Commit 126747fe by John Eskew

Merge pull request #5960 from edx/jeskew/default_asset_collection_name

Always create an asset metadata collection in the Mongo modulestore.
parents 810df8b7 546d81a8
......@@ -436,6 +436,10 @@ class MongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase, Mongo
A Mongodb backed ModuleStore
# If no name is specified for the asset metadata collection, this name is used.
# TODO (cpennington): Enable non-filesystem filestores
# pylint: disable=C0103
# pylint: disable=W0201
......@@ -474,9 +478,9 @@ class MongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase, Mongo
self.collection = self.database[collection]
# Collection which stores asset metadata.
self.asset_collection = None
if asset_collection is not None:
self.asset_collection = self.database[asset_collection]
if asset_collection is None:
asset_collection = self.DEFAULT_ASSET_COLLECTION_NAME
self.asset_collection = self.database[asset_collection]
if user is not None and password is not None:
self.database.authenticate(user, password)
......@@ -1465,9 +1469,6 @@ class MongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase, Mongo
Asset info for the course
if self.asset_collection is None:
return None
# Using the course_key, find or insert the course asset metadata document.
# A single document exists per course to store the course asset metadata.
course_key = self.fill_in_run(course_key)
......@@ -1493,9 +1494,6 @@ class MongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase, Mongo
True if info save was successful, else False
if self.asset_collection is None:
return False
course_assets, asset_idx = self._find_course_asset(asset_metadata.asset_id)
all_assets = SortedListWithKey([], key=itemgetter('filename'))
# Assets should be pre-sorted, so add them efficiently without sorting.
......@@ -1552,9 +1550,6 @@ class MongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase, Mongo
ItemNotFoundError if no such item exists
AttributeError is attr is one of the build in attrs.
if self.asset_collection is None:
course_assets, asset_idx = self._find_course_asset(asset_key)
if asset_idx is None:
raise ItemNotFoundError(asset_key)
......@@ -1581,9 +1576,6 @@ class MongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase, Mongo
Number of asset metadata entries deleted (0 or 1)
if self.asset_collection is None:
return 0
course_assets, asset_idx = self._find_course_asset(asset_key)
if asset_idx is None:
return 0
......@@ -1607,9 +1599,6 @@ class MongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase, Mongo
course_key (CourseKey): course_identifier
if self.asset_collection is None:
# Using the course_id, find the course asset metadata document.
# A single document exists per course to store the course asset metadata.
course_assets = self._find_course_assets(course_key)
......@@ -93,10 +93,6 @@ class MongoConnection(object):
# Remove when adding official Split support for asset metadata storage.
if asset_collection:
if user is not None and password is not None:
self.database.authenticate(user, password)
......@@ -685,8 +685,8 @@ class TestMongoModuleStoreWithNoAssetCollection(TestMongoModuleStore):
def test_no_asset_collection(self):
courses = self.draft_store.get_courses()
course = courses[0]
# Confirm that no asset collection means no asset metadata.
self.assertEquals(self.draft_store.get_all_asset_metadata(, 'asset'), None)
# Confirm that no specified asset collection name means empty asset metadata.
self.assertEquals(self.draft_store.get_all_asset_metadata(, 'asset'), [])
class TestMongoKeyValueStore(object):
......@@ -570,7 +570,9 @@ DOC_STORE_CONFIG = {
'host': 'localhost',
'db': 'xmodule',
'collection': 'modulestore',
'asset_collection': 'assetstore',
# If 'asset_collection' defined, it'll be used
# as the collection name for asset metadata.
# Otherwise, a default collection name will be used.
'default': {
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