Commit 18c91d0f by Calen Pennington

Merge remote-tracking branch 'edx/master' into opaque-keys-merge-master

parents af8cab2a 6396373b
......@@ -38,13 +38,14 @@ Feature: CMS.Create Subsection
Then I see the subsection release date is 12/25/2011 03:00
And I see the subsection due date is 01/02/2012 04:00
Scenario: Set release and due dates of subsection on enter
Given I have opened a new subsection in Studio
And I set the subsection release date on enter to 04/04/2014 03:00
And I set the subsection due date on enter to 04/04/2014 04:00
And I reload the page
Then I see the subsection release date is 04/04/2014 03:00
And I see the subsection due date is 04/04/2014 04:00
# Disabling due to failure on master. JZ 05/14/2014 TODO: fix
# Scenario: Set release and due dates of subsection on enter
# Given I have opened a new subsection in Studio
# And I set the subsection release date on enter to 04/04/2014 03:00
# And I set the subsection due date on enter to 04/04/2014 04:00
# And I reload the page
# Then I see the subsection release date is 04/04/2014 03:00
# And I see the subsection due date is 04/04/2014 04:00
Scenario: Delete a subsection
Given I have opened a new course section in Studio
......@@ -55,15 +56,16 @@ Feature: CMS.Create Subsection
And I confirm the prompt
Then the subsection does not exist
Scenario: Sync to Section
Given I have opened a new course section in Studio
And I click the Edit link for the release date
And I set the section release date to 01/02/2103
And I have added a new subsection
And I click on the subsection
And I set the subsection release date to 01/20/2103
And I reload the page
And I click the link to sync release date to section
And I wait for "1" second
And I reload the page
Then I see the subsection release date is 01/02/2103
# Disabling due to failure on master. JZ 05/14/2014 TODO: fix
# Scenario: Sync to Section
# Given I have opened a new course section in Studio
# And I click the Edit link for the release date
# And I set the section release date to 01/02/2103
# And I have added a new subsection
# And I click on the subsection
# And I set the subsection release date to 01/20/2103
# And I reload the page
# And I click the link to sync release date to section
# And I wait for "1" second
# And I reload the page
# Then I see the subsection release date is 01/02/2103
......@@ -4,15 +4,19 @@ Utilities for contentstore tests
import json
from student.models import Registration
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.test.client import Client
from django.test.utils import override_settings
from xmodule.modulestore.django import loc_mapper
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import ModuleStoreTestCase
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import CourseFactory, ItemFactory
from contentstore.tests.modulestore_config import TEST_MODULESTORE
from contentstore.utils import get_modulestore
<<<<<<< HEAD
from student.models import Registration
>>>>>>> edx/master
def parse_json(response):
......@@ -93,9 +97,9 @@ class CourseTestCase(ModuleStoreTestCase):
) = get_modulestore(self.course.location)
def create_non_staff_authed_user_client(self):
def create_non_staff_authed_user_client(self, authenticate=True):
Create a non-staff user, log them in, and return the client, user to use for testing.
Create a non-staff user, log them in (if authenticate=True), and return the client, user to use for testing.
uname = 'teststudent'
password = 'foo'
......@@ -108,7 +112,8 @@ class CourseTestCase(ModuleStoreTestCase):
client = Client()
client.login(username=uname, password=password)
if authenticate:
client.login(username=uname, password=password)
return client, nonstaff
def populate_course(self):
......@@ -4,38 +4,44 @@ courses
import logging
import os
import tarfile
import shutil
import re
from tempfile import mkdtemp
import shutil
import tarfile
from path import path
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from django.conf import settings
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django_future.csrf import ensure_csrf_cookie
from django.core.servers.basehttp import FileWrapper
from django.core.files.temp import NamedTemporaryFile
from django.core.exceptions import SuspiciousOperation, PermissionDenied
from django.http import HttpResponseNotFound
from django.views.decorators.http import require_http_methods, require_GET
from django.core.files.temp import NamedTemporaryFile
from django.core.servers.basehttp import FileWrapper
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseNotFound
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from django.views.decorators.http import require_http_methods, require_GET
from django_future.csrf import ensure_csrf_cookie
from edxmako.shortcuts import render_to_response
from xmodule.modulestore.xml_importer import import_from_xml
from xmodule.contentstore.django import contentstore
<<<<<<< HEAD
from xmodule.modulestore.xml_exporter import export_to_xml
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from xmodule.modulestore.keys import CourseKey
from xmodule.exceptions import SerializationError
from .access import has_course_access
from xmodule.exceptions import SerializationError
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore, loc_mapper
from xmodule.modulestore.locator import BlockUsageLocator
from xmodule.modulestore.xml_importer import import_from_xml
from xmodule.modulestore.xml_exporter import export_to_xml
>>>>>>> edx/master
from util.json_request import JsonResponse
from .access import has_course_access
from extract_tar import safetar_extractall
from student.roles import CourseInstructorRole, CourseStaffRole
from student import auth
from student.roles import CourseInstructorRole, CourseStaffRole, GlobalStaff
from util.json_request import JsonResponse
from contentstore.utils import reverse_course_url, reverse_usage_url
......@@ -234,10 +240,13 @@ def import_handler(request, course_key_string):
session_status[key] = 3
request.session.modified = True
<<<<<<< HEAD
auth.add_users(request.user, CourseInstructorRole(new_location.course_key), request.user)
auth.add_users(request.user, CourseStaffRole(new_location.course_key), request.user)
logging.debug('created all course groups at {0}'.format(new_location))
>>>>>>> edx/master
# Send errors to client with stage at which error occurred.
except Exception as exception: # pylint: disable=W0703
Unit tests for course import and export
import copy
import json
import logging
import os
import shutil
import tarfile
import tempfile
import copy
from path import path
import json
import logging
from uuid import uuid4
from pymongo import MongoClient
from uuid import uuid4
from contentstore.tests.utils import CourseTestCase
from django.test.utils import override_settings
from django.conf import settings
<<<<<<< HEAD
from contentstore.utils import reverse_course_url
>>>>>>> edx/master
from xmodule.contentstore.django import _CONTENTSTORE
from xmodule.modulestore.django import loc_mapper
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import ItemFactory
from contentstore.tests.utils import CourseTestCase
from student import auth
from student.roles import CourseInstructorRole, CourseStaffRole
TEST_DATA_CONTENTSTORE['DOC_STORE_CONFIG']['db'] = 'test_xcontent_%s' % uuid4().hex
......@@ -105,6 +112,46 @@ class ImportTestCase(CourseTestCase):
self.assertEquals(resp.status_code, 200)
def test_import_in_existing_course(self):
Check that course is imported successfully in existing course and users have their access roles
# Create a non_staff user and add it to course staff only
__, nonstaff_user = self.create_non_staff_authed_user_client(authenticate=False)
auth.add_users(self.user, CourseStaffRole(self.course.location), nonstaff_user)
course =
display_name_before_import = course.display_name
# Check that global staff user can import course
with open(self.good_tar) as gtar:
args = {"name": self.good_tar, "course-data": [gtar]}
resp =, args)
self.assertEquals(resp.status_code, 200)
course =
display_name_after_import = course.display_name
# Check that course display name have changed after import
self.assertNotEqual(display_name_before_import, display_name_after_import)
# Now check that non_staff user has his same role
# Now course staff user can also successfully import course
self.client.login(username=nonstaff_user.username, password='foo')
with open(self.good_tar) as gtar:
args = {"name": self.good_tar, "course-data": [gtar]}
resp =, args)
self.assertEquals(resp.status_code, 200)
