Commit 11f48207 by Piotr Mitros

Minor change -- disable caching on DEV machines

parent 12c3c4cc
......@@ -194,7 +194,11 @@ def course_file(user):
cache_key = filename + "_processed?dev_content:" + str(options['dev_content']) + "&groups:" + str(sorted(groups))
tree_string = cache.get(fasthash(cache_key))
if "dev" not in settings.DEFAULT_GROUPS:
tree_string = cache.get(fasthash(cache_key))
tree_string = None
if not tree_string:
tree = course_xml_process(etree.XML(render_to_string(filename, options, namespace = 'course')))
tree_string = etree.tostring(tree)
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