Commit 0e172524 by Will Daly

Disable problem editor test

parent c4434cb1
......@@ -90,12 +90,12 @@ Feature: CMS.Problem Editor
Then my change to the High Level Source is persisted
And when I view the High Level Source I see my changes
Scenario: Exceptions don't cause problem to be uneditable (bug STUD-786)
Given I have an empty course
And I go to the import page
And I import the file "get_html_exception_test.tar.gz"
When I go to the unit "Probability and BMI"
And I click on "edit a draft"
Then I see a message that says "We're having trouble rendering your component"
And I can edit the problem
# Disabled 10/28/13 due to flakiness observed in master
# Scenario: Exceptions don't cause problem to be uneditable (bug STUD-786)
#Given I have an empty course
#And I go to the import page
#And I import the file "get_html_exception_test.tar.gz"
#When I go to the unit "Probability and BMI"
#And I click on "edit a draft"
#Then I see a message that says "We're having trouble rendering your component"
#And I can edit the problem
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