Commit 0ee9a724 by Diana Huang

Merge pull request #2432 from edx/diana/error-module-i18n

Clean up strings in the ErrorModule
parents 27b2ff7e 40deaa50
......@@ -83,6 +83,11 @@ class ErrorDescriptor(ErrorFields, XModuleDescriptor):
def _construct(cls, system, contents, error_msg, location):
location = Location(location)
if error_msg is None:
# this string is not marked for translation because we don't have
# access to the user context, and this will only be seen by staff
error_msg = 'Error not available'
if location.category == 'error':
location = location.replace(
# Pick a unique url_name -- the sha1 hash of the contents.
......@@ -97,7 +102,6 @@ class ErrorDescriptor(ErrorFields, XModuleDescriptor):
field_data = DictFieldData({
'error_msg': str(error_msg),
'contents': contents,
'display_name': 'Error: ' + location.url(),
'location': location,
'category': 'error'
......@@ -125,7 +129,7 @@ class ErrorDescriptor(ErrorFields, XModuleDescriptor):
def from_descriptor(cls, descriptor, error_msg='Error not available'):
def from_descriptor(cls, descriptor, error_msg=None):
return cls._construct(
......@@ -135,7 +139,7 @@ class ErrorDescriptor(ErrorFields, XModuleDescriptor):
def from_xml(cls, xml_data, system, id_generator, # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
error_msg='Error not available'):
'''Create an instance of this descriptor from the supplied data.
Does not require that xml_data be parseable--just stores it and exports
......@@ -154,7 +158,7 @@ class ErrorDescriptor(ErrorFields, XModuleDescriptor):
if error_node is not None:
error_msg = error_node.text
error_msg = 'Error not available'
error_msg = None
except etree.XMLSyntaxError:
# Save the error to display later--overrides other problems
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