## Translators: This message appears to users when the system is processessing course certificates, which can take a few hours.
<h2class="title">${_("We're working on it...")}</h2>
<pclass="copy">${_("We're creating your certificate. You can keep working in your courses and a link to it will appear here and on your Dashboard when it is ready.")}</p>
%elif missing_required_verification or is_unverified:
## The is_unverified variable comes from certificate status.
## At the moment, the assumption is we should not show generate certificate button
## if the certificate previously generated is in unverified status
## Translators: This message appears to users when the users have not completed identity verification.
<pclass="copy">${_("You have not received a certificate because you do not have a current {platform_name} verified identity. ").format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)} <ahref="${reverse('verify_student_reverify')}"> ${_("Verify your identity now.")}</a></p>
<h2class="title">${_("Congratulations, you qualified for a certificate!")}</h2>
<pclass="copy">${_("You can keep working for a higher grade, or request your certificate now.")}</p>