Commit 0f90b927 by Christine Lytwynec

Add skip_clean option to pa11ycrawler

parent 86a96b5a
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ __test__ = False # do not collect
('test_spec=', 't', 'Specific test to run'),
('fasttest', 'a', 'Skip some setup'),
('skip_clean', 'C', 'Skip cleaning repository before running tests'),
('serversonly', 'r', 'Prepare suite and leave servers running'),
('testsonly', 'o', 'Assume servers are running and execute tests only'),
('extra_args=', 'e', 'adds as extra args to the test command'),
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ paver a11y_coverage
if [ "$RUN_PA11YCRAWLER" = "1" ]
echo "Running pa11ycrawler against test course..."
paver pa11ycrawler --fasttest --fetch-course --with-html
paver pa11ycrawler --fasttest --skip_clean --fetch-course --with-html
echo "Generating coverage report..."
paver pa11ycrawler_coverage
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