Commit 11762146 by M. Rehan

Merge pull request #10617 from edx/mrehan/TNL-3477

Fix: Disable capa buttons to protect against race condition that may occur between two competing AJAX calls.
parents 132068ea c6abe16d
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<span id="display_example_1"></span>
<span id="input_example_1_dynamath"></span>
<button class="check">Check</button>
<button class="check Check" data-checking="Checking..." data-value="Check"><span class="check-label">Check</span><span class="sr"> your answer</span></button>
<button class="reset">Reset</button>
<button class="save">Save</button>
<button class="show"><span class="show-label">Show Answer(s)</span> <span class="sr">(for question(s) above - adjacent to each field)</span></button>
......@@ -198,17 +198,55 @@ describe 'Problem', ->
expect(@problem.el.html()).toEqual 'Incorrect!'
it 'tests if all the capa buttons are disabled while checking', ->
runs ->
spyOn($, 'postWithPrefix').andCallFake (url, answers, callback) ->
callback(success: 'incorrect', contents: 'Incorrect!')
promise =
always: (callable) -> callable()
done: (callable) -> callable()
spyOn @problem, 'enableAllButtons'
expect(@problem.enableAllButtons).toHaveBeenCalledWith false, true
waitsFor (->
return == 0
), "jQuery requests finished", 1000
runs ->
expect(@problem.enableAllButtons).toHaveBeenCalledWith true, true
it 'tests the expected change in text of check button', ->
runs ->
spyOn($, 'postWithPrefix').andCallFake (url, answers, callback) ->
promise =
always: (callable) -> callable()
done: (callable) -> callable()
spyOn @problem.checkButtonLabel, 'text'
expect(@problem.checkButtonLabel.text).toHaveBeenCalledWith 'Checking...'
waitsFor (->
return == 0
), "jQuery requests finished", 1000
runs ->
expect(@problem.checkButtonLabel.text).toHaveBeenCalledWith 'Check'
describe 'reset', ->
beforeEach ->
@problem = new Problem($('.xblock-student_view'))
it 'log the problem_reset event', ->
spyOn($, 'postWithPrefix').andCallFake (url, answers, callback) ->
promise =
always: (callable) -> callable()
@problem.answers = 'foo=1&bar=2'
expect(Logger.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith 'problem_reset', 'foo=1&bar=2'
it 'POST to the problem reset page', ->
spyOn $, 'postWithPrefix'
spyOn($, 'postWithPrefix').andCallFake (url, answers, callback) ->
promise =
always: (callable) -> callable()
expect($.postWithPrefix).toHaveBeenCalledWith '/problem/Problem1/problem_reset',
{ id: 'i4x://edX/101/problem/Problem1' }, jasmine.any(Function)
......@@ -216,9 +254,28 @@ describe 'Problem', ->
it 'render the returned content', ->
spyOn($, 'postWithPrefix').andCallFake (url, answers, callback) ->
callback html: "Reset!"
promise =
always: (callable) -> callable()
expect(@problem.el.html()).toEqual 'Reset!'
it 'tests if all the buttons are disabled and the text of check button remains same while resetting', ->
runs ->
spyOn($, 'postWithPrefix').andCallFake (url, answers, callback) ->
promise =
always: (callable) -> callable()
spyOn @problem, 'enableAllButtons'
expect(@problem.enableAllButtons).toHaveBeenCalledWith false, false
expect(@problem.checkButtonLabel).toHaveText 'Check'
waitsFor (->
return == 0
), "jQuery requests finished", 1000
runs ->
expect(@problem.enableAllButtons).toHaveBeenCalledWith true, false
expect(@problem.checkButtonLabel).toHaveText 'Check'
describe 'show', ->
beforeEach ->
@problem = new Problem($('.xblock-student_view'))
......@@ -518,18 +575,26 @@ describe 'Problem', ->
@problem.answers = 'foo=1&bar=2'
it 'log the problem_save event', ->
spyOn($, 'postWithPrefix').andCallFake (url, answers, callback) ->
promise =
always: (callable) -> callable()
expect(Logger.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith 'problem_save', 'foo=1&bar=2'
it 'POST to save problem', ->
spyOn $, 'postWithPrefix'
spyOn($, 'postWithPrefix').andCallFake (url, answers, callback) ->
promise =
always: (callable) -> callable()
expect($.postWithPrefix).toHaveBeenCalledWith '/problem/Problem1/problem_save',
'foo=1&bar=2', jasmine.any(Function)
it 'reads the save message', ->
runs ->
spyOn($, 'postWithPrefix').andCallFake (url, answers, callback) -> callback(success: 'OK')
