Commit 169d4b12 by Alexander Kryklia


parent 54c222a0
......@@ -3,21 +3,19 @@ Graphical slider tool module is ungraded xmodule used by students to
understand functional dependencies.
# import json
import json
import logging
from lxml import etree
import xmltodict
import re
from xmodule.mako_module import MakoModuleDescriptor
from xmodule.xml_module import XmlDescriptor
from xmodule.x_module import XModule
from xmodule.progress import Progress
from xmodule.exceptions import NotFoundError
from pkg_resources import resource_string
from xmodule.raw_module import RawDescriptor
from xmodule.stringify import stringify_children
# log = logging.getLogger("mitx.common.lib.seq_module")
log = logging.getLogger("mitx.common.lib.gst_module")
class GraphicalSliderToolModule(XModule):
......@@ -71,15 +69,49 @@ class GraphicalSliderToolModule(XModule):
instance_state, shared_state, **kwargs)
def get_html(self):
gst_html = self.substitute_controls(self.definition['render'].strip())
params = {
'main_html': self.definition['render'].strip(),
'gst_html': gst_html,
'element_id': self.location.html_id(),
'element_class': self.location.category
'element_class': self.location.category,
'configuration_json': self.configuration_json
self.content = (self.system.render_template(
'graphical_slider_tool.html', params))
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
return self.content
def substitute_controls(self, html_string):
""" Substitue control element via their divs.
Simple variant: slider and plot controls are not inside any tag.
plot_div = '<div class="${element_class}_plot" id="${element_id}_plot" \
style="width: 600px; height: 600px; padding: 0px; position: relative;"> \
This is plot</div>'
html_string.replace('$plot$', plot_div)
vars = [x['@var'] for x in json.loads(self.configuration_json)['root']['sliders']['slider']]
for var in vars:
m = re.match('$slider\[([0-9]+),([0-9]+)]', self.value.strip().replace(' ', ''))
if m:
# Note: we subtract 15 to compensate for the size of the dot on the screen.
# (is a 30x30 image--lms/static/green-pointer.png).
(self.gx, = [int(x) - 15 for x in m.groups()]
html.replace('$slider' + ' ' + x['@var'])
return html_string
def get_configuration(self):
"""Parse self.definition['configuration'] and transfer it to javascript
via json.
# root added for interface compatibility with xmltodict.parse
self.configuration_json = json.dumps(
xmltodict.parse('<root>' +
+ '</root>'))
return self.configuration_json
class GraphicalSliderToolDescriptor(MakoModuleDescriptor, XmlDescriptor):
module_class = GraphicalSliderToolModule
<div align="center" id="element_id" class="element_class">
<div align="center" id="${element_id}" class="${element_class}">
<!-- xidden field to read configuration json from -->
<div class="${element_class}" id="${element_id}_json" style="hidden"
<!-- main xml with marked places for sliders, number and plots -->
{# widgests <div class="slider" id="${element_class}_1" data-var="a"></div> #}
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