Commit 0c699182 by Chris Dodge

move test so it doesn't split the tests from a helper method

parent d9ce3162
......@@ -108,17 +108,6 @@ class ContentStoreToyCourseTest(ModuleStoreTestCase):
for expected in expected_types:
self.assertIn(expected, resp.content)
def test_malformed_edit_unit_request(self):
store = modulestore('direct')
import_from_xml(store, 'common/test/data/', ['simple'])
# just pick one vertical
descriptor = store.get_items(Location('i4x', 'edX', 'simple', 'vertical', None, None))[0]
location = descriptor.location._replace(name='.' +
resp = self.client.get(reverse('edit_unit', kwargs={'location': location.url()}))
self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 400)
def test_advanced_components_in_edit_unit(self):
# This could be made better, but for now let's just assert that we see the advanced modules mentioned in the page
# response HTML
......@@ -131,6 +120,17 @@ class ContentStoreToyCourseTest(ModuleStoreTestCase):
def test_advanced_components_require_two_clicks(self):
self.check_components_on_page(['videoalpha'], ['Video Alpha'])
def test_malformed_edit_unit_request(self):
store = modulestore('direct')
import_from_xml(store, 'common/test/data/', ['simple'])
# just pick one vertical
descriptor = store.get_items(Location('i4x', 'edX', 'simple', 'vertical', None, None))[0]
location = descriptor.location._replace(name='.' +
resp = self.client.get(reverse('edit_unit', kwargs={'location': location.url()}))
self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 400)
def check_edit_unit(self, test_course_name):
import_from_xml(modulestore('direct'), 'common/test/data/', [test_course_name])
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