spyOn($, 'postWithPrefix').andCallFake (url, answers, callback) ->
callback(success: 'OK')
promise =
always: (callable) -> callable()
waitsFor (->
return == 0
......@@ -538,6 +603,24 @@ describe 'Problem', ->
runs ->
it 'tests if all the buttons are disabled and the text of check button does not change while saving.', ->
runs ->
spyOn($, 'postWithPrefix').andCallFake (url, answers, callback) ->
callback(success: 'OK')
promise =
always: (callable) -> callable()
spyOn @problem, 'enableAllButtons'
expect(@problem.enableAllButtons).toHaveBeenCalledWith false, false
expect(@problem.checkButtonLabel).toHaveText 'Check'
waitsFor (->
return == 0
), "jQuery requests finished", 1000
runs ->
expect(@problem.enableAllButtons).toHaveBeenCalledWith true, false
expect(@problem.checkButtonLabel).toHaveText 'Check'
describe 'refreshMath', ->
beforeEach ->
@problem = new Problem($('.xblock-student_view'))
......@@ -32,11 +32,15 @@ class @Problem
@checkButtonCheckText = @checkButtonLabel.text()
@checkButtonCheckingText ='checking') @check_fd
@hintButton = @$('div.action button.hint-button') @hint_button
@resetButton = @$('div.action button.reset') @reset
@showButton = @$('div.action') @show
@saveButton = @$('div.action') @save
@$('div.action button.hint-button').click @hint_button
@$('div.action button.reset').click @reset
@$('div.action').click @show
@$('div.action').click @save
# Accessibility helper for sighted keyboard users to show <clarification> tooltips on focus:
@$('.clarification').focus (ev) =>
icon = $( "i"
......@@ -301,16 +305,11 @@ class @Problem
check: =>
if not @check_save_waitfor(@check_internal)
@disableAllButtonsWhileRunning @check_internal, true
check_internal: =>
@enableCheckButton false
timeout_id = @enableCheckButtonAfterTimeout()
Logger.log 'problem_check', @answers
$.postWithPrefix("#{@url}/problem_check", @answers, (response) =>
$.postWithPrefix "#{@url}/problem_check", @answers, (response) =>
switch response.success
when 'incorrect', 'correct'
......@@ -322,9 +321,11 @@ class @Problem
@gentle_alert response.success
Logger.log 'problem_graded', [@answers, response.contents], @id
reset: =>
@disableAllButtonsWhileRunning @reset_internal, false
reset_internal: =>
Logger.log 'problem_reset', @answers
$.postWithPrefix "#{@url}/problem_reset", id: @id, (response) =>
......@@ -409,7 +410,7 @@ class @Problem
save: =>
if not @check_save_waitfor(@save_internal)
@disableAllButtonsWhileRunning @save_internal, false
save_internal: =>
Logger.log 'problem_save', @answers
......@@ -674,16 +675,56 @@ class @Problem
element = $(element)
enableCheckButton: (enable) =>
disableAllButtonsWhileRunning: (operationCallback, isFromCheckOperation) =>
# Used to keep the buttons disabled while operationCallback is running.
# params:
# 'operationCallback' is an operation to be run.
# 'isFromCheckOperation' is a boolean to keep track if 'operationCallback' was
# @check, if so then text of check button will be changed as well.
@enableAllButtons false, isFromCheckOperation
operationCallback().always =>
@enableAllButtons true, isFromCheckOperation
enableAllButtons: (enable, isFromCheckOperation) =>
# Used to enable/disable all buttons in problem.
# params:
# 'enable' is a boolean to determine enabling/disabling of buttons.
# 'isFromCheckOperation' is a boolean to keep track if operation was initiated
# from @check so that text of check button will also be changed while disabling/enabling
# the check button.
if enable
.attr({'aria-disabled': 'false'})
.attr({'aria-disabled': 'true'})
@enableCheckButton enable, isFromCheckOperation
enableCheckButton: (enable, changeText = true) =>
# Used to disable check button to reduce chance of accidental double-submissions.
# params:
# 'enable' is a boolean to determine enabling/disabling of check button.
# 'changeText' is a boolean to determine if there is need to change the
# text of check button as well.
if enable
@checkButton.removeClass 'is-disabled'
@checkButton.attr({'aria-disabled': 'false'})
if changeText
@checkButton.addClass 'is-disabled'
@checkButton.attr({'aria-disabled': 'true'})
if changeText
enableCheckButtonAfterResponse: =>
@has_response = true
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