Commit 15cb79bc by Mark Hoeber

Merge pull request #2099 from edx/markhoeber/documentation/fix-sylvia-615

Fixing merge for sylvia's branch bld-615
parents c711bb60 068bdb7e
......@@ -4,20 +4,20 @@
Working with Problem Components
Overview of Problem Components
The problem component allows you to add interactive, automatically
graded exercises to your course content. You can create many different
types of problems in Studio.
types of problems in Studio.
All problems receive a point score, but, by default, problems do not count
toward a student's grade. If you want the problems to count toward the
student's grade, change the assignment type of the subsection that contains the
student's grade, change the assignment type of the subsection that contains the
See the following topics:
For more information, see the following topics.
* :ref:`Components and the User Interface`
* :ref:`Problem Settings`
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ All problems on the edX platform have several component parts.
#. **Feedback.** After a student clicks **Check**, all problems return a
green check mark or a red X.
.. image:: Images/AnatomyofaProblem_Feedback.gif
#. **Correct answer.** Most problems require that the instructor specify
......@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ All problems on the edX platform have several component parts.
#. **Grading.** The instructor may specify whether a group of problems
is graded. If a group of problems is graded, a clock icon appears for
that assignment in the course accordion.
that assignment in the course accordion.
.. image:: Images/clock_icon.gif
#. **Due date.** The date that the problem is due. A problem that is
......@@ -124,9 +124,9 @@ Studio offers two interfaces for editing problem components: the Simple
Editor and the Advanced Editor.
- The **Simple Editor** allows you to edit problems visually, without
having to work with XML.
having to work with XML.
- The **Advanced Editor** converts the problem to edX’s XML standard
and allows you to edit that XML directly.
and allows you to edit that XML directly.
.. note:: You can switch at any time from the Simple Editor to the
Advanced Editor by clicking **Advanced Editor** in the top right corner
......@@ -135,11 +135,11 @@ Editor and the Advanced Editor.
The Simple Editor
The Common Problem templates, including multiple choice, open in the Simple Editor. The
following image shows a multiple choice problem in the Simple Editor.
The Common Problem templates, including multiple choice, open in the Simple Editor. The
following image shows a multiple choice problem in the Simple Editor.
The Simple Editor includes a toolbar that helps you format the text of your problem.
When you select text and then click the formatting buttons, the Simple Editor formats
The Simple Editor includes a toolbar that helps you format the text of your problem.
When you select text and then click the formatting buttons, the Simple Editor formats
the text for you automatically. The toolbar buttons are the following:
1. Create a level 1 heading.
......@@ -154,17 +154,17 @@ the text for you automatically. The toolbar buttons are the following:
The following image shows a multiple choice problem in the Simple Editor.
.. image:: Images/MultipleChoice_SimpleEditor.gif
.. image:: Images/MultipleChoice_SimpleEditor.gif
.. _Advanced Editor:
.. _Advanced Editor:
The Advanced Editor
The **Advanced Editor** opens a problem in XML. The Advanced Problem templates,
such as the circuit schematic builder, open directly in the Advanced Editor.
The **Advanced Editor** opens a problem in XML. The Advanced Problem templates,
such as the circuit schematic builder, open directly in the Advanced Editor.
For more information about the XML for different problem types, see :ref:`Appendix E`.
The following image shows the multiple choice problem above in the Advanced Editor
instead of the Simple Editor.
......@@ -328,8 +328,8 @@ Problem Types
Studio includes templates for many different types of problems, from
simple multiple choice problems to advanced problems that require the
student to “build” a virtual circuit. Details about each problem type,
including information about how to create the problem, appears in the
student to “build” a virtual circuit. Details about each problem type,
including information about how to create the problem, appears in the
page for the problem type.
- :ref:`Common Problems` appear on the **Common Problem Types** tab when you
......@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ page for the problem type.
**Add New Component** in each unit, and these problems are available
in the Advanced component.
- :ref:`Open Response Assessment Problems` are a new kind of problem that allow you, the
students in your course, or a computer algorithm to grade responses in the form
students in your course, or a computer algorithm to grade responses in the form
of essays, files such as computer code, and images.
.. _Multiple Problems in One Component:
Working with Tools
Overview of Tools in Studio
**Intro to Tools text** - you can use various tools in Studio, etc. (Sometimes
called blades, though that's not intuitive for very many people.)
- Interactive periodic table (if we document this)
- :ref:`Qualtrics Survey`
- :ref:`Word Cloud`
- :ref:`Zooming image`
.. _Qualtrics Survey:
Qualtrics Survey
**description of Qualtrics survey and explanation of why course teams would want to
use it**
**image of Qualtrics survey**
Create a Qualtrics Survey
To create a Qualtrics survey, you'll use the Anonymous User ID template. This
template contains HTML with instructions.
#. Under **Add New Component**, click **html**, and then click **Anonymous User ID**.
#. In the empty component that appears, click **Edit**.
#. When the component editor opens, replace the example content with your own content.
- **flesh these instructions out more**
- To use your survey, you must edit the link in the template to include your university and survey ID.
- You can also embed the survey in an iframe in the HTML component.
- For more details, read the instructions in the HTML view of the component.
#. Click **Save** to save the HTML component.
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