Commit 0b884cc3 by zubiar-arbi

save dates on enter key press

parent 4b25f4e6
......@@ -203,16 +203,21 @@ def add_subsection(name='Subsection One'):
def set_date_and_time(date_css, desired_date, time_css, desired_time):
world.css_fill(date_css, desired_date)
# hit TAB to get to the time field
e = world.css_find(date_css).first
# pylint: disable=W0212
world.css_fill(time_css, desired_time)
e = world.css_find(time_css).first
def set_date_and_time(date_css, desired_date, time_css, desired_time, key=None):
set_element_value(date_css, desired_date, key)
set_element_value(time_css, desired_time, key)
def set_element_value(element_css, element_value, key=None):
element = world.css_find(element_css).first
# hit TAB or provided key to trigger save content
if key is not None:
element._element.send_keys(getattr(Keys, key)) # pylint: disable=protected-access
element._element.send_keys(Keys.TAB) # pylint: disable=protected-access
@step('I have enabled the (.*) advanced module$')
......@@ -38,6 +38,14 @@ Feature: CMS.Create Subsection
Then I see the subsection release date is 12/25/2011 03:00
And I see the subsection due date is 01/02/2012 04:00
Scenario: Set release and due dates of subsection on enter
Given I have opened a new subsection in Studio
And I set the subsection release date on enter to 04/04/2014 03:00
And I set the subsection due date on enter to 04/04/2014 04:00
And I reload the page
Then I see the subsection release date is 04/04/2014 03:00
And I see the subsection due date is 04/04/2014 04:00
Scenario: Delete a subsection
Given I have opened a new course section in Studio
And I have added a new subsection
......@@ -55,26 +55,28 @@ def i_see_complete_subsection_name_with_quote_in_editor(step):
@step('I set the subsection release date to ([0-9/-]+)( [0-9:]+)?')
def set_subsection_release_date(_step, datestring, timestring):
if hasattr(timestring, "strip"):
timestring = timestring.strip()
if not timestring:
timestring = "00:00"
'input#start_date', datestring,
'input#start_time', timestring)
set_subsection_date('input#start_date', datestring, 'input#start_time', timestring)
@step('I set the subsection release date on enter to ([0-9/-]+)( [0-9:]+)?')
def set_subsection_release_date_on_enter(_step, datestring, timestring): # pylint: disable-msg=invalid-name
set_subsection_date('input#start_date', datestring, 'input#start_time', timestring, 'ENTER')
@step('I set the subsection due date to ([0-9/-]+)( [0-9:]+)?')
def set_subsection_due_date(_step, datestring, timestring):
if hasattr(timestring, "strip"):
timestring = timestring.strip()
if not timestring:
timestring = "00:00"
if not world.css_visible('input#due_date'):
world.css_click('.due-date-input .set-date')
'input#due_date', datestring,
'input#due_time', timestring)
set_subsection_date('input#due_date', datestring, 'input#due_time', timestring)
@step('I set the subsection due date on enter to ([0-9/-]+)( [0-9:]+)?')
def set_subsection_due_date_on_enter(_step, datestring, timestring): # pylint: disable-msg=invalid-name
if not world.css_visible('input#due_date'):
world.css_click('.due-date-input .set-date')
set_subsection_date('input#due_date', datestring, 'input#due_time', timestring, 'ENTER')
@step('I mark it as Homework$')
......@@ -147,3 +149,12 @@ def see_subsection_name(name):
assert world.is_css_present(css)
css = 'span.subsection-name-value'
assert world.css_has_text(css, name)
def set_subsection_date(date_css, datestring, time_css, timestring, key=None):
if hasattr(timestring, "strip"):
timestring = timestring.strip()
if not timestring:
timestring = "00:00"
set_date_and_time(date_css, datestring, time_css, timestring, key)
require(["domReady", "jquery", "underscore", "gettext", "js/views/feedback_notification", "js/views/feedback_prompt",
"js/utils/get_date", "js/utils/module", "js/utils/handle_iframe_binding", "jquery.ui", "jquery.leanModal", "jquery.form", "jquery.smoothScroll"],
function(domReady, $, _, gettext, NotificationView, PromptView, DateUtils, ModuleUtils, IframeUtils) {
"js/utils/get_date", "js/utils/module", "js/utils/handle_iframe_binding", "js/utils/change_on_enter", "jquery.ui",
"jquery.leanModal", "jquery.form", "jquery.smoothScroll"],
function(domReady, $, _, gettext, NotificationView, PromptView, DateUtils, ModuleUtils, IframeUtils, TriggerChangeEventOnEnter)
var $body;
var $newComponentItem;
......@@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ domReady(function() {
$('.subsection-display-name-input').each(function() {
this.val = $(this).val();
$("#start_date, #start_time, #due_date, #due_time").bind('change', autosaveInput);
$("#start_date, #start_time, #due_date, #due_time").change(autosaveInput).keyup(TriggerChangeEventOnEnter)
$('.sync-date, .remove-date').bind('click', autosaveInput);
// expand/collapse methods for optional date setters
define(["jquery"], function($) {
// Trigger "Change" event on "Enter" keyup event
var triggerChangeEventOnEnter = function (e) {
if(e.which == 13)
return triggerChangeEventOnEnter;
define(["js/views/validation", "codemirror", "underscore", "jquery", "jquery.ui", "tzAbbr", "js/models/uploads", "js/views/uploads", "jquery.timepicker", "date"],
function(ValidatingView, CodeMirror, _, $, ui, tzAbbr, FileUploadModel, FileUploadDialog) {
define(["js/views/validation", "codemirror", "underscore", "jquery", "jquery.ui", "tzAbbr", "js/models/uploads",
"js/views/uploads", "js/utils/change_on_enter", "jquery.timepicker", "date"],
function(ValidatingView, CodeMirror, _, $, ui, tzAbbr, FileUploadModel, FileUploadDialog, TriggerChangeEventOnEnter) {
var DetailsView = ValidatingView.extend({
// Model class is CMS.Models.Settings.CourseDetails
......@@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ var DetailsView = ValidatingView.extend({
// Using the change event causes setfield to be triggered twice, but it is necessary
// to pick up when the date is typed directly in the field.
timefield.on('changeTime', setfield);
timefield.on('input', setfield);
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