: images/image231.png
In the right pane, click the blue **edit a draft** link in the **Unit
Settings** box.
.. image:: images/image233.png
After you click **edit a draft**, you can make changes to the Unit. You can
edit existing content or add new content.
.. image:: images/image235.png
If you want to view the version of your content that is currently live,
click **Preview the published version **in the yellow banner at the top of
the page.
.. image:: images/image237.png
If you want to view the draft version that you are working on, click
**Preview** under **Unit Settings**. This opens your course in Preview
.. image:: images/image239.png
When you are done making changes to the Unit, click the blue **replace it
with this draft** link under **Unit Settings**.
.. image:: images/image241.png
...@@ -3,14 +3,15 @@ ...@@ -3,14 +3,15 @@
Set Content Release Dates and Visibility Set Content Release Dates and Visibility
***************************************** *****************************************
The release schedule for course material is determined by setting release dates for sections and subsections. The release schedule for course material is determined by setting release dates
for sections and subsections.
Section Section
******* *******
To set the release date for a section: To set the release date for a section:
1. On the **Course Content **menu, click **Course Outline**. 1. On the **Course Content** menu, click **Course Outline**.
2. Find the section you are looking for in the course outline. 2. Find the section you are looking for in the course outline.
...@@ -20,9 +21,13 @@ Section ...@@ -20,9 +21,13 @@ Section
Subsection Subsection
********** **********
Subsections inherit the release date of the section they are in, but you can change this date so that different subsections are released at different times. Subsections inherit the release date of the section they are in, but you can
change this date so that different subsections are released at different times.
Note that if the release date for a subsection falls before the release date for the section that contains it, students will not be able to see the subsection until the release date for the *section *has passed. Section release dates override subsection release dates. Note that if the release date for a subsection falls before the release date for
the section that contains it, students will not be able to see the subsection
until the release date for the *section *has passed. Section release dates
override subsection release dates.
To set the release date for a subsection: To set the release date for a subsection:
...@@ -35,9 +40,14 @@ Note that if the release date for a subsection falls before the release date for ...@@ -35,9 +40,14 @@ Note that if the release date for a subsection falls before the release date for
Unit Unit
**** ****
Individual units inherit the release date of the subsection they are in, but have an additional **Visibility** setting that can be set to **Public** or **Private**. Private units are never visible to students. Individual units inherit the release date of the subsection they are in, but
have an additional **Visibility** setting that can be set to **Public** or
**Private**. Private units are never visible to students.
**Note: You can modify private units directly. To modify a unit that is marked as Public, you must create a draft. For more information, see :ref:`Modify Published Content<Create-Section-Subsection>` *TBD Insert LINK*** *Note: You can modify private units directly. To modify a unit that is marked
Public you must create a draft.*
For more information, see :doc:`modify_published_content` .
View Course Content
When you create a course on Studio, you can control when students can see
the content of your course. This means that you can continue building a
course, but students won't be able to see the changes you make until you
make those changes available. You can set release dates that control when
content is released to the internet. You can also set the visibility of
specific Units (a subdivision that helps you organize your course content)
to Public or Private. By default, all content is set to Private.
Your content is not visible to students on edX or Edge until three
conditions are met:
1. The course start date has passed.
2. The release dates for the Section and Subsection that contain the
content have passed.
* Sections and Subsections are categories that you use to organize your
course. For example, Sections may correspond to weeks in your course, while
Subsections may correspond to the topics in your course.
* Neither a Section nor its contents are visible until the release date
passes. If the release date for the Section has passed, but the release date
for the Subsection has not passed, the student can see the Section heading
in the left pane. However, the student cannot see the Subsection heading or
any of the Subsection's content.
* Subsections inherit the release date of the Section they are in, but you
can change this date so that individual Subsections are released at different
times after the Section has been released.
.. image:: images/image189.png
.. image:: images/image191.png
3. You set the Unit that contains the content to Public.** By default, all
Units are set to Private.
There are four ways of viewing your course on edX or Edge while you are
still creating it:
* In Studio
Note that the way your course looks in Studio is
not the way it looks to students on edX or Edge.
* On edX or Edge in Preview mode
Any content that is set to Private is only visible in Preview mode.
* On edX or Edge as an Instructor
When you view content as an instructor, you see the **Instructor** tab at the
the top of the screen.
* On edX or Edge as a Studeny
Outline View
When you want to see the overall organization of your course in Studio, you can
go to the **Course Outline **page. On the**Course Outline **page, you can
see the "macro" outline of your course, down to individual Units.
