<p>Use the IFrame tool to embed an exercise or tool from any web site into your course content. For example, the tool below allows learners to experiment with how the shape of a triangle affects a line that is derived from the triangle.</p>
<p>Exercises in an IFrame are not graded. To embed graded exercises, use a Custom JavaScript Problem.</p>
<p>The following code is the HTML format required to use the IFrame tool. For the IFrame in this template, you must replace the values in <i>italics</i>.</p>
<iframe title="<i>The required title of the tool</i>"
src="<i>The URL of the tool, starting with https://</i>">
<i>Message displayed when the browser does not support IFrames.</i>
<p>The Iframe below includes the width, height, marginwidth, marginheight, frameborder, and scrolling attributes. These attributes are optional. You can remove these attributes or replace their values.</p>
<p>Modify this template as needed.</p>
<p>To modify the IFrame, you must edit the HTML source code. When editing this template, click <strong>HTML</strong> in the toolbar.</p>
<p>Then modify the example below for your own use.
<li>Replace the value of the <strong>src</strong> attribute of the IFrame with the URL of the tool that you want in your course.
<p><strong>Note</strong>: The URL must start with <strong>https</strong> instead of http, to ensure that the tool appears in all browsers that support IFrames.</p></li>
<li>Replace the value of the <strong>title</strong> attribute with the title of the tool. You <strong>must</strong> include the title to provide an accessible label.</li>
<li>Replace other IFrame attributes as needed. See <a href="http://www.w3.org/wiki/HTML/Elements/iframe" target="_blank">the IFrame specification</a> for more information.</li>
<li>Optionally, replace the text between the opening and closing <strong>iframe</strong> tags.
<pre>Your browser does not support IFrames.</pre>
<p>A learner sees this text if the browser does not support IFrames.</p>
<p>Use the Full Screen Image tool to allow learners to open and zoom in on a larger version of an image in your course.</p>
<p>With the Full Screen Image tool, learners can see the image's details as well as its context within the unit.</p>
<p>To enable users to view the larger image, you wrap the smaller image in a link to the larger version of the image.</p>
<p>The following HTML code shows the format required to use the Full Screen Image tool. For the example in this template, you must replace the values in <i>italics</i>.</p>
<li>Replace the value of the link's <strong>href</strong> attribute with the path to the full size image. Do not change the value of the class attribute.</li>
<li>Replace the value of the image's <strong>src</strong> attribute with the path to the image that will appear in the unit before a learner opens it in full screen mode.</li>
<li>Replace the value of the image's <strong>alt</strong> attribute with text that both describes the image and the action or destination of clicking on the image. You <strong>must</strong> include alt text to provide an accessible label.</li>
<a href="http://static.class.stanford.edu/stanford-hills-big.jpg" class="modal-content"><img alt="An image of the Stanford Hills. Select the image to open it in full screen mode." src="http://static.class.stanford.edu/stanford-hills-small.jpg" /></a>