Commit 18dc8cc5 by Piotr Mitros

Major refactor of infrastructure for grading problems

rename : courseware/ => courseware/capa/
parent e58aca28
import random, numpy, math, scipy
import struct, os
import re
from lxml import etree
from lxml.etree import Element
import copy
from mako.template import Template
from content_parser import xpath_remove
from util import contextualize_text
from inputtypes import textline, schematic
from responsetypes import numericalresponse, formularesponse
response_types = {'numericalresponse':numericalresponse,
entry_types = ['textline', 'schematic']
response_properties = ["responseparam", "answer"]
# How to convert from original XML to HTML
# We should do this with xlst later
html_transforms = {'problem': {'tag':'div'},
"numericalresponse": {'tag':'span'},
"customresponse": {'tag':'span'},
"formularesponse": {'tag':'span'},
"text": {'tag':'span'}}
# These should be removed from HTML output, including all subelements
html_problem_semantics = ["responseparam", "answer", "script"]
# These should be removed from HTML output, but keeping subelements
html_skip = ["numericalresponse", "customresponse", "formularesponse", "text"]
# These should be transformed
html_special_response = {"textline":textline.render,
class LoncapaProblem(object):
def __init__(self, filename, id=None, state=None):
## Initialize class variables from state
self.seed = None
self.student_answers = dict()
self.correct_map = dict()
self.done = False
self.filename = filename
if id!=None:
self.problem_id = id
self.problem_id = filename
if state!=None:
if 'seed' in state:
self.seed = state['seed']
if 'student_answers' in state:
self.student_answers = state['student_answers']
if 'correct_map' in state:
self.correct_map = state['correct_map']
if 'done' in state:
self.done = state['done']
# TODO: Does this deplete the Linux entropy pool? Is this fast enough?
if self.seed == None:
self.seed=struct.unpack('i', os.urandom(4))[0]
## Parse XML file
file_text = open(filename).read()
# Convert startouttext and endouttext to proper <text></text>
# TODO: Do with XML operations
file_text = re.sub("startouttext\s*/","text",file_text)
file_text = re.sub("endouttext\s*/","/text",file_text)
self.tree = etree.XML(file_text)
self.preprocess_problem(self.tree, correct_map=self.correct_map, answer_map = self.student_answers)
self.context = self.extract_context(self.tree, seed=self.seed)
def get_state(self):
''' Stored per-user session data neeeded to:
1) Recreate the problem
2) Populate any student answers. '''
return {'seed':self.seed,
def get_max_score(self):
sum = 0
for et in entry_types:
sum = sum + self.tree.xpath('count(//'+et+')')
return int(sum)
def get_score(self):
for key in self.correct_map:
if self.correct_map[key] == u'correct':
correct += 1
if self.student_answers == None or len(self.student_answers)==0:
return {'score':0,
return {'score':correct,
def grade_answers(self, answers):
self.student_answers = answers
self.correct_map = dict()
problems_simple = self.extract_problems(self.tree)
for response in problems_simple:
grader = response_types[response.tag](response, self.context)
results = grader.grade(answers)
return self.correct_map
def get_question_answers(self):
answer_map = dict()
problems_simple = self.extract_problems(self.tree)
for response in problems_simple:
responder = response_types[response.tag](response, self.context)
results = responder.get_answers()
return answer_map
# ======= Private ========
def extract_context(self, tree, seed = struct.unpack('i', os.urandom(4))[0]): # private
''' Problem XML goes to Python execution context. Runs everything in script tags '''
context = dict()
for script in tree.xpath('/problem/script'):
exec script.text in global_context, context
return context
def get_html(self):
return contextualize_text(etree.tostring(self.extract_html(self.tree)[0]), self.context)
def extract_html(self, problemtree): # private
''' Helper function for get_html. Recursively converts XML tree to HTML
if problemtree.tag in html_problem_semantics:
if problemtree.tag in html_special_response:
status = "unsubmitted"
if problemtree.get('id') in self.correct_map:
status = self.correct_map[problemtree.get('id')]
value = ""
if self.student_answers != None and problemtree.get('id') in self.student_answers:
value = self.student_answers[problemtree.get('id')]
return html_special_response[problemtree.tag](problemtree, value, status) #TODO
for item in problemtree:
subitems = self.extract_html(item)
if subitems != None:
for subitem in subitems:
for (key,value) in problemtree.items():
tree.set(key, value)
if problemtree.tag in html_transforms:
# TODO: Fix. This loses Element().tail
#if problemtree.tag in html_skip:
# return tree
return [tree]
def preprocess_problem(self, tree, correct_map=dict(), answer_map=dict()): # private
''' Assign IDs to all the responses
Assign sub-IDs to all entries (textline, schematic, etc.)
