Commit 143217d6 by Valera Rozuvan

Work on adding native spped change for YouTube HTML5. Not complete.

parent bfda8bec
......@@ -89,8 +89,24 @@ class @VideoPlayerAlpha extends SubviewAlpha
onStateChange: (event) =>
_this = this
when @PlayerState.UNSTARTED
if @video.videoType is "youtube"
availableSpeeds = @player.getAvailablePlaybackRates()
console.log @video.videos
if availableSpeeds.length > 1
baseSpeedSubs = @video.videos["1.0"]
$.each @video.videos, (index, value) ->
$.each availableSpeeds, (index, value) ->[value.toFixed(2).replace(/\.00$/, ".0")] = baseSpeedSubs
console.log "UNSTARTED. available speeds = "
console.log availableSpeeds
when @PlayerState.PLAYING
......@@ -30,6 +30,19 @@ class @VideoSpeedControlAlpha extends SubviewAlpha
@$('.video_speeds').prepend($('<li>').attr('data-speed', speed).html(link))
reRender: (newSpeeds) ->
@speeds newSpeeds
console.log "Changing speeds"
console.log @speeds
$.each @speeds, (index, speed) =>
link = $('<a>').attr(href: "#").html("#{speed}x")
@$('.video_speeds').prepend($('<li>').attr('data-speed', speed).html(link))
@$('.video_speeds a').click @changeVideoSpeed
changeVideoSpeed: (event) =>
unless $('active')
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