# Now check that non_staff user has his same role
## Unsafe tar methods #####################################################
# Each of these methods creates a tarfile with a single type of unsafe
# content.
......@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ PIPELINE_CSS = {
'output_filename': 'css/cms-style-vendor.css',
Firebase - library to generate a token
Tweaked and Edited by @danielcebrianr and @lduarte1991
This library will take either objects or strings and use python's built-in encoding
system as specified by RFC 3548. Thanks to the firebase team for their open-source
library. This was made specifically for speaking with the annotation_storage_url and
can be used and expanded, but not modified by anyone else needing such a process.
from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode
import hashlib
import hmac
import sys
import json
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
__all__ = ['create_token']
def create_token(secret, data):
Simply takes in the secret key and the data and
passes it to the local function _encode_token
return _encode_token(secret, data)
if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
def _encode(bytes_data):
Takes a json object, string, or binary and
uses python's urlsafe_b64encode to encode data
and make it safe pass along in a url.
To make sure it does not conflict with variables
we make sure equal signs are removed.
More info:
encoded = urlsafe_b64encode(bytes(bytes_data))
return encoded.decode('utf-8').replace('=', '')
def _encode(bytes_info):
Same as above function but for Python 2.7 or later
encoded = urlsafe_b64encode(bytes_info)
return encoded.decode('utf-8').replace('=', '')
def _encode_json(obj):
Before a python dict object can be properly encoded,
it must be transformed into a jason object and then
transformed into bytes to be encoded using the function
defined above.
return _encode(bytearray(json.dumps(obj), 'utf-8'))
def _sign(secret, to_sign):
This function creates a sign that goes at the end of the
message that is specific to the secret and not the actual
content of the encoded body.
More info on hashing:
The function creates a hashed values of the secret and to_sign
and returns the digested values based the secure hash
algorithm, 256
def portable_bytes(string):
Simply transforms a string into a bytes object,
which is a series of immutable integers 0<=x<=256.
Always try to encode as utf-8, unless it is not
return bytes(string, 'utf-8')
except TypeError:
return bytes(string)
return _encode(, portable_bytes(to_sign), hashlib.sha256).digest()) # pylint: disable=E1101
def _encode_token(secret, claims):
This is the main function that takes the secret token and
the data to be transmitted. There is a header created for decoding
purposes. Token_SEP means that a period/full stop separates the
header, data object/message, and signatures.
encoded_header = _encode_json({'typ': 'JWT', 'alg': 'HS256'})
encoded_claims = _encode_json(claims)
secure_bits = '%s%s%s' % (encoded_header, TOKEN_SEP, encoded_claims)
sig = _sign(secret, secure_bits)
return '%s%s%s' % (secure_bits, TOKEN_SEP, sig)
This test will run for
from django.test import TestCase
from student.firebase_token_generator import _encode, _encode_json, _encode_token, create_token
class TokenGenerator(TestCase):
Tests for the file
def test_encode(self):
This tests makes sure that no matter what version of python
you have, the _encode function still returns the appropriate result
for a string.
expected = "dGVzdDE"
result = _encode("test1")
self.assertEqual(expected, result)
def test_encode_json(self):
Same as above, but this one focuses on a python dict type
transformed into a json object and then encoded.
expected = "eyJ0d28iOiAidGVzdDIiLCAib25lIjogInRlc3QxIn0"
result = _encode_json({'one': 'test1', 'two': 'test2'})
self.assertEqual(expected, result)
def test_create_token(self):
Unlike its counterpart in student/, this function
just checks for the encoding of a token. The other function
will test depending on time and user.
expected = "eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiAidXNlcm5hbWUiLCAidHRsIjogODY0MDB9.-p1sr7uwCapidTQ0qB7DdU2dbF-hViKpPNN_5vD10t8"
result1 = _encode_token('4c7f4d1c-8ac4-4e9f-84c8-b271c57fcac4', {"userId": "username", "ttl": 86400})
result2 = create_token('4c7f4d1c-8ac4-4e9f-84c8-b271c57fcac4', {"userId": "username", "ttl": 86400})
self.assertEqual(expected, result1)
self.assertEqual(expected, result2)
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ from mock import Mock, patch
from student.models import anonymous_id_for_user, user_by_anonymous_id, CourseEnrollment, unique_id_for_user
from student.views import (process_survey_link, _cert_info,
change_enrollment, complete_course_mode_info)
change_enrollment, complete_course_mode_info, token)
from student.tests.factories import UserFactory, CourseModeFactory
import shoppingcart
......@@ -491,3 +491,26 @@ class AnonymousLookupTable(TestCase):
anonymous_id = anonymous_id_for_user(self.user,
real_user = user_by_anonymous_id(anonymous_id)
self.assertEqual(self.user, real_user)
class Token(ModuleStoreTestCase):
Test for the token generator. This creates a random course and passes it through the token file which generates the
token that will be passed in to the annotation_storage_url.
request_factory = RequestFactory()
COURSE_NAME = "test_course"
COURSE_ORG = "edx"
def setUp(self):
self.course = CourseFactory.create(org=self.COURSE_ORG, display_name=self.COURSE_NAME, number=self.COURSE_SLUG)
self.user = User.objects.create(username="username", email="username")
self.req ='/token?course_id=edx/100/test_course', {'user': self.user})
self.req.user = self.user
def test_token(self):
expected = HttpResponse("eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3N1ZWRBdCI6ICIyMDE0LTAxLTIzVDE5OjM1OjE3LjUyMjEwNC01OjAwIiwgImNvbnN1bWVyS2V5IjogInh4eHh4eHh4LXh4eHgteHh4eC14eHh4LXh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eCIsICJ1c2VySWQiOiAidXNlcm5hbWUiLCAidHRsIjogODY0MDB9.OjWz9mzqJnYuzX-f3uCBllqJUa8PVWJjcDy_McfxLvc", mimetype="text/plain")
response = token(self.req)
self.assertEqual(expected.content.split('.')[0], response.content.split('.')[0])
......@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ from student.models import (
create_comments_service_user, PasswordHistory
from student.forms import PasswordResetFormNoActive
from student.firebase_token_generator import create_token
from verify_student.models import SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification, MidcourseReverificationWindow
from certificates.models import CertificateStatuses, certificate_status_for_student
......@@ -1867,7 +1868,11 @@ def token(request):
the token was issued. This will be stored with the user along with
the id for identification purposes in the backend.