Annoted correctness and value
In-place transformation
response_id = 1
for response in tree.xpath('//'+"|//".join(response_types)):
if response_id not in correct_map:
correct = 'unsubmitted'
response.attrib['state'] = correct
response_id = response_id + 1
answer_id = 1
for entry in tree.xpath("|".join(['//'+response.tag+'[@id=$id]//'+x for x in entry_types]),
entry.attrib['response_id'] = str(response_id)
entry.attrib['answer_id'] = str(answer_id)
entry.attrib['id'] = "%s_%i_%i"%(self.problem_id, response_id, answer_id)
def extract_problems(self, problem_tree):
''' Remove layout from the problem, and give a purified XML tree of just the problems '''
for response in problem_tree.xpath("//"+"|//".join(response_types)):
newresponse = copy.copy(response)
for e in newresponse:
# copy.copy is needed to make xpath work right. Otherwise, it starts at the root
# of the tree. We should figure out if there's some work-around
for e in copy.copy(response).xpath("//"+"|//".join(response_properties+entry_types)):
return tree
if __name__=='__main__':
filename = 'simpleFormula.xml'
filename = 'resistor.xml'
lcp = LoncapaProblem(filename, problem_id)
context = lcp.extract_context(lcp.tree)
problem = lcp.extract_problems(lcp.tree)
print lcp.grade_problems({'resistor_2_1':'1.0','resistor_3_1':'2.0'})
#print lcp.grade_problems({'simpleFormula_2_1':'3*x^3'})
#numericalresponse(problem, context)
#print etree.tostring((lcp.tree))
print '============'
#print etree.tostring(lcp.extract_problems(lcp.tree))
print lcp.get_html()
#print extract_context(tree)
# def handle_fr(self, element):
# problem={"answer":self.contextualize_text(answer),
# "type":"formularesponse",
# "tolerance":evaluator({},{},self.contextualize_text(tolerance)),
# "sample_range":dict(zip(variables, sranges)),
# "samples_count": numsamples,
# "id":id,
# self.questions[self.lid]=problem
from django.conf import settings
from auth.models import UserProfile
settings = None
from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString
from lxml import etree
''' This file will eventually form an abstraction layer between the
course XML file and the rest of the system.
TODO: Shift everything from xml.dom.minidom to XPath (or XQuery)
def xpath(xml, query_string, **args):
''' Safe xpath query into an xml tree:
* xml is the tree.
* query_string is the query
* args are the parameters. Substitute for {params}.
We should remove this with the move to lxml.
We should also use lxml argument passing. '''
doc = etree.fromstring(xml)
print type(doc)
def escape(x):
# TODO: This should escape the string. For now, we just assume it's made of valid characters.
# Couldn't figure out how to escape for lxml in a few quick Googles
valid_chars="".join(map(chr, range(ord('a'),ord('z')+1)+range(ord('A'),ord('Z')+1)+range(ord('0'), ord('9')+1)))+"_ "
for e in x:
if e not in valid_chars:
raise Exception("Invalid char in xpath expression. TODO: Escape")
return x
args=dict( ((k, escape(args[k])) for k in args) )
print args
results = doc.xpath(query_string.format(**args))
return results
def xpath_remove(tree, path):
''' Remove all items matching path from lxml tree. Works in
items = tree.xpath(path)
for item in items:
return tree
if __name__=='__main__':
print xpath('<html><problem name="Bob"></problem></html>', '/{search}/problem[@name="{name}"]', search='html', name="Bob")
def item(l, default="", process=lambda x:x):
if len(l)==0:
return default
elif len(l)==1:
return process(l[0])
raise Exception('Malformed XML')
def course_file(user):
