Commit 0bf85992 by ichuang

psychometrics djangoapp

parent ab0a58fb
django admin pages for courseware model
from psychometrics.models import *
from django.contrib import admin
# generate pyschometrics data from tracking logs and student module data
import os, sys, string
import datetime
import json
from courseware.models import *
from track.models import *
from psychometrics.models import *
from xmodule.modulestore import Location
from import BaseCommand
#db = "ocwtutor" # for debugging
db = "default"
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = "initialize PsychometricData tables from StudentModule instances (and tracking data, if in SQL)."
help += "Note this is done for all courses for which StudentModule instances exist."
def handle(self, *args, **options):
# delete all pmd
smset = StudentModule.objects.using(db).exclude(max_grade=None)
for sm in smset:
url = sm.module_state_key
location = Location(url)
if not location.category=="problem":
state = json.loads(sm.state)
done = state['done']
print "Oops, failed to eval state for %s (state=%s)" % (sm,sm.state)
if done: # only keep if problem completed
pmd = PsychometricData.objects.using(db).get(studentmodule=sm)
except PsychometricData.DoesNotExist:
pmd = PsychometricData(studentmodule=sm)
pmd.done = done
pmd.attempts = state['attempts']
# get attempt times from tracking log
uname = sm.student.username
tset = TrackingLog.objects.using(db).filter(username=uname, event_type__contains='save_problem_check')
tset = tset.filter(event_source='server')
tset = tset.filter(event__contains="'%s'" % url)
checktimes = [x.dtcreated for x in tset]
pmd.checktimes = json.dumps(checktimes)
if not len(checktimes)==pmd.attempts:
print "Oops, mismatch in number of attempts and check times for %s" % pmd
#print pmd
print "%d PMD entries" % PsychometricData.objects.using(db).all().count()
# db model for psychometrics data
# this data is collected in real time
from django.db import models
from courseware.models import StudentModule
class PsychometricData(models.Model):
This data is a table linking student, module, and module performance,
including number of attempts, grade, max grade, and time of checks.
Links to instances of StudentModule, but only those for capa problems.
Note that StudentModule.module_state_key is nominally a Location instance (url string).
That means it is of the form {tag}://{org}/{course}/{category}/{name}[@{revision}]
and for capa problems, category = "problem".
checktimes is extracted from tracking logs, or added by capa module via psychometrics callback.
studentmodule = models.ForeignKey(StudentModule, db_index=True, unique=True) # contains student, module_state_key, course_id
done = models.BooleanField(default=False)
attempts = models.IntegerField(default=0) # extracted from studentmodule.state
checktimes = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) # internally stored as list of datetime objects
# keep in mind
# grade = studentmodule.grade
# max_grade = studentmodule.max_grade
# student = studentmodule.student
# course_id = studentmodule.course_id
# location = studentmodule.module_state_key
def __unicode__(self):
sm = self.studentmodule
return "[PsychometricData] %s url=%s, grade=%s, max=%s, attempts=%s, ct=%s" % (sm.student,
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