Commit 14bf7195 by Calen Pennington

Merge pull request #2019 from edx/fix/cale/xmodule-template-docs

Add documentation of xmodule template files
parents 1746c600 799ad92e
......@@ -4,8 +4,18 @@ These templates are used by the CMS to provide baseline content that
can be cloned when adding new modules to a course.
`Template`s are defined in x_module. They contain 3 attributes:
metadata: A dictionary with the template metadata
data: A JSON value that defines the template content
metadata: A dictionary with the template metadata. This should contain
any values for fields
* with scope Scope.settings
* that have values different than the field defaults
* and that are to be editable in Studio
data: A JSON value that defines the template content. This should be a dictionary
containing values for fields
* with scope Scope.content
* that have values different than the field defaults
* and that are to be editable in Studio
or, if the module uses a single Scope.content String field named `data`, this
should be a string containing the contents of that field
children: A list of Location urls that define the template children
Templates are defined on XModuleDescriptor types, in the template attribute.
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