# TODO: Cache. Also, return the libxml2 object.
return settings.DATA_DIR+UserProfile.objects.get(user=user).courseware
def module_xml(coursefile, module, id_tag, module_id):
''' Get XML for a module based on module and module_id. Assumes
module occurs once in courseware XML file.. '''
doc = etree.parse(coursefile)
# Sanitize input
if not module.isalnum():
raise Exception("Module is not alphanumeric")
if not module_id.isalnum():
raise Exception("Module ID is not alphanumeric")
xpath_search='//*/{module}[(@{id_tag} = "{id}") or (@id = "{id}")]'.format(module=module,
if len(result_set)>1:
print "WARNING: Potentially malformed course file", module, module_id
if len(result_set)==0:
return None
return etree.tostring(result_set[0])
#return result_set[0].serialize()
def toc_from_xml(coursefile, active_chapter, active_section):
course = dom.getElementsByTagName('course')[0]
chapters = course.getElementsByTagName('chapter')
for c in chapters:
if c.getAttribute("name") == 'hidden':
for s in c.getElementsByTagName('section'):
'active':(c.getAttribute("name")==active_chapter and \
return ch
def dom_select(dom, element_type, element_name):
if dom==None:
return None
for e in elements:
if e.getAttribute("name")==element_name:
return e
return None
from djangomako.shortcuts import render_to_response, render_to_string
from lxml.etree import Element
from lxml import etree
class textline(object):
def render(element, value, state):
context = {'id':eid, 'value':value, 'state':state}
html=render_to_string("textinput.html", context)
return etree.XML(html)
class schematic(object):
def render(element, value, state):
eid = element.get('id')
height = element.get('height')
width = element.get('width')
context = {'id':eid, 'value':value, 'state':state, 'width':width, 'height':height}
html=render_to_string("schematicinput.html", context)
return etree.XML(html)
from util import contextualize_text
from calc import evaluator
import random, math
class numericalresponse(object):
def __init__(self, xml, context):
self.xml = xml
self.correct_answer = contextualize_text(xml.get('answer'), context)
self.correct_answer = float(self.correct_answer)
self.tolerance = xml.xpath('//*[@id=$id]//responseparam[@type="tolerance"]/@default',
self.tolerance = contextualize_text(self.tolerance, context)
self.tolerance = evaluator(dict(),dict(),self.tolerance)
self.answer_id = xml.xpath('//*[@id=$id]//textline/@id',
def grade(self, student_answers):
''' Display HTML for a numeric response '''
student_answer = student_answers[self.answer_id]
error = abs(evaluator(dict(),dict(),student_answer) - self.correct_answer)
allowed_error = abs(self.correct_answer*self.tolerance)
if error <= allowed_error:
return {self.answer_id:'correct'}
return {self.answer_id:'incorrect'}
def get_answers(self):
return {self.answer_id:self.correct_answer}
class customresponse(object):
def __init__(self, xml, context):
self.xml = xml
self.answer_id = xml.xpath('//*[@id=$id]//textline/@id',
return {self.answer_id:'correct'}
def grade(self, student_answers):
return {self.answer_id:'correct'}
def get_answers(self):
return {self.answer_id:'correct'}
class formularesponse(object):
def __init__(self, xml, context):
self.xml = xml
self.correct_answer = contextualize_text(xml.get('answer'), context)
self.samples = contextualize_text(xml.get('samples'), context)
self.tolerance = xml.xpath('//*[@id=$id]//responseparam[@type="tolerance"]/@default',
self.tolerance = contextualize_text(self.tolerance, context)
self.tolerance = evaluator(dict(),dict(),self.tolerance)
self.answer_id = xml.xpath('//*[@id=$id]//textline/@id',
self.context = context
def grade(self, student_answers):
sranges=zip(*map(lambda x:map(float, x.split(",")),
ranges=dict(zip(variables, sranges))
correct = True
for i in range(numsamples):
instructor_variables = self.strip_dict(dict(self.context))
student_variables = dict()
for var in ranges:
value = random.uniform(*ranges[var])
instructor_variables[str(var)] = value
student_variables[str(var)] = value
instructor_result = evaluator(instructor_variables,dict(),self.correct_answer)
student_result = evaluator(student_variables,dict(),student_answers[self.answer_id])
if math.isnan(student_result) or math.isinf(student_result):
return {self.answer_id:"incorrect"}
if abs( student_result - instructor_result ) > self.tolerance:
return {self.answer_id:"incorrect"}
return {self.answer_id:"correct"}
def strip_dict(self, d):
''' Takes a dict. Returns an identical dict, with all non-word
keys and all non-numeric values stripped out. All values also
converted to float. Used so we can safely use Python contexts.