<<<<<<< HEAD
course_id = SlashSeparatedCourseKey.from_deprecated_string(request.GET.get("course_id"))
course_id = request.GET.get("course_id")
>>>>>>> edx/master
course = course_from_id(course_id)
dtnow =
dtutcnow = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
This file contains a function used to retrieve the token for the annotation backend
without having to create a view, but just returning a string instead.
It can be called from other files by using the following:
from xmodule.annotator_token import retrieve_token
import datetime
from firebase_token_generator import create_token
def retrieve_token(userid, secret):
Return a token for the backend of annotations.
It uses the course id to retrieve a variable that contains the secret
token found in It also contains information of when
the token was issued. This will be stored with the user along with
the id for identification purposes in the backend.
# the following five lines of code allows you to include the default timezone in the iso format
# for more information:
dtnow =
dtutcnow = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
delta = dtnow - dtutcnow
newhour, newmin = divmod((delta.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + delta.seconds + 30) // 60, 60)
newtime = "%s%+02d:%02d" % (dtnow.isoformat(), newhour, newmin)
# uses the issued time (UTC plus timezone), the consumer key and the user's email to maintain a
# federated system in the annotation backend server
custom_data = {"issuedAt": newtime, "consumerKey": secret, "userId": userid, "ttl": 86400}
newtoken = create_token(secret, custom_data)
return newtoken
This test will run for
import unittest
from xmodule.annotator_token import retrieve_token
class TokenRetriever(unittest.TestCase):
Tests to make sure that when passed in a username and secret token, that it will be encoded correctly
def test_token(self):
Test for the token generator. Give an a random username and secret token, it should create the properly encoded string of text.
expected = "eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3N1ZWRBdCI6ICIyMDE0LTAyLTI3VDE3OjAwOjQyLjQwNjQ0MSswOjAwIiwgImNvbnN1bWVyS2V5IjogImZha2Vfc2VjcmV0IiwgInVzZXJJZCI6ICJ1c2VybmFtZSIsICJ0dGwiOiA4NjQwMH0.Dx1PoF-7mqBOOSGDMZ9R_s3oaaLRPnn6CJgGGF2A5CQ"
response = retrieve_token("username", "fake_secret")
self.assertEqual(expected.split('.')[0], response.split('.')[0])
self.assertNotEqual(expected.split('.')[2], response.split('.')[2])
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -38,6 +38,17 @@ class TextAnnotationModuleTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
ScopeIds(None, None, None, None)
def test_render_content(self):
Tests to make sure the sample xml is rendered and that it forms a valid xmltree
that does not contain a display_name.
content = self.mod._render_content() # pylint: disable=W0212
element = etree.fromstring(content)
self.assertFalse('display_name' in element.attrib, "Display Name should have been deleted from Content")
def test_extract_instructions(self):
Tests to make sure that the instructions are correctly pulled from the sample xml above.
......@@ -59,5 +70,5 @@ class TextAnnotationModuleTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
Tests the function that passes in all the information in the context that will be used in templates/textannotation.html
context = self.mod.get_html()
for key in ['display_name', 'tag', 'source', 'instructions_html', 'content_html', 'annotation_storage', 'token']:
for key in ['display_name', 'tag', 'source', 'instructions_html', 'content_html', 'annotation_storage']:
self.assertIn(key, context)
......@@ -34,6 +34,100 @@ class VideoAnnotationModuleTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
ScopeIds(None, None, None, None)
def test_annotation_class_attr_default(self):
Makes sure that it can detect annotation values in text-form if user
decides to add text to the area below video, video functionality is completely
found in javascript.
xml = '<annotation title="x" body="y" problem="0">test</annotation>'
element = etree.fromstring(xml)
expected_attr = {'class': {'value': 'annotatable-span highlight'}}
actual_attr = self.mod._get_annotation_class_attr(element) # pylint: disable=W0212
self.assertIsInstance(actual_attr, dict)
self.assertDictEqual(expected_attr, actual_attr)
def test_annotation_class_attr_with_valid_highlight(self):
Same as above but more specific to an area that is highlightable in the appropriate
color designated.
xml = '<annotation title="x" body="y" problem="0" highlight="{highlight}">test</annotation>'
for color in self.mod.highlight_colors:
element = etree.fromstring(xml.format(highlight=color))
value = 'annotatable-span highlight highlight-{highlight}'.format(highlight=color)
expected_attr = {'class': {
'value': value,
'_delete': 'highlight'}
actual_attr = self.mod._get_annotation_class_attr(element) # pylint: disable=W0212
self.assertIsInstance(actual_attr, dict)
self.assertDictEqual(expected_attr, actual_attr)
def test_annotation_class_attr_with_invalid_highlight(self):
Same as above, but checked with invalid colors.
xml = '<annotation title="x" body="y" problem="0" highlight="{highlight}">test</annotation>'
for invalid_color in ['rainbow', 'blink', 'invisible', '', None]:
element = etree.fromstring(xml.format(highlight=invalid_color))
expected_attr = {'class': {
'value': 'annotatable-span highlight',
'_delete': 'highlight'}
actual_attr = self.mod._get_annotation_class_attr(element) # pylint: disable=W0212
self.assertIsInstance(actual_attr, dict)
self.assertDictEqual(expected_attr, actual_attr)
def test_annotation_data_attr(self):
Test that each highlight contains the data information from the annotation itself.
element = etree.fromstring('<annotation title="bar" body="foo" problem="0">test</annotation>')
expected_attr = {
'data-comment-body': {'value': 'foo', '_delete': 'body'},
'data-comment-title': {'value': 'bar', '_delete': 'title'},
'data-problem-id': {'value': '0', '_delete': 'problem'}
actual_attr = self.mod._get_annotation_data_attr(element) # pylint: disable=W0212
self.assertIsInstance(actual_attr, dict)
self.assertDictEqual(expected_attr, actual_attr)
def test_render_annotation(self):
Tests to make sure that the spans designating annotations acutally visually render as annotations.
expected_html = '<span class="annotatable-span highlight highlight-yellow" data-comment-title="x" data-comment-body="y" data-problem-id="0">z</span>'
expected_el = etree.fromstring(expected_html)
actual_el = etree.fromstring('<annotation title="x" body="y" problem="0" highlight="yellow">z</annotation>')
self.mod._render_annotation(actual_el) # pylint: disable=W0212
self.assertEqual(expected_el.tag, actual_el.tag)
self.assertEqual(expected_el.text, actual_el.text)
self.assertDictEqual(dict(expected_el.attrib), dict(actual_el.attrib))
def test_render_content(self):
Like above, but using the entire text, it makes sure that display_name is removed and that there is only one
div encompassing the annotatable area.