.. image:: images/image193.png
Subsection View
You can also view content by Subsection. In this view, you can see the name
of the Subsection and the Units that the Subsection contains. You can see if
the Section is graded or not graded; if it is graded, you can see the
assignment type of the Subsection. You can also see if the individual Units
are set to Public or Private. Private Units appear in light gray text with
"PRIVATE" next to the Unit name. All other Units are Public.
.. image:: images/image195.png
Unit View
When you want to see the actual text, problems, and other content in your
course, you can open an individual Unit. You then see the Components for
that Unit. You can see this content whether it is set to Public or Private,
and whether or not the release date has passed.
The following example shows the Studio view of two Units in the "What Does
an edX Course Look Like?" Subsection.
The following Unit is set to Public. The release date for the Subsection has
.. image:: images/image197.png
The following Unit is set to Private. The release date for the Subsection
has passed.
.. image:: images/image199.png
If you change the release date for the "What Does an edX Course Look Like?"
Subsection to a date in the future (in this example, January 1, 2099), you
still see both Units in Studio.
Public Unit
.. image:: images/image201.png
Private Unit
.. image:: images/image203.png
Preview Mode
When you view your course on edX or Edge using Preview mode, you see all the
Units of your course, regardless of whether they are set to Public or
Private and regardless of whether the release dates have passed.
**Using Preview mode is the only way to see content that is set to Private
**as a student would see it.**
You can enter Preview mode in two ways.
1. On any Subsection page, click** Preview Drafts**.
.. image:: images/image205.png
2. On any Unit page, click **Preview**.
The following example shows the **Preview** button on a page for a Unit that
is set to Public.
.. image:: images/image207.png
The following example shows the **Preview** button on a page for a Unit that
is set to Private.
.. image:: images/image209.png
The following example shows the first Unit of the "What Does an edX Course
Look Like?" Subsection in Preview mode.
.. image:: images/image211.png
Remember that the release date for the Subsection is in the past. However,
even if you change the release date for the "What Does an edX Course Look
Like?" Subsection to a date in the future, you still see both Units in
In the "What Does an edX Course Look Like?" Subsection, Unit 1 ("Welcome to
edX 101") is set to Public, and Unit 2 ("New edX Information") is set to
Private. Both Units appear in the course ribbon at the top of the screen.
.. image:: images/image213.png
When you click Unit 2 in the course ribbon, you see the content in Unit 2:
.. image:: images/image215.png
**On edX or Edge as an Instructor**
When you view your course on edX or Edge as an instructor:
· You see all the Units of your course that you have set to Public.
· Release dates do not matter.
You do not see Units that are set to Private.
Additionally, at the top of the page on edX or Edge, you can see the
**Instructor** tab.
To view your course on edX or Edge as an instructor, click **View Live**. The
**View Live **button is available in three places.** **
The **Course Outline** page.
.. image:: images/image217.png
Any Subsection page.
.. image:: images/image219.png
The Unit page, if the Unit is Public.
.. image:: images/image221.png
The following example shows the first Unit of the "What Does an edX Course
Look Like?" Subsection as if you were viewing it on edX or Edge as an
instructor. Notice the **Instructor** tab at the top of the page.
.. image:: images/image223.png
The release date for the "What Does an edX Course Look Like?" Subsection is
set to January 1, 2099. However, you still see this Unit on edX or Edge as
an instructor.
On the other hand, remember that Unit 1 is set to Public, and Unit 2 is set
to Private. Unit 2 does not appear in the course ribbon at the top of the
screen. Instead, the next public unit, **Tabs**, appears.
.. image:: images/image225.png
**On edX or Edge as a Current Student**
When you view your course as a current student would see it, you can only
see material that meets all three publishing conditions:
The course start date has passed.
· The release dates for the Section and Subsection have passed.
· The Unit that contains the material is set to Public.
You can use this view to make sure that material does not appear in your
course prematurely.
To view your course as a student, set up a test account on edX or Edge with
an e-mail address that is not associated with your Course Team, and then go
to your course URL and register for your course.
The following example shows the first Unit of the "What Does an edX Course
Look Like?" Subsection as if you were viewing it on edX or Edge as a
student. Notice that the **Instructor** tab does not appear at the top of
the page.
.. image:: images/image227.png
Remember that Unit 1 is set to Public, and Unit 2 is set to Private. Unit 2
does not appear in the course ribbon at the top of the screen. Instead, the
next public unit, **Tabs**, appears.
.. image:: images/image229.png
If you change the release date of the Subsection to a future date (such as
January 1, 2099), the student cannot see it.
If you set the Unit to Private, the student cannot see it.
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