Commit 169414b7 by Ned Batchelder

An idempotent migration to add an email uniqueness constraint

parent 52ca02fd
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django.db import migrations
# We used to have a uniqueness constraint on
# That constraint was lost in the upgrade from Django 1.4->1.8. This migration
# adds it back. But because it might already exist in databases created
# long-enough ago, we have to do it idempotently. So we check for the
# existence of the constraint before creating it.
def add_email_uniqueness_constraint(apps, schema_editor):
# Do we already have an email uniqueness constraint?
cursor = schema_editor.connection.cursor()
constraints = schema_editor.connection.introspection.get_constraints(cursor, "auth_user")
email_constraint = constraints.get("email", {})
if email_constraint.get("columns") == ["email"] and email_constraint.get("unique") == True:
# We already have the constraint, we're done.
# We don't have the constraint, make it.
schema_editor.execute("create unique index email on auth_user (email)")
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
('student', '0010_auto_20170207_0458'),
operations = [
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