Commit 0dbe63bc by ichuang

remove quickedit link from accordion (no need for manual gitreload anymore)

now using github WebHook
parent 923a47d7
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
% endfor
## add a link to allow course.xml to be reloaded from the git content repo
% if settings.QUICKEDIT:
<h3><a href="#">quickedit</a></h3>
<ul><li><a href="${MITX_ROOT_URL}/quickedit/course.xml">gitreload</a></li></ul>
% endif
##% if settings.QUICKEDIT:
## <h3><a href="#">quickedit</a></h3>
## <ul><li><a href="${MITX_ROOT_URL}/quickedit/course.xml">gitreload</a></li></ul>
##% endif
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