content = self.mod._render_content() # pylint: disable=W0212
element = etree.fromstring(content)
self.assertEqual('div', element.tag, 'root tag is a div')
self.assertFalse('display_name' in element.attrib, "Display Name should have been deleted from Content")
def test_extract_instructions(self):
This test ensures that if an instruction exists it is pulled and
......@@ -66,6 +160,6 @@ class VideoAnnotationModuleTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
Tests to make sure variables passed in truly exist within the html once it is all rendered.
context = self.mod.get_html() # pylint: disable=W0212
for key in ['display_name', 'instructions_html', 'sourceUrl', 'typeSource', 'poster', 'annotation_storage']:
context = self.mod.get_html()
for key in ['display_name', 'content_html', 'instructions_html', 'sourceUrl', 'typeSource', 'poster', 'alert', 'annotation_storage']:
self.assertIn(key, context)
......@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ from pkg_resources import resource_string
from xmodule.x_module import XModule
from xmodule.raw_module import RawDescriptor
from xblock.core import Scope, String
from xmodule.annotator_token import retrieve_token
import textwrap
......@@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ class AnnotatableFields(object):
default='Text Annotation',
instructor_tags = String(
tags = String(
display_name="Tags for Assignments",
help="Add tags that automatically highlight in a certain color using the comma-separated form, i.e. imagery:red,parallelism:blue",
......@@ -44,7 +43,6 @@ class AnnotatableFields(object):
annotation_storage_url = String(help="Location of Annotation backend", scope=Scope.settings, default="", display_name="Url for Annotation Storage")
annotation_token_secret = String(help="Secret string for annotation storage", scope=Scope.settings, default="xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", display_name="Secret Token String for Annotation")
class TextAnnotationModule(AnnotatableFields, XModule):
......@@ -61,9 +59,15 @@ class TextAnnotationModule(AnnotatableFields, XModule):
self.instructions = self._extract_instructions(xmltree)
self.content = etree.tostring(xmltree, encoding='unicode')
self.user_email = ""
if self.runtime.get_real_user is not None:
self.user_email = self.runtime.get_real_user(self.runtime.anonymous_student_id).email
self.highlight_colors = ['yellow', 'orange', 'purple', 'blue', 'green']
def _render_content(self):
""" Renders annotatable content with annotation spans and returns HTML. """
xmltree = etree.fromstring(self.content)
if 'display_name' in xmltree.attrib:
del xmltree.attrib['display_name']
return etree.tostring(xmltree, encoding='unicode')
def _extract_instructions(self, xmltree):
""" Removes <instructions> from the xmltree and returns them as a string, otherwise None. """
......@@ -78,13 +82,13 @@ class TextAnnotationModule(AnnotatableFields, XModule):
""" Renders parameters to template. """
context = {
'display_name': self.display_name_with_default,
'tag': self.instructor_tags,
'tag': self.tags,
'source': self.source,
'instructions_html': self.instructions,
'content_html': self.content,
'annotation_storage': self.annotation_storage_url,
'token': retrieve_token(self.user_email, self.annotation_token_secret),
'content_html': self._render_content(),
'annotation_storage': self.annotation_storage_url
return self.system.render_template('textannotation.html', context)
......@@ -97,7 +101,6 @@ class TextAnnotationDescriptor(AnnotatableFields, RawDescriptor):
def non_editable_metadata_fields(self):
non_editable_fields = super(TextAnnotationDescriptor, self).non_editable_metadata_fields
return non_editable_fields
......@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ from pkg_resources import resource_string
from xmodule.x_module import XModule
from xmodule.raw_module import RawDescriptor
from xblock.core import Scope, String
from xmodule.annotator_token import retrieve_token
import textwrap
......@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ class AnnotatableFields(object):
sourceurl = String(help="The external source URL for the video.", display_name="Source URL", scope=Scope.settings, default="")
poster_url = String(help="Poster Image URL", display_name="Poster URL", scope=Scope.settings, default="")
annotation_storage_url = String(help="Location of Annotation backend", scope=Scope.settings, default="", display_name="Url for Annotation Storage")
annotation_token_secret = String(help="Secret string for annotation storage", scope=Scope.settings, default="xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", display_name="Secret Token String for Annotation")
class VideoAnnotationModule(AnnotatableFields, XModule):
'''Video Annotation Module'''
......@@ -56,9 +55,73 @@ class VideoAnnotationModule(AnnotatableFields, XModule):
self.instructions = self._extract_instructions(xmltree)
self.content = etree.tostring(xmltree, encoding='unicode')
self.user_email = ""
if self.runtime.get_real_user is not None:
self.user_email = self.runtime.get_real_user(self.runtime.anonymous_student_id).email
self.highlight_colors = ['yellow', 'orange', 'purple', 'blue', 'green']
def _get_annotation_class_attr(self, element):
""" Returns a dict with the CSS class attribute to set on the annotation
and an XML key to delete from the element.
attr = {}
cls = ['annotatable-span', 'highlight']
highlight_key = 'highlight'
color = element.get(highlight_key)
if color is not None:
if color in self.highlight_colors:
cls.append('highlight-' + color)
attr['_delete'] = highlight_key
attr['value'] = ' '.join(cls)
return {'class': attr}
def _get_annotation_data_attr(self, element):
""" Returns a dict in which the keys are the HTML data attributes
to set on the annotation element. Each data attribute has a
corresponding 'value' and (optional) '_delete' key to specify
an XML attribute to delete.
