varimageDialogText=gettext("<p><b>Insert Image (upload file or type url)</b></p><p> \"optional title\"<br><br></p>");
<p>${_("We are always seeking feedback to improve our courses. If you are an enrolled student and have any questions, feedback, suggestions, or any other issues specific to a particular class, please post on the discussion forums of that class.")}</p>
<h2>${_("General Inquiries and Feedback")}</h2>
<p>${_('If you have a general question about {platform_name} please email <ahref="mailto:{contact_email}">{contact_email}</a>. To see if your question has already been answered, visit our {faq_link_start}FAQ page{faq_link_end}. You can also join the discussion on our {fb_link_start}facebook page{fb_link_end}. Though we may not have a chance to respond to every email, we take all feedback into consideration.').format(
<p>${_('If you have suggestions/feedback about the overall {platform_name} platform, or are facing general technical issues with the platform (e.g., issues with email addresses and passwords), you can reach us at <ahref="mailto:{tech_email}">{tech_email}</a>. For technical questions, please make sure you are using a current version of Firefox or Chrome, and include browser and version in your e-mail, as well as screenshots or other pertinent details. If you find a bug or other issues, you can reach us at the following: <ahref="mailto:{bugs_email}">{bugs_email}</a>.').format(
${_('If you have suggestions/feedback about the overall {platform_name} platform, '
'or are facing general technical issues with the platform (e.g., issues with email '
'addresses and passwords), you can reach us at {tech_email}. For technical questions, '
'please make sure you are using a current version of Firefox or Chrome, and include '
'browser and version in your e-mail, as well as screenshots or other pertinent details. '
'If you find a bug or other issues, you can reach us at the following: {bugs_email}.').format(
<p>${_('Please visit our {link_start}media/press page{link_end} for more information. For any media or press inquiries, please email {email}.').format(
<p>${_('If you are a university wishing to collaborate with or if you have questions about {platform_name}, please email {email}.').format(email='<ahref=""></a>', platform_name="edX")}</p>
${_('If you are a university wishing to collaborate with or if you have questions about {platform_name}, please email {email}.').format(
<h1>${_('There has been an error on the {span_start}{platform_name}{span_end} servers').format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME, span_start='<spanclass="edx">', span_end='</span>')}</h1>
<p>${_("We're sorry, this module is temporarily unavailable. Our staff is working to fix it as soon as possible. Please email us at '<ahref=\"mailto:{tech_support_email}\">{tech_support_email}</a>' to report any problems or downtime.").format(tech_support_email=settings.TECH_SUPPORT_EMAIL)}</p>
${_('There has been an error on the {platform_name} servers').format(
${_('To continue in the ID Verified track in {course_name}, you need to re-verify your identity by {date}.').format(course_name="<strong>" + item.course_name + "</strong>",}
${_('To continue in the ID Verified track in {course_name}, you need to re-verify your identity by {date}.').format(
${_('Your re-verification for {course_name} failed and you are no longer eligible for a Verified Certificate. If you think this is in error, please contact us at {email}.').format(course_name="<strong>" + item.course_name+ "</strong>", email='<aclass="contact-link"href="mailto:{email}">{email}</a>'.format(
${_('Your re-verification for {course_name} failed and you are no longer eligible for a Verified Certificate. If you think this is in error, please contact us at {email}.').format(
<h1>${_("There has been an error on the <em>{platform_name}</em> servers").format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)}</h1>
<p>${_("We're sorry, this module is temporarily unavailable. Our staff is working to fix it as soon as possible. Please email us at <ahref=\"mailto:{tech_support_email}\">{tech_support_email}</a> to report any problems or downtime.").format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME, tech_support_email=settings.TECH_SUPPORT_EMAIL)}</p>
${_("There has been an error on the {platform_name} servers").format(
<h2>${_('Sign Up for {span_start}{platform_name}{span_end}').format(span_start='<spanclass="edx">', span_end='</span>', platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)}</h2>
<h1>${_("Currently the <em>{platform_name}</em> servers are down").format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)}</h1>
<p>${_("Our staff is currently working to get the site back up as soon as possible. Please email us at <ahref=\"mailto:{tech_support_email}\">{tech_support_email}</a> to report any problems or downtime.").format(settings.TECH_SUPPORT_EMAIL)}</p>
${_("Currently the {platform_name} servers are down").format(
<h1>${_("Currently the <em>{platform_name}</em> servers are overloaded").format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)}</h1>
<p>${_("Our staff is currently working to get the site back up as soon as possible. Please email us at <ahref=\"mailto:{tech_support_email}\">{tech_support_email}</a> to report any problems or downtime.").format(tech_support_email=settings.TECH_SUPPORT_EMAIL)}</p>
${_("Currently the {platform_name} servers are overloaded").format(