Commit 11db1190 by Carlos Andrés Rocha Committed by Victor Shnayder

WIP Save edit-a-molecule state in input field

Also add reset button and fix run condition from the GWT loader in Firefox
parent 41cce2d8
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
<object type="application/x-java-applet" id="applet_${id}" class="applet" height="400" width="500">
<param name="archive" value="/static/applets/capa/editamolecule/JME.jar" />
<param name="code" value="JME.class" />
<param name="file" value="${file}" />
<param name="molfile" value="${file}" />
Applet failed to run. No Java plug-in was found.
......@@ -34,8 +34,11 @@
% endif
<button id="reset_${id}" class="reset">Reset</button>
<p id="answer_${id}" class="answer"></p>
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'incomplete']:
% endif
% endif
(function () {
var timeout = 1000;
var timeout = 100;
var applets = $('.editamoleculeinput object');
var input_field = $('.editamoleculeinput input');
var reset_button = $('.editamoleculeinput button.reset');
console.log('EDIT A MOLECULE');
// FIXME: [rocha] jsmolcalc and jsmol.API should be initialized
// automatically by the GWT script loader. However, it is not
// working correcly when including them inside the
// courseware.
function waitForJSMolCalc() {
if (typeof(jsmolcalc) != "undefined" && jsmolcalc)
// FIXME: [rocha] this should be called automatically by
// GWT at the end of the loader. However it is not.
if (typeof(jsmol) != "undefined") {
// ready, initialize applets,
applets.each(function(i, el) { initializeApplet(el); });
} else if (timeout > 30 * 1000) {
console.error("JSMolCalc did not load on time.");
} else {
console.log("Waiting for JSMolCalc...");
setTimeout(function() {
waitForJSMolCalc(); }, timeout);
function initializeApplet(applet) {
console.log("Initializing " + applet);
console.log("Initializing applet..." );
waitForApplet(applet, configureApplet);
function waitForApplet(applet) {
function waitForApplet(applet, callback) {
if (applet.isActive && applet.isActive()) {
console.log("Applet is ready.");
} else if (timeout > 30 * 1000) {
console.error("Applet did not load on time.");
} else {
console.log("Waiting for applet...");
setTimeout(function() { waitForApplet(applet); }, timeout);
setTimeout(function() {
waitForApplet(applet, callback); }, timeout);
function requestAppletData(applet) {
var file = $(applet).find('param[name=file]').attr('value');
function configureApplet(applet) {
var value = input_field.val();
if (value) {
console.log('Loading previous mol data...');
var data = JSON.parse(value)["mol"];
loadAppletData(applet, data);
} else {
reset_button.on('click', function() { requestAppletData(applet); });
console.log("Getting file url...");
// FIXME: [rocha] This is a hack to capture the click on the check
// button and update the hidden field with the applet values
var check_button = $(applet).parents('.problem').find('input.check');
check_button.on('click', function() { updateInput(applet); });
function requestAppletData(applet) {
var molFile = $(applet).find('param[name=molfile]').attr('value');
console.log("Loading mol data...");
console.log("Loading mol data from " + molFile + " ...");
url: file,
url: molFile,
dataType: "text",
success: function(data) {
......@@ -40,13 +89,7 @@
function loadAppletData(applet, data) {
function updateAppletInfo(applet) {
var info = getAppletInfo(applet);
return info;
function getAppletInfo(applet) {
......@@ -57,22 +100,31 @@
return jsmol.API.getInfo(mol, smiles, jme);
console.log('EDIT A MOLECULE');
function updateInput(applet) {
var mol = applet.molFile();
var smiles = applet.smiles();
var jme = applet.jmeFile();
// FIXME: [rocha] This should be called automatically by the GWT
// script loader, but for some reason it is not.
var info = formatInfo(jsmol.API.getInfo(mol, smiles, jme).toString());
var value = { mol: mol, info: info };
// FIXME: [rocha] This is a hack to capture the click on the check
// button and update the hidden field with the applet values
var check = $('.editamoleculeinput').parents('.problem').find('input.check');
check.on('click', function() {console.log("CLICK");});
console.log("Molecule info:");
// TODO: [rocha] add function to update hidden field
// TODO: [rocha] load state from hidden field if available
// initialize applet
var applets = $('.editamoleculeinput object');
applets.each(function(i, el) { initializeApplet(el); });
return value;
function formatInfo(info) {
var results = [];
// create a te
var fragment = $('<div>').append(info);
fragment.find('font').each(function () {
return results;
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