Commit 159f6807 by Brian Talbot

LMS: semantically hides the ie-centric browser warning/FF/Chrome suggestion…

LMS: semantically hides the ie-centric browser warning/FF/Chrome suggestion message to avoid confusing/misleading assistive tech-based users.
parent 75b7514c
......@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ site_status_msg = get_site_status_msg(course_id)
% if course:
<div class="ie-banner">${_('<strong>Warning:</strong> Your browser is not fully supported. We strongly recommend using {chrome_link_start}Chrome{chrome_link_end} or {ff_link_start}Firefox{ff_link_end}.').format(chrome_link_start='<a href="" target="_blank">', chrome_link_end='</a>', ff_link_start='<a href="" target="_blank">', ff_link_end='</a>')}</div>
<div class="ie-banner" aria-hidden="true">${_('<strong>Warning:</strong> Your browser is not fully supported. We strongly recommend using {chrome_link_start}Chrome{chrome_link_end} or {ff_link_start}Firefox{ff_link_end}.').format(chrome_link_start='<a href="" target="_blank">', chrome_link_end='</a>', ff_link_start='<a href="" target="_blank">', ff_link_end='</a>')}</div>
% endif
%if not user.is_authenticated():
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