Commit 0fb8a7b1 by Piotr Mitros

Middleware password fix. Needs Cale's cleanup

parent 50a362a2
......@@ -12,8 +12,32 @@ class TrackMiddleware:
if request.META['PATH_INFO'] in ['/event', '/login']:
event = { 'GET' : dict(request.GET),
'POST' : dict(request.POST)}
# Removes passwords from the tracking logs
# WARNING: This list needs to be changed whenever we change
# password handling functionality.
# As of the time of this comment, only 'password' is used
# The rest are there for future extension.
# Passwords should never be sent as GET requests, but
# this can happen due to older browser bugs. We censor
# this too.
# We should manually confirm no passwords make it into log
# files when we change this.
censored_strings = ['password', 'newpassword', 'new_password',
'oldpassword', 'old_password']
post_dict = dict(request.POST)
get_dict = dict(request.GET)
for string in censored_strings:
if string in post_dict:
post_dict[string] = '*'*8
if string in get_dict:
get_dict[string] = '*'*8
event = { 'GET' : dict(get_dict),
'POST' : dict(post_dict)}
# TODO: Confirm no large file uploads
event = json.dumps(event)
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