data_attrs = {}
attrs_map = {
'body': 'data-comment-body',
'title': 'data-comment-title',
'problem': 'data-problem-id'
for xml_key in attrs_map.keys():
if xml_key in element.attrib:
value = element.get(xml_key, '')
html_key = attrs_map[xml_key]
data_attrs[html_key] = {'value': value, '_delete': xml_key}
return data_attrs
def _render_annotation(self, element):
""" Renders an annotation element for HTML output. """
attr = {}
element.tag = 'span'
for key in attr.keys():
element.set(key, attr[key]['value'])
if '_delete' in attr[key] and attr[key]['_delete'] is not None:
delete_key = attr[key]['_delete']
del element.attrib[delete_key]
def _render_content(self):
""" Renders annotatable content with annotation spans and returns HTML. """
xmltree = etree.fromstring(self.content)
xmltree.tag = 'div'
if 'display_name' in xmltree.attrib:
del xmltree.attrib['display_name']
for element in xmltree.findall('.//annotation'):
return etree.tostring(xmltree, encoding='unicode')
def _extract_instructions(self, xmltree):
""" Removes <instructions> from the xmltree and returns them as a string, otherwise None. """
......@@ -91,9 +154,9 @@ class VideoAnnotationModule(AnnotatableFields, XModule):
'sourceUrl': self.sourceurl,
'typeSource': extension,
'poster': self.poster_url,
'content_html': self.content,
'annotation_storage': self.annotation_storage_url,
'token': retrieve_token(self.user_email, self.annotation_token_secret),
'alert': self,
'content_html': self._render_content(),
'annotation_storage': self.annotation_storage_url
return self.system.render_template('videoannotation.html', context)
......@@ -108,7 +171,6 @@ class VideoAnnotationDescriptor(AnnotatableFields, RawDescriptor):
def non_editable_metadata_fields(self):
non_editable_fields = super(VideoAnnotationDescriptor, self).non_editable_metadata_fields
return non_editable_fields
Annotator.Plugin.Auth.prototype.haveValidToken = function() {
return (
this._unsafeToken &&
this._unsafeToken.d.issuedAt &&
this._unsafeToken.d.ttl &&
this._unsafeToken.d.consumerKey &&
this.timeToExpiry() > 0
Annotator.Plugin.Auth.prototype.timeToExpiry = function() {
var expiry, issue, now, timeToExpiry;
now = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
issue = createDateFromISO8601(this._unsafeToken.d.issuedAt).getTime() / 1000;
expiry = issue + this._unsafeToken.d.ttl;
timeToExpiry = expiry - now;
if (timeToExpiry > 0) {
return timeToExpiry;
} else {
return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class RegistrationTest(UniqueCourseTest):
course_names = dashboard.available_courses
self.assertIn(self.course_info['display_name'], course_names)
class LanguageTest(UniqueCourseTest):
Tests that the change language functionality on the dashboard works
......@@ -381,6 +381,10 @@ class XBlockAcidNoChildTest(XBlockAcidBase):
@skip('Flakey test, TE-401')
def test_acid_block(self):
super(XBlockAcidNoChildTest, self).test_acid_block()
class XBlockAcidChildTest(XBlockAcidBase):
......@@ -12,10 +12,12 @@ May, 2014
* - Date
- Change
* - 05/16/14
- Updated :ref:`Working with Video Components` to reflect UI changes.
* - 05/14/14
- Updated the :ref:`Running Your Course Index` chapter to remove references
to the "new beta" Instructor Dashboard.
* -
* - 05/13/14
- Updated the :ref:`Enrollment` section to reflect that usernames or email
addresses can be used to batch enroll students.
* -
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ To create the above problem:
.. _Drag and Drop Problem XML:
.. _Problem with Adaptive Hint XML:
Problem with Adaptive Hint XML
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ The VitalSource Bookshelf e-reader tool provides your students with easy access
:width: 500
:alt: VitalSource e-book with highlighted note
For more information about Vital Source and its features, visit the `VitalSource Bookshelf support site <>`_.
For more information about Vital Source and its features, visit the `VitalSource Bookshelf support site <>`_.
.. note:: Before you add a VitalSource Bookshelf e-reader to your course, you must work with Vital Source to make sure the content you need already exists in the Vital Source inventory. If the content is not yet available, Vital Source works with the publisher of the e-book to create an e-book that meets the VitalSource Bookshelf specifications. **This process can take up to four months.** The following steps assume that the e-book you want is already part of the Vital Source inventory.
......@@ -194,9 +194,9 @@ When you add beta testers, note the following.
.. _Add_Testers_Bulk:
Add Multiple Beta Testers
If you have a number of beta testers that you want to add, you can use the "batch
add" option to add them all at once, rather than individually. With this
......@@ -229,9 +229,9 @@ testers**.
.. note:: The **Auto Enroll** option has no effect when you click **Remove beta testers**. The user's role as a beta tester is removed; course enrollment is not affected.
Add Beta Testers Individually
To add a single beta tester:
May 15, 2014
The following information reflects what is new in the edX Platform as of May 15, 2014. See previous pages in this document for a history of changes.
edX Documentation
You can access the `edX Status`_ page to get an up-to-date status for all
services on and edX Edge. The page also includes the Twitter feed for
@edXstatus, which the edX Operations team uses to post updates.
You can access the public `edX roadmap`_ for
details about the currently planned product direction.
The following documentation is available:
* `Building and Running an edX Course`_
You can also download the guide as a PDF from the edX Studio user interface.
Recent changes include:
* Updated the `Running Your Course`_ chapter to remove references to the “new
beta” Instructor Dashboard.
* Updated `Enrollment`_ section to reflect that usernames or email
addresses can be used to batch enroll students.
* Updated `Grade and Answer Data`_ section to include new features in
the problem **Staff Debug** viewer for rescoring, resetting attempts, and
deleting state for a specified student.
* Updated `Staffing`_ section to explain the labeling differences
between Studio and the LMS with respect to course team roles.
* Updated `Assign Discussion Administration Roles`_ section to include a note
about course staff requiring explicit granting of discussion administration
* Added the `VitalSource E-Reader Tool`_ section.
* Updated `Add Files to a Course`_ section to include warnings about
file size.
* Updated the `LTI Component`_ section to reflect new settings.
* `edX Data Documentation`_
Recent changes include:
Updated `Tracking Logs`_ section to include events for course
enrollment activities: ``edx.course.enrollment.activated`` and
* `edX Platform Developer Documentation`_
Recent changes include:
Added an `Analytics`_ section for developers.
* `edX XBlock Documentation`_
edX Studio
* A problem that prevented you from hiding the Wiki in the list of Pages when
using Firefox is resolved. (STUD-1581)
* A problem that prevented you from importing a course created on into
edX Edge is resolved. (STUD-1599)
* All text in the Video component UI has been updated for clarity. (DOC-206)
edX Learning Management System
* The Instructor Dashboard that appears to course teams by default in the
LMS has changed. The Instructor Dashboard that appears when you click
**Instructor** is now the "New Beta" dashboard. The "Standard" dashboard
remains available; a button click is required to access it. The two dashboard
versions are also relabeled in this release. The version that was previously
identified as the "New Beta Dashboard" is now labeled "Instructor Dashboard",
and the version previously identified as the "Standard Dashboard" is now
labeled "Legacy Dashboard". (LMS-1296)
* Previously, when a student clicked **Run Code** for a MatLab problem, the
entire page was reloaded. This issue has been resolved so that now only the
MatLab problem elements are reloaded. (LMS-2505)
edX Analytics
* There is a new event tracking API for instrumenting events to capture user
actions and other point-in-time activities in Studio and the edX LMS. See
`Analytics`_ for more information.
