Commit 12c2e1bf by Usman Khalid

Test TemplateLookup dirs are not cleared during lms startup.

parent 751bd71a
"""Tests for the lms module itself."""
from django.test import TestCase
from edxmako import add_lookup, LOOKUP
from lms import startup
class TemplateLookupTests(TestCase):
Tests for TemplateLookup.
def test_add_lookup_to_main(self):
"""Test that any template directories added are not cleared when microsites are enabled."""
add_lookup('main', 'external_module', __name__)
directories = LOOKUP['main'].directories
self.assertEqual(len([dir for dir in directories if 'external_module' in dir]), 1)
# This should not clear the directories list
directories = LOOKUP['main'].directories
self.assertEqual(len([dir for dir in directories if 'external_module' in dir]), 1)
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