d=dict([(k, float(d[k])) for k in d if type(k)==str and \
k.isalnum() and \
(type(d[k]) == float or type(d[k]) == int) ])
return d
def get_answers(self):
return {self.answer_id:self.correct_answer}
def contextualize_text(text, context): # private
''' Takes a string with variables. E.g. $a+$b.
Does a substitution of those variables from the context '''
for key in sorted(context, lambda x,y:cmp(len(y),len(x))):
text=text.replace('$'+key, str(context[key]))
return text
import random, numpy, math, scipy, sys, StringIO, os, struct, json import random, numpy, math, scipy, sys, StringIO, os, struct, json
from x_module import XModule from x_module import XModule
import sys
from capa_problem import LoncapaProblem from capa.capa_problem import LoncapaProblem
from django.http import Http404 from django.http import Http404
import dateutil import dateutil
...@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ class LoncapaModule(XModule): ...@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ class LoncapaModule(XModule):
return self.lcp.get_score() return self.lcp.get_score()
def max_score(self): def max_score(self):
return len(self.lcp.questions) return self.lcp.get_max_score()
def get_html(self): def get_html(self):
return render_to_string('problem_ajax.html', return render_to_string('problem_ajax.html',
...@@ -162,7 +163,6 @@ class LoncapaModule(XModule): ...@@ -162,7 +163,6 @@ class LoncapaModule(XModule):
return json.dumps({"error":"Past due date"}) return json.dumps({"error":"Past due date"})
elif dispatch=='problem_check': elif dispatch=='problem_check':
response = self.check_problem(get) response = self.check_problem(get)
print response
elif dispatch=='problem_reset': elif dispatch=='problem_reset':
response = self.reset_problem(get) response = self.reset_problem(get)
elif dispatch=='problem_save': elif dispatch=='problem_save':
...@@ -238,16 +238,12 @@ class LoncapaModule(XModule): ...@@ -238,16 +238,12 @@ class LoncapaModule(XModule):
answers['_'.join(key.split('_')[1:])]=get[key] answers['_'.join(key.split('_')[1:])]=get[key]
try: try:
print "A" old_state = self.lcp.get_state()
ocm = self.lcp.correct_map lcp_id = self.lcp.problem_id
print "." filename = self.lcp.filename
oa = self.lcp.answers
print "."
correct_map = self.lcp.grade_answers(answers) correct_map = self.lcp.grade_answers(answers)
print "."
except: except:
self.lcp.correct_map = ocm # HACK: Reset state self.lcp = LoncapaProblem(filename, id=lcp_id, state=old_state)
self.lcp.answers = oa
return json.dumps({'success':'syntax'}) return json.dumps({'success':'syntax'})
self.attempts = self.attempts + 1 self.attempts = self.attempts + 1
...@@ -279,7 +275,7 @@ class LoncapaModule(XModule): ...@@ -279,7 +275,7 @@ class LoncapaModule(XModule):
for key in get: for key in get:
answers['_'.join(key.split('_')[1:])]=get[key] answers['_'.join(key.split('_')[1:])]=get[key]
self.lcp.answers=answers self.lcp.student_answers=answers
return json.dumps({'success':True}) return json.dumps({'success':True})
...@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import json ...@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import json
from django.conf import settings from django.conf import settings
from django.core.context_processors import csrf from django.core.context_processors import csrf
from django.http import Http404 from django.http import Http404
import courseware.calc import courseware.capa.calc
from django.core.mail import send_mail from django.core.mail import send_mail
from django.conf import settings from django.conf import settings
import datetime import datetime
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