.. include:: links.rst
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ There is a page in this document for each update to the edX system on ``_
:maxdepth: 1
......@@ -150,6 +150,13 @@
.. _Drag and Drop Problem:
.. _Assign Discussion Administration Roles:
.. _LTI Component:
.. _VitalSource E-Reader Tool:
.. _Student Info and Progress Data:
......@@ -172,4 +179,6 @@
.. _Contributing to Open edX:
.. _edX XBlock Documentation:
\ No newline at end of file
.. _edX XBlock Documentation:
.. _Analytics:
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -94,12 +94,15 @@ class TestGetProblemGradeDistribution(ModuleStoreTestCase):
def test_get_problem_grade_distribution(self):
prob_grade_distrib = get_problem_grade_distribution(
prob_grade_distrib, total_student_count = get_problem_grade_distribution(
for problem in prob_grade_distrib:
max_grade = prob_grade_distrib[problem]['max_grade']
self.assertEquals(1, max_grade)
for val in total_student_count.values():
self.assertEquals(USER_COUNT, val)
def test_get_sequential_open_distibution(self):
sequential_open_distrib = get_sequential_open_distrib(
......@@ -242,6 +245,61 @@ class TestGetProblemGradeDistribution(ModuleStoreTestCase):
# Check response contains 1 line for each user +1 for the header
self.assertEquals(USER_COUNT + 1, len(response.content.splitlines()))
def test_post_metrics_data_subsections_csv(self):
url = reverse('post_metrics_data_csv')
sections = json.dumps(["Introduction"])
tooltips = json.dumps([[{"subsection_name": "Pre-Course Survey", "subsection_num": 1, "type": "subsection", "num_students": 18963}]])
course_id =
data_type = 'subsection'
data = json.dumps({'sections': sections,
'tooltips': tooltips,
'course_id': course_id,
'data_type': data_type,
response =, {'data': data})
# Check response contains 1 line for header, 1 line for Section and 1 line for Subsection
self.assertEquals(3, len(response.content.splitlines()))
def test_post_metrics_data_problems_csv(self):
url = reverse('post_metrics_data_csv')
sections = json.dumps(["Introduction"])
tooltips = json.dumps([[[
{'student_count_percent': 0,
'problem_name': 'Q1',
'grade': 0,
'percent': 0,
'label': 'P1.2.1',
'max_grade': 1,
'count_grade': 26,
'type': u'problem'},
{'student_count_percent': 99,
'problem_name': 'Q1',
'grade': 1,
'percent': 100,
'label': 'P1.2.1',
'max_grade': 1,
'count_grade': 4763,
'type': 'problem'},
course_id =
data_type = 'problem'
data = json.dumps({'sections': sections,
'tooltips': tooltips,
'course_id': course_id,
'data_type': data_type,
response =, {'data': data})
# Check response contains 1 line for header, 1 line for Sections and 2 lines for problems
self.assertEquals(4, len(response.content.splitlines()))
def test_get_section_display_name(self):
section_display_name = get_section_display_name(
Class Dashboard API endpoint urls.
from django.conf.urls import patterns, url
urlpatterns = patterns('', # nopep8
# Json request data for metrics for entire course
'class_dashboard.views.all_sequential_open_distrib', name="all_sequential_open_distrib"),
'class_dashboard.views.all_problem_grade_distribution', name="all_problem_grade_distribution"),
# Json request data for metrics for particular section
'class_dashboard.views.section_problem_grade_distrib', name="section_problem_grade_distrib"),
# For listing students that opened a sub-section
'class_dashboard.dashboard_data.get_students_opened_subsection', name="get_students_opened_subsection"),
# For listing of students' grade per problem
'class_dashboard.dashboard_data.get_students_problem_grades', name="get_students_problem_grades"),
# For generating metrics data as a csv
'class_dashboard.dashboard_data.post_metrics_data_csv', name="post_metrics_data_csv"),
......@@ -255,10 +255,17 @@ def _section_metrics(course_key, access):
'section_key': 'metrics',
'section_display_name': ('Metrics'),
'access': access,
<<<<<<< HEAD
'sub_section_display_name': get_section_display_name(course_key),
'section_has_problem': get_array_section_has_problem(course_key),
'course_id': course_id,
'sub_section_display_name': get_section_display_name(course_id),
'section_has_problem': get_array_section_has_problem(course_id),
>>>>>>> edx/master
'get_students_opened_subsection_url': reverse('get_students_opened_subsection'),
'get_students_problem_grades_url': reverse('get_students_problem_grades'),
'post_metrics_data_csv_url': reverse('post_metrics_data_csv'),
return section_data
......@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ from edxmako.shortcuts import render_to_response
from import get_course_with_access
from notes.models import Note
from notes.utils import notes_enabled_for_course
from xmodule.annotator_token import retrieve_token
......@@ -23,8 +22,7 @@ def notes(request, course_id):
'course': course,
'notes': notes,
'student': student,
'storage': storage,
'token': retrieve_token(, course.annotation_token_secret),
'storage': storage
return render_to_response('notes.html', context)
......@@ -828,7 +828,6 @@ main_vendor_js = [
......@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ var StaffDebug = (function(){
// Register click handlers
$(document).ready(function() {
<<<<<<< HEAD
$('#staff-debug-reset').click(function() {
StaffDebug.reset($(this).parent().data('location-name'), $(this).parent().data('location'));
return false;
......@@ -124,6 +125,18 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
$('#staff-debug-rescore').click(function() {
StaffDebug.rescore($(this).parent().data('location-name'), $(this).parent().data('location'));
$('.staff-debug-reset').click(function() {
return false;
$('.staff-debug-sdelete').click(function() {
return false;
$('.staff-debug-rescore').click(function() {
>>>>>>> edx/master
return false;
......@@ -591,17 +591,16 @@ section.instructor-dashboard-content-2 {
.instructor-dashboard-wrapper-2 section.idash-section#metrics {
.metrics-container {
.metrics-container, .metrics-header-container {
position: relative;
width: 100%;
float: left;
clear: both;
margin-top: 25px;
.metrics-left {
.metrics-left, .metrics-left-header {
position: relative;
width: 30%;
height: 640px;
float: left;
margin-right: 2.5%;
......@@ -609,10 +608,13 @@ section.instructor-dashboard-content-2 {
width: 100%;
.metrics-right {
.metrics-section.metrics-left {
height: 640px;
.metrics-right, .metrics-right-header {
position: relative;
width: 65%;
height: 295px;
float: left;
margin-left: 2.5%;
margin-bottom: 25px;
......@@ -622,6 +624,10 @@ section.instructor-dashboard-content-2 {
.metrics-section.metrics-right {
height: 295px;
svg {
.stacked-bar {
cursor: pointer;
......@@ -718,10 +724,6 @@ section.instructor-dashboard-content-2 {
border-radius: 5px;
margin-top: 25px;
input#graph_reload {
display: none;
<%page args="id_opened_prefix, id_grade_prefix, id_attempt_prefix, id_tooltip_prefix, course_id, **kwargs"/>
<%page args="id_opened_prefix, id_grade_prefix, id_attempt_prefix, id_tooltip_prefix, course_id, allSubsectionTooltipArr, allProblemTooltipArr, **kwargs"/>
import json
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
......@@ -30,6 +30,13 @@ $(function () {
margin: {left:0},
// Construct array of tooltips for all sections for the "Download Subsection Data" button.
var sectionTooltipArr = new Array(); function(element, index, array) {
sectionTooltipArr[index] = element.stackData[0].tooltip;
allSubsectionTooltipArr[i] = sectionTooltipArr;
barGraphOpened = edx_d3CreateStackedBarGraph(paramOpened,"svg"),"#${id_tooltip_prefix}"+i));
......@@ -68,6 +75,17 @@ $(function () {
bVerticalXAxisLabel : true,
// Construct array of tooltips for all sections for the "Download Problem Data" button.
var sectionTooltipArr = new Array(); function(element, index, array) {
var stackDataArr = new Array();
for (var j = 0; j < element.stackData.length; j++) {
stackDataArr[j] = element.stackData[j].tooltip
sectionTooltipArr[index] = stackDataArr;
allProblemTooltipArr[i] = sectionTooltipArr;
barGraphGrade = edx_d3CreateStackedBarGraph(paramGrade,"svg"),"#${id_tooltip_prefix}"+i));
......@@ -83,6 +101,7 @@ $(function () {
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -349,8 +349,20 @@ edx_d3CreateStackedBarGraph = function(parameters, svg, divTooltip) {
var top = pos[1]-10;
var width = $('#'+graph.divTooltip.attr("id")).width();
// Construct the tooltip
if (d.tooltip['type'] == 'subsection') {
tooltip_str = d.tooltip['num_students'] + ' ' + gettext('student(s) opened Subsection') + ' ' \
+ d.tooltip['subsection_num'] + ': ' + d.tooltip['subsection_name']
}else if (d.tooltip['type'] == 'problem') {
tooltip_str = d.tooltip['label'] + ' ' + d.tooltip['problem_name'] + ' - ' \
+ d.tooltip['count_grade'] + ' ' + gettext('students') + ' (' \
+ d.tooltip['student_count_percent'] + '%) (' + \
+ d.tooltip['percent'] + '%: ' + \
+ d.tooltip['grade'] +'/' + d.tooltip['max_grade'] + ' '
+ gettext('questions') + ')'
}"visibility", "visible")
if ((left+width+30) > $("#"+graph.divTooltip.node()
left -= (width+30);
......@@ -17,6 +17,13 @@
<%static:css group='style-vendor-tinymce-skin'/>
<%static:css group='style-course'/>
<script type="text/javascript">
// This is a hack to get tinymce to work correctly in Firefox until the annotator tool is refactored to not include
// tinymce globally.
if(typeof window.Range.prototype === "undefined") {
window.Range.prototype = { };
<script type="text/javascript" src="${static.url('js/vendor/flot/jquery.flot.js')}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="${static.url('js/vendor/flot/jquery.flot.axislabels.js')}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="${static.url('js/vendor/jquery-jvectormap-1.1.1/jquery-jvectormap-1.1.1.min.js')}"></script>
......@@ -715,7 +722,9 @@ function goto( mode)
var allSubsectionTooltipArr = new Array();
var allProblemTooltipArr = new Array();
${all_section_metrics.body("metric_opened_","metric_grade_","metric_attempts_","metric_tooltip_",, allSubsectionTooltipArr, allProblemTooltipArr)}
......@@ -25,6 +25,13 @@
<%static:css group='style-vendor-tinymce-content'/>
<%static:css group='style-vendor-tinymce-skin'/>
<%static:css group='style-course'/>
<script type="text/javascript">
// This is a hack to get tinymce to work correctly in Firefox until the annotator tool is refactored to not include
// tinymce globally.
if(typeof window.Range.prototype === "undefined") {
window.Range.prototype = { };
<script type="text/javascript" src="${static.url('js/vendor/underscore-min.js')}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="${static.url('js/vendor/mustache.js')}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="${static.url('js/vendor/flot/jquery.flot.js')}"></script>
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
<a href="${ section_data['spoc_gradebook_url'] }" class="progress-link"> ${_("View Gradebook")} </a>
<a href="${ section_data['spoc_gradebook_url'] }" class="gradebook-link"> ${_("View Gradebook")} </a>
......@@ -66,10 +66,19 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
//Grab uri of the course
var parts = window.location.href.split("/"),
uri = '';
for (var index = 0; index <= 6; index += 1) uri += parts[index]+"/"; //Get the unit url
//Grab uri of the course
var parts = window.location.href.split("/"),
uri = '',
for (var index = 0; index <= 6; index += 1) uri += parts[index]+"/"; //Get the unit url
courseid = parts[4] + "/" + parts[5] + "/" + parts[6];
>>>>>>> edx/master
var pagination = 100,
is_staff = false,
options = {
......@@ -168,7 +177,7 @@
auth: {
token: "${token}"
tokenUrl: location.protocol+'//'"/token?course_id="+courseid
store: {
// The endpoint of the store on your server.
......@@ -63,12 +63,21 @@ ${block_content}
<div data-location="${unicode(location)}" data-location-name="${}">
<<<<<<< HEAD
<a href="#" id="staff-debug-reset">${_('Reset Student Attempts')}</a>
<a href="#" id="staff-debug-sdelete">${_('Delete Student State')}</a>
<a href="#" id="staff-debug-rescore">${_('Rescore Student Submission')}</a>
<a href="#" id="staff-debug-reset" class="staff-debug-reset" data-location="${}">${_('Reset Student Attempts')}</a>
<a href="#" id="staff-debug-sdelete" class="staff-debug-sdelete" data-location="${}">${_('Delete Student State')}</a>
<a href="#" id="staff-debug-rescore" class="staff-debug-rescore" data-location="${}">${_('Rescore Student Submission')}</a>
>>>>>>> edx/master
<div id="result_${}"/>
<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %>
<div class="annotatable-wrapper">
<div class="annotatable-header">
% if display_name is not UNDEFINED and display_name is not None:
<div class="annotatable-title">${display_name}</div>
% endif
% if instructions_html is not UNDEFINED and instructions_html is not None:
<div class="annotatable-section shaded">
<div class="annotatable-section-title">
<a class="annotatable-toggle annotatable-toggle-instructions expanded" href="javascript:void(0)">${_('Collapse Instructions')}</a>
<div class="annotatable-section-body annotatable-instructions">
% endif
<div class="annotatable-section">
<div class="annotatable-content">
<div id="textHolder">${content_html}</div>
<div id="sourceCitation">${_('Source:')} ${source}</div>
<div id="catchDIV">
<div class="annotationListContainer">${_('You do not have any notes.')}</div>
<div class="annotatable-header">
% if display_name is not UNDEFINED and display_name is not None:
<div class="annotatable-title">${display_name}</div>
% endif
% if instructions_html is not UNDEFINED and instructions_html is not None:
<div class="annotatable-section shaded">
<div class="annotatable-section-title">
<a class="annotatable-toggle annotatable-toggle-instructions expanded" href="javascript:void(0)">${_('Collapse Instructions')}</a>
<div class="annotatable-section-body annotatable-instructions">
% endif
<div class="annotatable-section">
<div class="annotatable-content">
<div id="textHolder">${content_html}</div>
<div id="sourceCitation">${_('Source:')} ${source}</div>
<div id="catchDIV">
<div class="annotationListContainer">${_('You do not have any notes.')}</div>
function onClickHideInstructions(){
//Reset function if there is more than one event handler
var hide = $(this).html()=='Collapse Instructions'?true:false,
cls, txt,slideMethod;
txt = (hide ? 'Expand' : 'Collapse') + ' Instructions';
cls = (hide ? ['expanded', 'collapsed'] : ['collapsed', 'expanded']);
slideMethod = (hide ? 'slideUp' : 'slideDown');
$('.annotatable-toggle-instructions').on('click', onClickHideInstructions);
//Grab uri of the course
function onClickHideInstructions(){
//Reset function if there is more than one event handler
var hide = $(this).html()=='Collapse Instructions'?true:false,
cls, txt,slideMethod;
txt = (hide ? 'Expand' : 'Collapse') + ' Instructions';
cls = (hide ? ['expanded', 'collapsed'] : ['collapsed', 'expanded']);
slideMethod = (hide ? 'slideUp' : 'slideDown');
$('.annotatable-toggle-instructions').on('click', onClickHideInstructions);
//Grab uri of the course
var parts = window.location.href.split("/"),
uri = '';
for (var index = 0; index <= 9; index += 1) uri += parts[index]+"/"; //Get the unit url
//Change uri in cms
var lms_location = $('.sidebar .preview-button').attr('href');
if (typeof lms_location!='undefined'){
uri = window.location.protocol;
for (var index = 0; index <= 9; index += 1) uri += lms_location.split("/")[index]+"/"; //Get the unit url
var unit_id = $('#sequence-list').find('.active').attr("data-element");
uri += unit_id;
var pagination = 100,
is_staff = !('${user.is_staff}'=='False'),
uri = '',
for (var index = 0; index <= 9; index += 1) uri += parts[index]+"/"; //Get the unit url
courseid = parts[4] + "/" + parts[5] + "/" + parts[6];
//Change uri in cms
var lms_location = $('.sidebar .preview-button').attr('href');
if (typeof lms_location!='undefined'){
courseid = parts[4].split(".").join("/");
uri = window.location.protocol;
for (var index = 0; index <= 9; index += 1) uri += lms_location.split("/")[index]+"/"; //Get the unit url
var pagination = 100,
is_staff = !('${user.is_staff}'=='False'),
options = {
optionsAnnotator: {
......@@ -88,7 +89,7 @@
if (annotation.permissions) {
tokens = annotation.permissions[action] || [];
if (is_staff){
return true;
return true;
if (tokens.length === 0) {
return true;
......@@ -114,7 +115,7 @@
auth: {
token: "${token}"
tokenUrl: location.protocol+'//'"/token?course_id="+courseid
store: {
// The endpoint of the store on your server.
......@@ -139,14 +140,11 @@
tag: "${tag}",
diacritics: "${diacritic_marks}"
optionsVideoJS: {techOrder: ["html5","flash","youtube"]},
......@@ -163,11 +161,12 @@
var imgURLRoot = "${settings.STATIC_URL}" + "js/vendor/ova/catch/img/";
tinyMCE.baseURL = "${settings.STATIC_URL}" + "js/vendor/ova";
//remove old instances
var imgURLRoot = "${settings.STATIC_URL}" + "js/vendor/ova/catch/img/";
tinyMCE.baseURL = "${settings.STATIC_URL}" + "js/vendor/ova";
//remove old instances
if (Annotator._instances.length !== 0) {
......@@ -175,6 +174,7 @@
//Load the plugin Video/Text Annotation
var ova = new OpenVideoAnnotation.Annotator($('#textHolder'),options);
var annotator = ova.annotator,
catchOptions = {
......@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
showMediaSelector: false,
showPublicPrivate: true,
pagination:pagination,//Number of Annotations per load in the pagination,
......@@ -49,16 +49,18 @@
//Grab uri of the course
var parts = window.location.href.split("/"),
uri = '';
uri = '',
for (var index = 0; index <= 9; index += 1) uri += parts[index]+"/"; //Get the unit url
courseid = parts[4] + "/" + parts[5] + "/" + parts[6];
//Change uri in cms
var lms_location = $('.sidebar .preview-button').attr('href');
if (typeof lms_location!='undefined'){
courseid = parts[4].split(".").join("/");
uri = window.location.protocol;
for (var index = 0; index <= 9; index += 1) uri += lms_location.split("/")[index]+"/"; //Get the unit url
var unit_id = $('#sequence-list').find('.active').attr("data-element");
uri += unit_id;
var pagination = 100,
is_staff = !('${user.is_staff}'=='False'),
options = {
......@@ -117,7 +119,7 @@
auth: {
token: "${token}"
tokenUrl: location.protocol+'//'"/token?course_id="+courseid
store: {
// The endpoint of the store on your server.
......@@ -173,6 +175,8 @@
var ova = new OpenVideoAnnotation.Annotator($('#videoHolder'),options);
var annotator = ova.annotator,
......@@ -182,7 +186,7 @@
showMediaSelector: false,
showPublicPrivate: true,
pagination:pagination,//Number of Annotations per load in the pagination,
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ urlpatterns = ('', # nopep8
url(r'^request_certificate$', 'certificates.views.request_certificate'),
url(r'^$', 'branding.views.index', name="root"), # Main marketing page, or redirect to courseware
url(r'^dashboard$', 'student.views.dashboard', name="dashboard"),
url(r'^token$', 'student.views.token', name="token"),
url(r'^login$', 'student.views.signin_user', name="signin_user"),
url(r'^register$', 'student.views.register_user', name="register_user"),
......@@ -377,23 +378,7 @@ if settings.COURSEWARE_ENABLED and settings.FEATURES.get('ENABLE_INSTRUCTOR_LEGA
if settings.FEATURES.get('CLASS_DASHBOARD'):
urlpatterns += (
# Json request data for metrics for entire course
'class_dashboard.views.all_sequential_open_distrib', name="all_sequential_open_distrib"),
'class_dashboard.views.all_problem_grade_distribution', name="all_problem_grade_distribution"),
# Json request data for metrics for particular section
'class_dashboard.views.section_problem_grade_distrib', name="section_problem_grade_distrib"),
# For listing students that opened a sub-section
'class_dashboard.dashboard_data.get_students_opened_subsection', name="get_students_opened_subsection"),
# For listing of students' grade per problem
'class_dashboard.dashboard_data.get_students_problem_grades', name="get_students_problem_grades"),
url(r'^class_dashboard/', include('class_dashboard.urls')),
if settings.DEBUG or settings.FEATURES.get('ENABLE_DJANGO_ADMIN_SITE'):
......@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ django-method-override==0.1.0
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